
Navigation Controller strategy with an Address Book picker

So I'd like to have a user select a contact using the People Picker and THEN enter some custom data once a contact has been successfully selected. Simple enough. My question is where is the best place for my <ABPeoplePickerNavigationControllerDelegate>?  Should I put it in the RootViewController which is the delegate to the view with th...

Creating a circually linked list in C#?

What would be the best way to create a circually linked list in C#. Should I derive it from the LinkedList< T> collection? I'm planning on creating a simple address book using this Linked List to store my contacts (it's gonna be a suck-y address book, but I don't care cause I'll be the only one to use it). I mainly just want to create th...

Is there any way to get the "Me" card from iPhone Address Book API?

So I'm stumped on this one. In Mac OS X there is an easy way to get the "Me" card (the owner of the Mac/account) from the built-in address book API. Has anyone found a way to find out which contact (if it exists) belongs to the owner of the iPhone? ...

My iPhone Simulator 3.0 AddressBook is empty!

Anyone know how to repopulate my Simlator's AddressBook with Johnny Appleseed, etc? Or, my own data. Doesn't matter.. It's just that it's somehow empty now and useless for testing. ...

How do I get the groups belonging to a person ABAddressBook

hi, Is there a way to get all groups from the AddressBook belonging to a person without looping through all groups? thanks ...

how to get around lack of 'add' button in ABPeoplePickerNavigationController?

My app needs to associate instances of a custom class with contact records in the iPhone's AddressBook. Everything's all well and good when I present the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController and allow the user to pick an existing contact. Problem is there's no obvious way to allow a user to easily ADD a contact record if the one they're lo...

Read label for non multivalue properties in ABAddressBook (iPhone)

Hi, is there a way to read the label of non multivalue properties? For multivalue properties this is very convenient as I don't have to care about localization... but what about birthday label ? ...

Is it possible to access the Mac Address book API from pure Java?

Just wondering if it is possible to access the Mac OS X Address Book API's from pure Java 6 code? I want to keep this completely platform independent as my program is built for Windows & Linux also (open source & free: Any help is much appreciated! ...

Pushing a ABUnknownPersonViewController onto a navigation controller results in having no Navigation Bar - Any ideas?

Hi There, I'm working with the Address Book UI API on iPhone SDK 3.0. I want to present to the user the ability to create a new user, or add to an existing one, so I am using the ABUnknownPersonViewController. I have an existing navigation stack (with only 2 other views on it). Trouble is when I push the ABUnknownPersonViewController ...

Import Address Book from Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo using C# and ASP.NET

Hi can somebody tell me how to import all of my contacts from gmail, yahoo, hotmail and so on.. and i want to send an invitation for all my contacts? How can i achieve this? Thank you, Nagu ...

iPhone Address Book ModalView Customization

Hi everyone! I have a quick question I was hoping someone here with more experience could shed some light on. I am currently using the AddressBookUI framework (basically ABPeoplePickerNavigationController) to display a list of contacts from which a user may select one and drill down to the contact details view. Something really ordinar...

Address Book thread safety and performance

My sense from the Address Book documentation and my understanding of the underlying CoreData implementation suggests that Address Book should be thread safe, and making queries from multiple threads should pose no problems. But I'm having trouble finding any explicit discussion of thread safety in the docs. This raises a few questions: ...

ABPersonSetImageData doesn't display image

Hello, I use ABUnknownPersonViewController to display a contact view. I try to set an image with: NSData *dataRef = UIImagePNGRepresentation([UIImage imageNamed:@"contact3.png"]); ABPersonSetImageData(newPersonViewController.displayedPerson, (CFDataRef)dataRef, nil); It doesn't work and I don't know why. Any ideas? ...

iPhone SDK: EXC_BAD_ACCESS with CFRelease for ABAddressBookRef

Hi, there's very strange error with my code.. In fact, there's no errors at all, just debugger starts with "Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”" message. Can anyone help me? I'm absolutely confused... Thank you. -(NSString *)fullNameForPhone:(NSString *)ph withAlternativeText:(NSString *)text { ABAddressBookRef addressBookRef...

Address Book and Map Kit

Here is the question. I am writing app for iPhone OS 3.0, where I want to use Map Kit and Address Book together. I have a database of places( restaurants, for example) with name, location, phone, address and some other data. I list them in table view and when I choose some place I want to show Address Book Contact(with the help of ABUnkn...

Address Book constants evaluating as zero

I have a program where for certain code paths, the address book constants (such as kABPersonEmailProperty, kABPersonAddressProperty) evaluate to their normal non-zero value. However, if I follow a different code path, all these constants evaluate to zero. Furthermore, once I follow the "successful" code path, if I take the problematic ...

Can I customize an ABPersonView in iPhone address book SDK?

Is it possible to customize an iPhone ABNewPersonViewController view? I'd like to inherit the great support the SDK gives for selecting countries and knowing whether a regional "name" is "state" or "province" or whatever, based on the country. But I do NOT need to collect birthday, relationship, etc. Can I streamline the interface t...

Saving a list of contacts to NSUserDefaults

Using the built-in Address Book framework for iPhone, how can I save a specific list of contacts to an array in NSUserDefaults? I need to save a list of recipients for later. I want to make sure I do not run into problems if the user edits the contacts after my application is closed. Is there some sort of unique ID that each contact has...

Empty "Groups" in People Picker Navigation Controller

I'm using the standard People Picker Navigation Controller to let users associate one of their contacts with one of my objects. It presents itself as a long list of ALL contacts. The back button (top left) says "Groups" but when clicked on it shows an empty screen...even when there are many Groups in the user's address book. I've read th...

Performance problems reading in iPhone ABAddressBook

I am creating a lookup table mapping contact phone numbers to their corresponding ABRecordRef (I need this so I can efficiently look up contact names and photos based on the phone number a user has dialed). Unfortunately, for 500 contacts it takes around 4 seconds to loop through all the contacts and create my lookup table, which makes ...