
deselectRowAtIndexPath on an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

I'm showing an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController as a tab in my app. The user clicks a name, then email address, then I do something with the email address. Afterwards, I'd like for the person and property that they selected to fade out (not be highlighted). In a normal table, I'd call deselectRowAtIndexPath. But with the ABPeoplePi...

How to correctly use ABPersonViewController with ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to view Contact information?

Update 9/2/10: This code no longer works as of the iOS 4 update--it fails with an internal assertion. There is now a great Address Book API example available in the iPhone SDK Reference Library called "QuickContacts." The example code is available here; it will help you solve this problem:

Remove white space from ABPersonRecord iPhone

After weeks of frustration I was advised that the problem with my iPhone App was white spaces in the stored phone numbers. My XCode app phone dialer would only dial 7 digit numbers. ig; 555-1212. My question today is, is there a way to remove the white spaces? My iPhone's Contact Book and revealed that my 10 digit numbers were automa...

Problem dismissing an ABUnknownPersonViewController. Shows up fine but app crashes when dismissing

Hello everyone. My app is consisted of 2 views. The MainView and ResultsView. MainView contains a UITextField that needs to be filled and then if a button is touched, the view changes to ResultsView. Below is the juicy part of the code that handles that. // In CallerIDAppDelegate.h @class MainViewController; @class ResultsViewController...

Does iPhone support adding custom properties to Address Book records?

Hi, Does anyone know if iPhone (i.e. Cocoa Touch) lets you create custom properties? I've used it with the mac before (where it works beautifully) and would like to use this technology for an iPhone app that syncs with an app on the mac through the Address Book (using MobileMe). If I can't use custom properties, however, I'll have to a...

Blackberry - make a call from native address book

how to make a call from menu item appended in native book of BB('Call from ABC' option)? ...

CardDAV and OS X Server

My intention is to build our company intranet, and store the contacts centrally on our Snow Leopard Server using the Address Book Server functionality. However, I can't for the life of me figure out how I'm supposed to modify the cards. CardDAV seems to be a new standard, and there's little documentation out there. Apple's Administratio...

What are the IB objects used in Mac OS X's Address Book?

Does anyone know what are the types of UI objects used in Mac Address book to edit the address components? I have started my first Cocoa application and in many instances I would like to have this look and feel as opposed to simple table views. ...

Accessing the Address Book in iPhone OS

Hi Everyone: I'm wondering if someone could direct me to an article that explains how to access the address book contacts in the form that Address Book on the desktop can read. Thanks for any help! ...

Rotate Address Book Controller

Hi Everyone: I am wondering if there is some way to rotate a created ABPeoplePickerNavigationController. I am creating the ABPeoplePickerNavigationController like this: ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *addressBook = [[ABPeoplePickerNavigationController alloc] init]; addressBook.peoplePickerDelegate = self; [self presentModalViewCo...

ABPersonSetImageData Only Altering the Contact Thumbnail and Not the Full Pic

I am trying to add a border around each contact photo. I have working code to create this bordered image and working code to set it as the contact image: if (image) { NSData *dataRef = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image); CFDataRef cfdata = CFDataCreate(NULL, [dataRef bytes], [dataRef length]); CFErrorRef error; ret = ABPe...

Create VCards with iPhone Address Book Contacts

Hi Everyone: I am wondering if there is some way to create and send VCards based upon the iPhone Address Book information from my own app. On the Mac, there is some easy function in the built in app to do this, but I have not seen something on the iPhone like this. So, is there some framework or otherwise that enables me to turn conta...

Is it possible to programmatically add an iPhone contact to the phone favorites?

I have an iPhone application that adds new contacts via the Address Book Framework. Is it possible to programmatically add a new or existing contact to the phone "Favorites" list? If it is possible, pointer to doc, code or API please? ...

Objective-C address book

I have two Objective-C classes that inherit from the UIViewController and am trying a different approach at learning how to interact with the iPhone's address book. The example Apple provides assumes that everything is in one class, but this isn't the way I need it done. My objective would be to have the address book view close after a p...

Display full Addressbook..

HI guys , How do i display the full addressbook in a tableview...using UITableview and Abaddressbook class.......? ...

how to insert addressbook contacts in tableview

Hi Guys, How do i insert addressbook contacts in a tableview....? i got stuck up with this please help me find out guys..... ...

Filter contacts in iphone address book

I've created an address book copy with ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); CFArrayRef people = ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook); CFMutableArrayRef peopleMutable = CFArrayCreateMutableCopy( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFArrayGetCount(people), people ...

Accessing list of persons with email address from iPhone address book

Hi, I want to display list of people in the iPhone's address book with atleast one email address. Can someone please explain how can I filter this using the AddressBook framework? Thanks a lot ...

Add contact to addressbook in iphone objective-c

What is the correct way to set street address etc in addressbook and let the user save it on iphone? EDIT: removed the specific code-problem and made it more general ...

How to fetch XLS data in iPhone?

I want to make an iPhone application which fetches XLS data from mail attachments and adds it into the iPhone AddressBook. I am new to the iPhone SDK. Can anyone help me? ...