
Saving AddressbookUI address.text to Documents directory for use in InApp email.

I was trying recycle code for saving an image and attaching it to an email, with no luck. After I get the three values out of the PeoplepickerNavigation controller I want to save them for use and place them as text into an email. All I get now is a placed image called "addresssend" in my email body, how would I extract the text from the ...

Retrieve iPhone Address Book sorting preference programmatically?

Is it possible to detect the sorting technique used by the Address Book on a particular user's phone? (For instance, "sort by last name" or "sort by first name".) Thanks. ...

Regarding addressbook iphone

Hi, I am using ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to display contacts.Record id of contact is getting change if I exit and reopen my application.the record id of iphone is unique or not please help i want to access record id. ...

Setting Address Book image for a contact doesn't seem to work

I'm trying to set the contact image with the code below. I am not seeing any errors, and the image is not saved to the contact entry in the address book. Please help! I must be doing something wrong... - (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:(ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABRecord...

Get image of a person from AddressBook

Hi, I am not able to get the image of a person from address book. Does anyone knows how to do it? ... like NSTokenField for names and emails

Hey guys! I want to build a NSTokenField that works just like the recipient field in I know how to search the address book for names and emails. These are probably really bad noob questions, sorry for that. How can I reformat my search results array to get items in the format "Name <email>" (like the auto completion results i...

Blackberry - get contacts list

I wanted to get the list of all names and their corresponding email address from the contact list in blackberry JDE 4.7 can anyone help with the code for getting the above mentioned things.. Thanks in advance... ...

ABPersonSetImageData not working

Hi, I am trying to set an image for an contact that is store in my iPhone. I used follwing code snipt - (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController: (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABRecordRef)person { UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon.png"]; NSData *data=UIImagePNGRepresent...

Create an empty ABAddressBook in iPhone SDK?

Can I create an ABAddressBook which does not read data from my address book. i.e. it's empty to start with so that I can put in my own contacts fetched from the internet. As you may know the function ABAddressBookRef ab = ABAddressBookCreate(); gives me data from the built in addressbook. This is not what I want but if you know a so...

Find a "work" email address for a person in iPhone Address Book?

Is there a way to find a particular kind of email address for a person from the iPhone Address Book? I know how to get all of the email addresses for a person, just not how to identify what kind of e-mail address it is ("home", "work", etc.)...nor (and this might be preferable), a way to directly access that address without having to ite...

iPhone Address Book custom property

Hi, I am developing an application which is similar to native contact book app of iphone. I want to add additional property/field in native iphone address book database. e.g. network carrier of each contact (AT&T). How to access the database of native address book from our app? Is that possible to do? Please help!! Urgent!! help woul...

CountryCode omitted from Adressbook data?

I'm writing this iphone application where I integrate with AddressBook. I allow users to select, create and edit addressbook entries. When I select an address I verify that all the required fields are filled in and that the Country is available in the Dictionary of address data, and if not I look it up by CountryCode: ABMultiValueRef ad...

iPhone Contacts - Get Company Name

I am using the Address Book frameworks in an iPhone app, and I would like to get the items Company Name. I can't find this info in the AddressBookUI_Framework.pdf, can someone shed some light on this. Regards AddressBook/AddressBook.h AddressBookUI/AddressBookUI.h ...

iphone sdk addressbook - get ABRecordRef

hi in the method - (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController: (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABRecordRef)person { im trying to simply access ABRecordRef as a variable, but i keep getting the error expected expression before 'ABRecordRef'. I can already get names and compan...

Does ABPersonViewController CFRetain its displayedPerson ABRecordRef?

ABRecordRef addressBookRecord = ...; ABNewPersonViewController *newPersonViewController = [[[ABNewPersonViewController alloc] init] autorelease]; newPersonViewController.newPersonViewDelegate = delegate; newPersonViewController.displayedPerson = addressBookRecord; Is it safe to CFRelease(addressBookRecord); ? Is there a standard Co...

iphone addressbook saving link to a contact

in my iphone app, I'm wishing to link a contact to a data-piece in an array. All the data handling is fine. My question is: what contact info parameter can be saved in a database, acting as a link to a contact. Then later I will be able to call this one value and then get the link back to the contact. ---EDIT BELOW This is where I am u...

iphone bring up address book contact

I am having some trouble accessing the iphone addressbook given a ABReferenceID. The method is being called correctly (accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath), all the #import stuff is fine (as I can save the data no problem). I have a contact with ReferenceID = 69273024, I simply want to bring 'him up. I am trying to do this with t...

iphone addressbook - getting null item in ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID

hi guys. I'm really struggling with ABAddressBookGetPersonWithRecordID at the moment. I am saving an ID, and then trying to call it back up again. Currently im doing something simple to test the linking, but its not working. First, I can read objects from my iphone simulator address book using: -(BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController:...

How to create string property for each address book record?

Hi, I want to store network carrier as a string (e.g. AT&T) for each contact in address book. I found a method addPropertiesAndTypes for creating a custom property. But I am not able to find any proper example to do this. I am using following code to iterate through contact book records: ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCr...

iphone sdk - bringing up viewcontroller in shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:

Hi guys In my app, after selecting a contact I would like to then directly bring up another view window. I'm in the method - (BOOL)peoplePickerNavigationController: (ABPeoplePickerNavigationController *)peoplePicker shouldContinueAfterSelectingPerson:(ABRecordRef)person { and after selecting the person (in the above method, which i...