
Get image of a person from AddressBook

Hi, I am not able to get the image of a person from address book. Does anyone knows how to do it? ...

How to specify a group when displaying an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController

Does anyone know how to specify a group when initially displaying an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController (so it doesn't automatically display "All Contacts")? ...

How can I set a ringtone for an individual contact on Android ?

How can I set a ringtone for an individual contact on Android ? I have found a way to set the default ringtone that applies to all contacts without an individual ringtone. But that is not what i'm trying to accomplish. I want the application to have a button "Apply ringtone to contact". When i click, I start an activityForResult displa...

Create a group(ABGroup) and add person record to the group programatically in iphone

Im creating a group using ABGroupCreate(), i have 10 person(ABPerson) records. Im using ABGroupAddMember function inorder to add the person to the group, but the person record is not getting added into the group. Yes im saving the addressbook. Am i missing something here, i need help this on. ...