
How to display the value of responseData of ASIHTTPRequest?

Hi to All, I have used below code in my application of User Registration to interact with remote database. -(IBAction)checkFirstName:(UITextField*)textField { NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://mysite.com"]; ASIFormDataRequest *request = [ASIFormDataRequest requestWithURL:url]; [request setPostValue: first...

Problem with UITextField and clear button location

Hi, I have an UITextField in an UITableViewCell. For some reason the clear button isn't align to the textField's text. Here's my textField code: cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone; usernameField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(22, 10, cell.contentView.frame.size.width...

iPad UITextField won't return

Hi, I have an UITextField inside an UITableViewCell. I want the textField to return but something goes wrong. Here's my code: - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { if (indexPath.section == 0) { if (indexPath.row == 0) { cell.selectionStyle = UITable...

UITextField : testing text property for empty string or nil or null doesn't work!

Hi! I got this weird problem testing for empty (or null) text property. Here my setup : I got a view with 6 textfield in it and here the code I use to go thru those field (loaded in a NSMutable Array)... NSEnumerator *portsEnumerator = [appliancePorts objectEnumerator]; UITextField *tmpField; newSite.port = [NSMutableArray array]; whil...

How to set up UIScrollView in Interface Builder with UI elements outside the main iPhone view?

I am building a data entry form in my iPhone app, and there are more data fields than will fit on the screen. I figured I should put them into a UIScrollView so that the user can scroll through the form. What's the best way to build this in Interface Builder? I know that I can do it programmatically, but I'd like to do it in Interface Bu...

UITextField displays extra dot at the end of text

Hello, I saw a very strange issue with UITextField control. When typing in UITextField after typing a few characters when typing space characters it puts "." characters at the end of the string. Can anyone know possible solution for this?? Thanks, Jim. ...

navigating between textfields of uitableview

Hi all, I am making an coredata application in which I was instructed to make a tableview (filling form) with textfield in each row which I did successfully. Then I made a toolbar with previous and next button and add to textField's inputAccsoryView for navigating between the textfields of each cell. One textfield per row . I am also ab...

Keyboard hide in iPad don't work

Hi. I have many views and the problem appears in all of them. I have 'n' UITextField's in a UIView, I implement the UITextFieldDelegate method to hide the keyboard when the user press the "Done" button like this: - (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField { [textField resignFirstResponder]; return YES; } Nothing s...

Passing a value back from a view

Hey everybody, I had a question about editing the value of a table cell and returning the edited value back to the original cell. I have a UITableView which contains 5 sections of 1 row each. Within cellForRowAtIndexPath I have the following: static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell"; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReu...

Handling Text Input with an iPhone's Virtual Keyboard

Hey Everyone, Does anyone know of a way to utilize the iPhone's hardware keyboard with something other than a UITextView/Field, basically I want to be able to send characters pressed on the virtual keyboard to my own view. If anyone can help me out that'd be immensely appreciated!! ...

iPhone: Accessing data from table cell

I'm creating a form and was wondering if anyone knows how to retrieve a UITextField value from a table cell. - (IBAction)saveForm:(id)sender { NSLog(@"TextField Value => %@", titleField.text); } - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ... switch(indexPath.section) ...

Yet another iphone memory leak cry for help. Looking for advice on next steps.

Hi, I hate having memory leaks and usually pride myself on, blah, blah, blah. Help! The leaks I have aren't crazy big (a few K at max), but I want to remove them for sure. There are two categories of leaks and I've got some screen shots of each from Instrument's Leaks tool. The first is just some odd Java/Web thing that happens withi...

Add row in a TableView.

Hi, So I have two views, the first have my TableView and the second have my TextField and I want to add a row in my TableView with the text in my TextField. For the moment I can just add row with [myTableView addObject:@"Test 1"]; [myTableView addObject:@"Test 2"]; [myTableView addObject:@"Test 3"]; Thanks for your help! - (UITab...

UITextField not responding to onscreen keyboard presses?

Hey guys, I've got a really weird problem whereby I when I click on a UITextField the onscreen keyboard pops up, and I can delete characters in the text field - but I cannot type into it! Background info: I'm placing the UITextField into a UITableViewCell, which in turn is being got from a table that is being placed into a UIAlertVie...

How can i make a more rounded UITextField? Like the search field in Safari on iPad...

HI I'm trying to get a UITextField to look like the google search field available in the safari app on iPad. The purpose of the field will be the same (a search box). I know i could use a UISearchBar but I would have to use hackish code to get rid of the magnifying glass icon and the background and I don't want that. I'm attaching an i...

Has anyone found documentation on UITextField's zooming bubble / magnifying glass?

I need to find more information about this feature, but I haven't found anything in either the Docs or on-line. I'm trying to do 1 of the following 2 things: 1) Suppress the Magnifying glass and/or the square Editor bubble view which appears when the user will "press and hold" the text field. 2) Perhaps create a subclass of UITextFiel...

In the iOS SDK, how can I include a button in a UITextField like Mobile Safari does?

How can I display a button and/or activity indicator inside of a UITextField on the iPhone? I'm trying to reproduce Mobile Safari's location text field which contains either a reload button or a cancel (stop loading) button which is right-justified inside of the text field. Similarly, when you click inside of the text field (not on the ...

bubbles within input fields - How?

I want to develop bubbles within input fields. Does anyone know a good tutorial or at least the actual name so I can look myself? I have provided examples below that illustrate what I mean, within the "to" field. Examples: Hotmail: http://thesocialmediaguide.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/email-to-Facebook.jpg ...

XCode doesn't recognize UI Class UITextChecker

I am writing an app for my iPad running 3.2.2 with XCode 3.2.3. It seems that the highest version of the iOS for iPad this version of XCode has is 3.2, but other apps load fine onto the phone so this doesn't seem to be an issue. I am attempting to make use of the new UITextChecker class. I have imported UIKit, and UITextChecker.h appe...

How does a textfield cause a tableview to automatically scroll up when it slides up: how will this affect current insets and animations?

For most of my table view cells, I select a cell and a UIPickerView, added to the view of a UINavigationController, slide up from some offscreen position. I hit the done button in the navigation bar and the whole thing goes away nicely. I also automatically scroll the table view so the selected cell ends up right above the picker view u...