
Which should be the first responder: my view or UIDatePicker?

I'm creating sibling of UITextField, but with UIDatePicker instead of a keyboard. I want multiple such controls to play nicely with each other and also standard UITextField (i.e. swap keyboard for date picker when my control is activated, and hide date picker when a text field is activated). One thing that confuses me is handling of f...

Custom TableViewCell with TextField and first responder

I have a custom TableView cell that contains a TextField and I want it to become the first responder as soon as the view is shown but [textcell.textfield becomeFirstResponder] does not work. I know it's because it's a custom cell in another class and I even tried it there and it didn't work. Anyone know how to pull this off? Thanks... ...

How to "transfer" first responder from one UIView to another?

I have a UIView subclass (CustomView for purposes of this question) that has its own handling of all touches events (Began, Moved, Ended, Cancelled). I also have a UIButton that is a sibling of CustomView that overlaps it. For example, my view hierarchy looks like this: UIView (Controller's view) CustomView with frame (0, 0, 300, 300...

Menu Items, Responder Chains, and NSViewController, Oh My!

I must be missing something simple, but I can't see it. First, the setup: DATreeView, a subclass of NSView DATreeViewController, a subclass of NSViewController MainMenu.xib has an instance of DATreeViewController, which is configured to load a view from DATreeView.xib MainMenu.xib also has an instance of DendreaAppDelegate, which has ...

Sending an event to an NSControl underneath another NSControl if it does not handle it

I have multiple superposed controls which can handle a mouse click under certain conditions. What I want to be able to do is: The top control receives the mouseDown: event. The top control decides if it handles the mouseDown: event. If it does, do something and prevent other controls from receiving the mouseDown: event. If it does not,...

Telling a UITextField to become first responder while embedded in a UITableViewCell

I have a UITextField that is a subview of a UITableViewCell. When my view loads, I want the text field to become first responder. I have a pointer to the text field in the table cell, so to do this I am trying: [myTextField becomeFirstResponder]; This returns NO all the time, regardless of when it's called, which according to the doc...

Responder actions and responder chain

I am relatively new to IPhone coding, although I have reached the point of working on a genuine (hopefully) saleable app. But one thing that is still mysterious is the responder chain. All the books give passing reference to it, but I have not found one yet that describes how to modify that chain. Another curiosity is that, when the F...

How do I perform an action in response to an item being added to an NSArrayController's content?

Hello, I have an NSArrayController whose content is the "servers" property of my AppDelegate. I have an NSTextField which is bound to the "" property of the NSArrayController and I have buttons attached to the "add:" and "remove:" actions on the NSArrayController. What I'd like to see happen, is when I click the "Add" bu...

Change UITextField background when editing begins

I'd like to change the background image of a UITextField when it becomes the firstResponder to show the user that it has focus, similar to the :active or :focus pseudo-classes in CSS. I'm guessing that I may need to do this programmatically; so any help is greatly appreciated. -Giles ...

Which NSTextView is the First Responder?

I'm working on a Cocoa programming exercise, and I need to be able to determine which of two NSTextView objects is currently being edited. I think it's something to do with finding the first responder and checking to see if it's equal to one text field or another, but I can't quite get it to work. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Make UISearchBar first responder when View Loads

I have a simple UIViewController and a UISearchBar, when the view loads I want to have the search bar become the first responder right away so that the keyboard is showing and they can start typing their query right away. I tried doing it in viewWillAppear like below without any luck: - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [product...

Keyboard Animation Issues When Calling becomeFirstResponder within a Modal View Controller

I've been having some issues with calling -becomeFirstResponder on a UITextField contained with a view controller that is presented modally. I call this method in the modal view controller's -viewDidLoad method so that the keyboard is immediately displayed. What I expected is for both the keyboard and the modal view controller to animate...

How to set the touch Access to one element in UIWebView?

Situation: I have an interactive Java/AJAX Object in my HTML page. It's a simple Application for displaying images with zooming. Recently I can tap / touch the screen and the Application detects that and is zooming in - like that i wanted. But the other features like to move the crop of the image to another area of the image isn't suppo...

iPhone first responders

I am confused about the iPhone responder chain. Specifically, in the iPhone event handling guide, we have the following: The first responder is the responder object in an application (usually a UIView obje...

Forwarding first responder to UIScrollView unsuccessful

Hello, I am trying to create an image cropping bpx whereby the underlying image can be zoomed an scrolled while the cropping "maskview" layer stays the same and the corners can be dragged in any direction. To achieve this, the ImageView is added to a UIScrollView, and this is added to the SelectionViewController.view . I then add the ...

UIScrollview with two images - Keeping 1 image zoomable and 1 image static (fixed size)

Hello, m I have a UIView which contains a zoomable uiimageview and also another semitransparent uiview on top of that. What I am trying to achieve is to be able to zoom the uiimageview while keeping the semitransparent view static and not zoomed. If I add the semitransparent uiview on top of the uiimageview (which is added to the UIS...

UIMenuController disappears when the screen is clicked somewhere other than the menu

Hello, I'm working with the UIMenuController and it disappears when the screen is clicked. When I show the menu I need to wait for the user to select an item before the menu fades away but if the click anywhere on the screen (not on the menu bar) the menu will still fade out. Is there any way to prevent this? Does it possibly have so...

toolbar on top of the keyboard with firstresponder

This is a pretty common topic and has many answers out there. Situation: I have a full screen (minus toolbar) UITextView with a UIToolbar at the bottom. when the UITextView gets first responder I want to have the toolbar slide up with the keyboard and add a "done" button which will dismiss the keyboard. So far: I have this completely ...

UITextField not responding to onscreen keyboard presses?

Hey guys, I've got a really weird problem whereby I when I click on a UITextField the onscreen keyboard pops up, and I can delete characters in the text field - but I cannot type into it! Background info: I'm placing the UITextField into a UITableViewCell, which in turn is being got from a table that is being placed into a UIAlertVie...

cocoa mousedown on a window and mouse up in another

Hello, I am developping a Cocoa application and I have a special need. In my main window, when I mouse down on a certain area, a new window (like a complex tooltip) appears. I want to be able to do: - mouse down on the main window (mouse button stay pressed) - user moves the mouse on the "tooltip" window and mouseup on it. My issue is...