
How to pull up a UIKeyboard without a UITextField or UITextView?

I'm currently developing an OpenGL ES game for the iPhone and iPod touch. I was wondering how I can easily pull up the UIKeyboard? Is there an official, documented possibility to pull up a UIKeyboard without using a UITextField of UITextView? ...

How to hide the keyboard while using TableView in Iphone?

Hi, In my application I have textfield and while inserting any values in it it is displaying according values to the tableview as the no. of rows. I want that when I scroll on the Tableview with having so many filled rows ,the keyboard must be hidden at the time of scrolling. I have search on the net,but unable to find out the solutio...

How can i bring up the iphone uikeyboard with non-english language?

How can i bring up the iphone uikeyboard with non-english language? tnx :) ...

Can I limit the character set for a UITextField?

I have a bitmap font which which doesn't have every single character, such as accented characters (é î ü etc) or symbols such as "¥" or © which I'm using to display usernames in a Highscore table for a game. Is it possible to limit the UIKit keyboard to certain characters, or only allow certain characters in the UITextField? Or will I ...

How to make the UIKeyboard appear as part of a view?

Apple apps like Mail, Contacts, and SMS make the UIKeyboard appear as part of the view. The UIKeyboard slides in with the view instead of appearing as a separate animation. I have tried to recreate the same behavior calling [myTextField becomeFirstResponder] in different places like viewWillAppear:animated, viewDidLoad, loadView, naviga...

Manipulate the iPhones UIKeyboard as a "regular" UIView

Hi Im struggling a bit with the UIkeyboard, I have a datePicker, IntervalPicker some custom pickers and a few other UI elements that live in the same part of the screen as the keyboard. I have build a factory class that places these on the screen depending on the state of the app, I control animation and layering myself and here the pr...

Simulating keyboard tap

Is there a way to programmatically tap a key, just as a user would so the key pop up animation takes place? ...

Creating a custom UIKeyBoard for iPhone

If anyone has the app GymBuddy, then they will know what I am talking about. They seem to use the stock Number Pad keyboard but have added a "." button in the lower left as well as a bar across the top to switch to alpha characters. Does anyone know how to do this? Do I make a new view like the keyboard and pull it up and have the button...

Why is presentModalViewController hindering UITextField responses?

Any uitextfield I add to a view which is presented from another view controller with presentModalViewController:animated: does not respond to any touch events (like the keyboard doesnt display when the uitextfield is tapped) also if i use [textField becomeFirstResponder] to force the keyboard to display, the only time this works is in th...

UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad auto capitalization

I am using a UIKeyBoardTypeNamePhonePad to allow entry of just letters and numbers. It is missing some functionality that I need. First, I need all the letters that are typed to be capitalized. I can just change it as it enters the text view, but I don't want the user to be confused on how to enter capital letters. Also, I want the n...

Can I programmatically fire the "switch to number pad" button on iPhone keyboard

I want to find a way to programmatically fire the selector that causes the iPhone keyboard to switch from letters to numbers. I am aware that I can switch the keyboard type, but I want to know if there is a way to do this without switching the keyboard type. ...

Custom Keyboard for UITextView , appending the text .

Hey Guys , I wanted to make a basic custom keypad for the iPhone , I did manage to terminate the default iPhone keypad. I have made simple Q W E R T Y and Spacebar keys .. I want to input text as QWERTY with the buttons and then if I click and put the blinker(yes the UITextView is editable) before Q and try to append it the next string...

Custom Keyboard (iPhone), UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and UITableViewController

On an iPhone App, I've got a custom keyboard which works like the standard keyboard; it appears if a custom textfield becomes first responder and hides if the field resigns first responder. I'm also posting the Generic UIKeyboardWillShowNotification, UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and their hiding counterparts, like follows: NSMutableDic...

UIKeyBoard resize on orientation change to landscape

This is very rookie question. I have a UIToolBar at the bottom which is supposed to animatedly move up and down with key board when the UIKeyBoard is displayed. I got that working with the help of UIKeyBoard Notifications. The view we are talking about has split view enabled. When device orientation is landscape, both the views as column...

UIKeyBoard Return Button UIReturnKeyDone

textfield.returnKeyTYpe = UIReturnKeyDone So the above makes my Return button on the keyboard to say Done. I have seen Apps with Blue color button on the UIKeyBoard. Is that simple enough to do? How do I change the background color of the Return key? ...

How to open the view with the keyboard appearing when the view is loaded?

I have a requirement where i have a textfield in a view. When i want to open the view by switching the tab(TabBased Application),first time when the view is loaded the keyboard appears because i loadview method is called. But when i switch to tab2 and again switch to tab1 again, load view is not called. I want the keyboard to appear ever...

Using a UITextView in a UITableViewCell with a UIKeyboard

I have a simple UITableView that has two cells. Cell 0:0 consists of a UITextField we'll call the title and Cell 0:1 consists of a UITextView we'll simply call a note. Cell 0:0 (the text field) is a standard size, one row cell. I'm therefore trying to fill the rest of the screen up with Cell 0:1 so I return a larger height for it. This a...

iPhone: Pushing View Controller causes Slow and Jerky Keyboard Animation

I have a model-view-controller design app with more than 20 views and imageviews. In one view, I have a textfield that gets set to first responder when the view displays such that the keyboard is immediately visible. When I push this view onto the navigation controller the display of the keyboard is very slow and jerky. However, when ...

UIKeyboard turn Caps Lock on

I need my user to input some data like DF-DJSL so I put this in the code: theTextField.autocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationTypeAllCharacters; But unfortunately what happens is the first to letter type in CAPS but then letter immediately after typing the hyphen will be in lower case and then the rest return to CAPS therefo...

iPad keyboard dimensions

Hey guys! I have found the iPhone's keyboard bounds in the apple documentation, but I can't find the iPad's keyboard bounds. Could you please help me? ...