



Any uitextfield I add to a view which is presented from another view controller with presentModalViewController:animated: does not respond to any touch events (like the keyboard doesnt display when the uitextfield is tapped) also if i use [textField becomeFirstResponder] to force the keyboard to display, the only time this works is in the viewDidLoad method of the view controller

Anyone know why the uitextfield is not responsive whatsoever when i use presentModalViewController:animated: to display the view controller which the uitextfield is on?


after much trouble i came to find that

-(BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder {    
    return YES; 

was hidden in my code somewhere, this for some reason was not allow the textfield to become first responder if i added the view via the presentModalViewController:animated: method

Did you find a solution? Are you saying that "return YES" was *NOT* allowing it to become firstResponder? (I would think it *WOULD* allow it.)
yes well i didnt try return NO i just deleted it all and it all worked fine, you do know it was in the class that was presenting modalviewcontroller from not the modalviewcontroller itself