
UIKeyboard is not added to UIWindow subviews

I used to use the following code to add a UIToolbar just above the UIKeyboard and being attached to it. I just switched to the iPhone OS 4 and I realized that it's not working anymore. for (UIWindow *keyboardWindow in [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows]) { for (UIView *keyboard in [keyboardWindow subviews]) { //print all...

AccessoryView on TextView without Keyboard?

Hi! I'm learning about AccessoryViews and testing the Apple example: KeyBoardAccessory I'm trying to show the accessory view avoiding the Keyboard to show, but I can't do it :-( I'm returning NO in textViewShouldBeginEditing to avoid keyboard and animating the resize of the TextView before return, but nothing happens. What I'm doing ...

Can I create custom keyboard in iPhone?

Is it allowed to create a custom keyboard. Will apple approve my app if I used my own keyboard instead of using default one. howsoever I don't have button images, I guess I need to use same default keyboard images do so. Is there any image repository where I can get exact keypad button icon. Thanks ...

iphone keyboard touch events

I need to be able to detect touch events on the keyboard. I have an app which shows a screen which occurs after a certain period of inactivity (i.e. no touch events) To solve this issue, I have subclassed my UIWindow and implemented the sendEvent function, which allows me to get touch events on the whole application by implementing the...

How can I display a custom key popup on a keyboard accessory view?

I want to present an option to select from several keys after a long press, the way that a regular keyboard does for accent characters. I want to make it look and act like the keyboard, instead of implementing it with the big black-bordered popover. ...

Default Keyboard Settings And Definitions

Possible Duplicate: Default Keyboard Settings And Definitions Hi everyone, I'm new to C++ and trying to get a hang of the program. I'm very, very unfamiliar with the keys definitions and whatnot. Can some one provide me with a list of the default layout of the C++ keyboard and a definition for that key? as I'm finding it hard...

how to show the tabbar when keyboard appears in iphone

hello all i am working in a tabbar based application where i need to show a keyboard , the keyboard appearing generally but I want my tabbar should be shown and on above of the tabbar only the keyboard should shown how this can be done.. thank you all ...

Custom Number Pad UIKeyboard.

How would I go about creating a custom number pad like what is used in 'Tipulator' and other apps. I know how you can customize UIKeyboard, but their number pad doesn't look at all like the default number pad. Is it even a UIKeyboard or a separate UIView? ...

android force keyboard visible

My function, run from the onResume() does not cause the keyboard to appear. Am I doing it wrong? private void showKeyboard() { InputMethodManager mgr = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); mgr.showSoftInput(txtSearch, InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED); txtSearch.requestFocus();} ...

search button in search keyboard

hi, I have a search bar and on clicking the search bar the keyboard pops up. On pressing the search button on search keyboard the keyboard should hide. How to do this ? ...

UITextView inputView

I'm making a custom input method for the iPad, I want to be able to replace the system keyboard with my input method and enter text via that input method. According to the documentation all I need to do is to set the inputView property with my view and it will be used instead of the system keyboard. I did that and it works, as far as sh...

Problem with Custom Keyboard in iPhone when you update grade to OS4.0

I use this code until upgrade to OS4.0 and then my custom keyboard not show it again. have any suggestion !? Thanks (void)keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification { for (UIWindow *keyboardWindow in [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows]) { // Now iterating over each subview of the available windows for (UIView *keyboard i...

track user input from UIKeyboard

How can I get user input of the UIKeyboard on the iPhone? I want to track, if the user hits "backspace" when the firstResponder UITextField is empty. I know how I can track a text change but if the field is empty the text don't change when hit "backspace". ...

UIKeyboard with iPhone OS 4

Hi I have a big problem with iPhone 4.0 OS with this code if([[keyboard description] hasPrefix:@"<UIKeyboard"] == YES) { } in condition UIKeyboard it not working. I try "UILayoutContainerView" but it not working too. please. ...

UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation ignored on a UITextField with secure text entry

Hello everyone... I've got a UITextField that represents a numeric password. I need to set the keyboard type to UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation and secureTextEntry at the same time. If I set to Yes the secureTextEntry, the textField displays a Default Keyboard even if I had set UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation to the textField...

How to present keyboard inside popover?, ipad passcode lock style...

Is it posible to present a keyboard the way is shown when you set a passcode for your ipad? ...

Simulating a Backspace button press in c# with a null ActiveSource

Context: We're using an on-screen keyboard on a touch screen kiosk to allow users to enter text. The backspace button is failing because the System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.ActiveSource becomes null. Code Context: if (System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.PrimaryDevice.ActiveSource != null) { System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs ...

Is using the UIKEYBOARD class legal?

Hello all, I just added a done button on my number keyboard and read that using the keyboard class directly is illegal but some people said that their app was successfully submitted to the app store? Does anyone know if it is legal or not?I have been googling around for 1hr and I keep getting yes and nos.. anyone knows for certain if thi...

questions about memory managnement on iphone

hello, imagine i have a main view, in which i have a call to the "AddSubview" method, like this : [mainView addsubview:secondView]; ...in this second view, i have a searchBar, with the appropriate code to show a UIkeyboard, type some text, use this one in the app, and finally dismiss the UIkeyboard. Ok. When this part of the program ...

How to set the position of the UIKeyboard

I have a search bar which is at the bottom of the view. How can I set the position of the UIKeyboard? ...