
iterator adapter to iterate just the values in a map?

I'm just getting back into C++ after a couple of years of doing a lot of C#, and recently Objective C. One thing I've done before is to roll my own iterator adapter for std::map that will deref to just the value part, rather than the key-value pair. This is quite a common and natural thing to do. C# provides this facility with its Keys ...

flex3 function not returning String properly

hi guys, im trying to return a string value from a method inside my script tag however it always returns an object and i cant get at the string value. Here is the code: i retrieve the object returned from a webservice call;; private function getNameResults(e:ResultEvent):String{ var name:Array = new Array(e.result); var...

How have your coding values changed since graduating?

We all walked out of school with the stars in our eyes and little experience in "real-world" programming. How have your opinions on programming as a craft changed since you've gained more experience away from academia? I've become more and more about design a la McConnell : wide use of encapsulation, quality code that gives you warm fuz...

How do I get all the values of a Dictionary<TKey, TValue> as an IList<TValue>?

I have a the following dictionary: IDictionary<int, IList<MyClass>> myDictionary and I am wanting to get all the values in the dictionary as an IList.... Just to add a bit of a background as to how I've gotten into this situation.... I have a method that gets me a list of MyClass. I then have another method that converts that list...

How can I collect data securely from client web sites

Hi, I need to provide a code snippet to my clients that they can add to their website, similar to the google analytics code, e.g <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' ...

How do I perform a FindAll() on an IList<T>? (eg. SortedList.Values)

I'm working on a problem in C# 2.0/.NET 2.0 where I have a Sortedlist and want to search all the "values" (not the "keys") of this SortedList for a certain substring and count up how many occurrences there are. This is what I'm trying to do: { Sortedlist<string,string> mySortedList; // some code that instantiates mySortedList and...

find total of grid view

hi how to find a total in grid view cell value. consider in grid view there are 3 rows are there named as row1 , row2 , and row3. here i want to find a total of row1 contains 7 colomns named as m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,m7 find the total of these colomns and display in to textbox thanks. ...

Retrieving Values from URL Rerouting on the target page?

Ok... got URL Routing working just fine, but cannot figure out how to actually read the values in the target page. One example here shows using the RouteValue object from the RequestContext. Now all of these are in the System.Web.Routing namespace, but everyone seems to be connecting these to MVC only. Where does the RequestContext co...

Looking for MISSING records

I'm a bit rusty when it comes to MS Access and I am hoping someone can help me out..... I have a list of all items that have been scanned (for purchase) by each store, by UPC for a one month period. I also have a particular group of UPC's that I want data for. What I want to get is the items that DIDN'T get scanned. Obviously, the it...

I need to have a key with multiple values. What datastructure would you recommend?

I have an string array filled with words from a sentence. words[0] = "the" words[1] = "dog" words[2] = "jumped" words[3] = "over" words[4] = "the" words[5] = "wall." words[6] = "the" words[7] = "cat" words[8] = "fell" words[9] = "off" words[10] = "the" words[10] = "house." etc. (Stupid example, but it works for this) Each word will be ...

How to get keyboard presskey values in a VB.NET 2005 application?

Hai How to get keyboard presskey values out of the application in 2005. I try form keydown event that is working in Application Active. ...

Which is better, return value or out parameter?

If we want to get a value from a method, we can use either return value, like this: public int GetValue(); or: public void GetValue(out int x); I don't really understand the differences between them, and so, don't know which is better. Can you explain me this? Thank you. ...

Flex: Inverting LinearAxis values

I have a line chart that is updated every so and so seconds, similar to the one you see in Windows' Task Manager. The chart goes right-to-left, with the most recent data on the right, and going leftwards. How would I invert the values of the X axis so that the lowest value is on the right and the highest on the left? It's a LinearAxis. ...

Remove Values from Hidden Div Forms

Is there a way to remove Form input/select values when you hide a div? Example: Let say i have a form that i fill out. I have a couple different choices, each one will show a different div with a different form and hide the rest. But when i submit, it still submits those form values, even when the div is hidden. Is it possible to remov...

rijndael encryption

does this encryption library use pipe characters? I'm storing the key in an array with the corresponding UserID value, and delimiting them with a pipe character. If the library generates keys with pipe characters, those keys will get mangled when I split the string later. ...

WPF Multiple Values for Property

I would like to apply a style, to a ProgressBar, for when it between certain values the style should change. <Style x:Key="ProBar" TargetType="{x:Type ProgressBar}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="Value" Value="<10"> <Setter Property="Foreground"> <Setter.Value> <!--OrangeColou...

passing data from C++ to PHP

Hi, I need to pass a value from PHP to C++, this I think I can do with PHPs passthru(). Then I want C++ to do something to that value and return the result to PHP. This is the bit I can't work out, does anyone know how to pass data from C++ to PHP? I'd rather not use an intermediate file as I am thinking this will slow things down. Than...

Create possible pairs irrespective of order in a indefinite set of values.

What i am trying to figure out is an algorithm that will create possible pairs irrespective of order in a indefinite set of values. for example let's say the set is A,B,C,D,E then possible sets are AB AC AD AE BC CD DE but... i also want pairs of more than 2 values. for example ABC ABD ABE BCD BCE but also ABCD or ABCE. The proble...

Changing values of a column in a full DataTable?

Hi I Fill my DataTable which has 3 columns(col1 int, col2 int , col3 string). Now, I wanna to change all values of col2 with adding for example 3 number to them.... Any suggestion please. ...

Retrieve and display value of radio options via jQuery

I'm trying to have an alert box show the value of the radio option I have selected. HTML: <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male" /> Male<br /> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female" /> Female When I choose one of those and set up and alert box to show me what i choose (as a test), it doesn't work. I know that other people ...