
Html radio tag question

I have a jsp page with two radio tags. The page contains a struts2 form. When I submit the form one of two radio must be automatically checked. Is it possible to do that? ...

"Pin" a class to the selected radio button?

I'm trying to add a class to the selected radio input and then remove that class when another radio of the same type is selected The radio buttons have the class 'radio_button' but i can't get the class to change with the below code. jQuery(".radio_button").livequery('click',function() { $('input.radio_button :radio').focus...

Place Radio Button Label Above Using CSS

I need the ability to place the labels for radio buttons above the selections, and not to the left or the right. Is there a way to use CSS that would give this effect? THanks! ...

ASP.NET Dynamic Radiobutton - How to add validation

At the moment I have something like this ` <%# Eval("orderBy").ToString()%>) <%# Eval("question").ToString()%> " type="radio" id="True" value="True" class="styled" /> " type="radio" id="False" value="False" class="styled" /> ` And in the code behind I caputure the values as Request.Form("question1") for example and this a...

radio button request syntax in view

Hello, I'm trying to write an html form, that includes a radio button and keyword search. The code is here: The django view is not recognizing this syntax: pubtypeid = request.GET['pubtypeid'] Can someone please help me write this correctly? Thanks, Ana ...

How can we access the value of a radio button using the DOM?

How can we access the value of a radio button using the DOM? For eg. we have the radio button as : <input name="sex" type="radio" value="male"> <input name="sex" type="radio" value="female"> They are inside a form with name form1. When I try document.getElementByName("sex").value it returns 'male' always irrespective of the che...

How to let my visitors to listen to different online radios using flash player?

Hi, After I've found out that WMP is not best idea for Firefox users as they need to install additional plugin, I wanted to try out JW player and I googled all I could about audio streaming and flash players. I got something like -> it's not on my server, it's different server, but I can't seem to find a solu...

How to switch on and off checkboxes and radio buttons with JQ

I have tried to get this to work but haven't been successful. I am a a real nube with js so please keep that in mind when trying to help me. You'll have to spell it out for me cuz I just don't understand what is happening yet with all this code. I have two things that I am trying to get working. One is a set of radio buttons. These butt...

how to do a javascript confirm dialog if a radio button is checked, with jquery

I have two radio buttons like so <input type="radio" name="rush" value="yes" /> <input type="radio" name="rush" value="no" checked="checked" /> What I want to do is when the form submit button is clicked, check if 'yes' is selected. If it is, show a javascript confirm dialog I've gotten this far, but am stuck, any help would be appr...

Record online radio stream in VC++

I want to develop a software which can record online radio streams in VC++ using MFC. Any pointers to get me started. ...

NHAML Radio Button Syntax

Does anyone know the correct syntax for a selected radio button in NHAML? This is my current NHAML code: %input{type="radio", name="Relocation", value="Yes"} The help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ...

Streaming live audio with Flash

I've been approached to set up an internet radio station that is focused on the local music scene in El Paso, TX. I've looked at various options, but it seems most solutions out there are for streaming pre-recorded audio. While I might need to fall back on this, I was wondering if anyone had done a similar project and might be able to po...

How many Radio Buttons can be checked at any one time in this specific form?

If a Form contains 2 Group Boxes each containing 3 Radio Buttons and the Form itself contains 5 Radio Buttons not in either of the Group Boxes how many Radio Buttons can be checked at any one time? 1.. 2... 3... more? ...

how to personnalize item display in a JSF selectOneMenu component ?

Hello, I am actually using h:selectOneMenu to display items, given to it from f:selectItems tag. Rather than displaying a text, I wanna prefer to display an image. How is it possible, since there I have not found any way to render html coming from the selectItem "value" attribute ? Thanks, here is my current code, without any image d...

Mobile phone - can it programatically broadcast at a radio frequency?

Is it possible to make a cell phone transmit arbitrary radio waves at a certain frequency? Or does the Mobile OS only allow higher level access? If the answer is 'no' as I expect it is, is there any way to make a phone talk to another electronic device remotely without handshakes and the like? ...

Retrieve and display value of radio options via jQuery

I'm trying to have an alert box show the value of the radio option I have selected. HTML: <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male" /> Male<br /> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female" /> Female When I choose one of those and set up and alert box to show me what i choose (as a test), it doesn't work. I know that other people ...

How to make groupbox invisble on select of a radiobutton

Hi, I am doing an Windows Application using XAML ,WPF in C#. I have 2 radio buttons called "WriteData" and "ReadData". when writeData is selected, I need groupbox with a textbox and browse button inside it to be displayed at a particular location, (this i have already designed in UI..) <GroupBox Header="Browse Data" Name="grpBrowseDa...

Sine Table Interpolation

I want to put together a SDR system that tunes initially AM, later FM etc. The system I am planning to use to do this will have a sine lookup table for Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS). In order to tune properly I expect to need to be able to precisely control the frequency of the sine wave fed to the Mixer (multiplier in this case). I ex...

Integer FM Demodulation

What are some software (or FPGA) techniques suitable for FM demodulation? I've been experimenting in MATLAB to try and get an algorthm right, but I've been basing it on a analog reference material with limited results. I can make out the audio, but there is horrible distortions that I can't fix with filtering. Ultimately I want to be ...

Development kit for Bluetooth which allows customisation of the modulation algorithms.

We need to perform some experiments on the Bluetooth protocol, and for this we need a development kit which allows us to implement/modify different parts of the Bluetooth protocol stack. We have been looking at the TI MSP430 Wireless Development Tool (EZ430-RF2500). This kit contains a MSP430 MCU and a CC2500 multi-channel RF transceive...