
Automatically check bounced emails via POP3 ?

Hi all, Can anyone recommend software or even a .net library to develop software, that will check for bounced emails and the reason for the bounce? I get bounced emails into a pop3 account that I can read then... I need it to keep my user database clean from invalid email addresses and want to automate this (mark user as invalid email)...

Php Check If a Static Class is Declared

How can i check to see if a static class has been declared? ex Given the class class bob { function yippie() { echo "skippie"; } } later in code how do i check: if(is_a_valid_static_object(bob)) { bob::yippie(); } so i don't get: Fatal error: Class 'bob' not found in file.php on line 3 ...

Switch off Run-Time check in Visual Studio

I have the problem, to get a failed run-time check in Visual C++ 2008 because of casting a too big number to a smaller type. The failure is in an external dll, so I can not fix it there. So how can I switch off this run time check for an external project. ...

Oracle 10gr2: prevent any dates that fall on a Sunday?

Is it possible to use a CHECK constraint to prevent any date that falls on a Sunday? I don't want to use a trigger. ...

How to check if a file exists in javascript?

I'm using the jquery library to load the content of an html file. Something like this: $("#Main").load("login.html") If the file (in this case 'login.html') does not exist, I would like to detect it so that I can redirect the user to an error page for example. Any ideas how I can detect if the file to load exists or not? ...

Oracle 10gr2: enforce dates entered are between 9am and 5pm?

I want to enforce that date-times that are entered fall between 9am and 5pm. How do I enforce this with ORACLE CHECK constraints? ...

How can I check for null values in Access?

I am new to Access. I have a table full of records. I want to write a function to check if any id is null or empty. If so, I want to update it with xxxxx. The check for id must be run through all tables in a database. Can anyone provide some sample code? ...

How do I check for valid (not dead) links programatically using PHP?

Given a list of urls, I would like to check that each url: Returns a 200 OK status code Returns a response within X amount of time The end goal is a system that is capable of flagging urls as potentially broken so that an administrator can review them. The script will be written in PHP and will most likely run on a daily basis via c...

Oracle Check Constraint

I've been struggling with this check constraint for a few hours and was hoping someone would be kind enough to explain why this check constraint isn't doing what I think it should be doing. ALTER TABLE CLIENTS add CONSTRAINT CHK_DISABILITY_INCOME_TYPE_ID CHECK ((IS_DISABLED IS NULL AND DISABILITY_INCOME_TYPE_ID IS NULL) OR (IS_DISABLED ...

How can I check from Ruby whether a process with a certain pid is running?

The question title says it all. If there is more than one way, please list them. :) I only know of one, but I'm wondering if there is a cleaner, in-Ruby way. ...

Html radio tag question

I have a jsp page with two radio tags. The page contains a struts2 form. When I submit the form one of two radio must be automatically checked. Is it possible to do that? ...

Check for pointer definedness in C++

How do I check if a variable, specifically a pointer, is defined in C++? Suppose I have a class: class MyClass { public: MyClass(); ~MyClass() { delete pointer; // if defined! } initializePointer() { pointer = new OtherClass(); } private: OtherClass* pointer; }; ...

Checking 2-dimensional array (like eight queens puzzle)

My problem is very similar to eight queens puzzle. I've got 2-dimensional array (N x N) that for example, looks like this: 0,0,0,0,1 y 0,0,0,0,0 | 0,0,0,0,0 V 0,0,0,1,0 0,0,0,0,0 x-> I'm checking horizontally, vertically and diagonally for occurrences of 1 \,0,|,0,/ 0,\,|,/,0 -,-,1,-,- 0,/,|,\,0 /,0,|,0,\ I'm thinking about storin...

Is there any library to query the whois database for domains information?

Hi, I'd like to write my own script in C# to test my own dictionary of too-many-to-do-it-manually words against whois database of world wide web domains. Is there any free library / script that would allow my application to test the words against free domains and get the results quite quick? There are Internet applications like whoix...

Software to mark bad blocks on SD card?

Do any one know a software to check AND mark bad blocks on SD card? To clarify - bad block is a block of card which can't store data. The problem is - no error reported on read or write operation. The only way to check it is to write data and then read it. There is tool to check and find those blocks, but it will not mark them as bad. ...

Basic unit test and C, how do I get started?

Hi After reading quite some threads here at StackOverflow, I have come to the conclusion that I should adopt to some form of test driven development/unit test (or at least explore the area). And since we are talking about c code under Linux, I decided to give check a try (I don't know if this is the right choice but if it's no goo...

Is it overkill to run the unit test with Valgrind?

Hi Just some days ago I started looking into a unit test framework called check, and I intend to run the test on c code under Linux. Now check and some well designed code and some test code can help me to verify that the basic functionality is correct, I mean it is quite easy to just look at the variables in and response back and ...

Checking whether the current thread owns a lock

Suppose I have the following code: public class SomeClass() { private readonly object _lock = new object(); public void SomeMethodA() { lock (_lock) { SomeHelperMethod(); //do something that requires lock on _lock } } public void SomeMethodB() { lock (_lock) { SomeHel...

check what number a string ends with in C++

In a C++ MD2 file loader, I have a lot of frames, each with a name that ends with a number, such as stand0 stand1 stand2 stand3 stand4 ... stand10 stand11 run0 run1 run2 etc. How do I get what the string is without the number behind? e.g. a function that changed "stand10" to just "stand" ...

How to check with Javascript if a Firefox 3 Add-on / Extension is installed

Actually this question is based on a Blog Entry, which discusses the topic for FF2. But how does this work with FireFox 3? I know that there must be a workaround, because recently I visited a site saying: "Please disable AdBlock+ before entering this site" :( ...