
Automatically check bounced emails via POP3 ?

Hi all, Can anyone recommend software or even a .net library to develop software, that will check for bounced emails and the reason for the bounce? I get bounced emails into a pop3 account that I can read then... I need it to keep my user database clean from invalid email addresses and want to automate this (mark user as invalid email)...

how to get through spam filters?

I sent 3 emails last week as replies from our website. None received them. One was yahoo, hotmail and an overseas domain. I am wondering if it's not a good idea to open a yahoo account with our domain name as the user just to reply to prospective buyers. ...

Hotmail / Yahoo (Others?) blocking email notifications?

I've got a website (currently in development for a third party, I'm sorry I can't show) that requires users to confirm their contact information by, clicking on a link sent to their email address, upon registration for the website. It's a pretty standard practice, not very technical or unique, which is why I was surprised to find that Ho...

PHP Piped Email Creates Bounce Back

I am piping my php email to a php script it works fine and executes except it sends back a bounce email, do I have to return something or echo something or set some headers to stop this? ...

Handling Email Bouncebacks in Rails

Hi there, I've built a very basic CRM system for my rails app that allows me to send weekly user activity digests with custom text and create multi-part marketing messages which I can configure and send through a basic admin interface. I'm happy with what I've put together on the send-side of things (minus the fact that I haven't tried...

Analyzing bounced emails - Any free libraries for dotnet available?

Does anyone know of a free/open library to analyze bounced emails? ...

Handle mail bounce with PHP

I'm tring to handle errors from bounced email. This is my scenario: Send emails out with Pear Mail() +Mail_Mime(); Set 'Return-Path'and 'Return-Recipient-To' to get errors in ""; Now using a class mentioned here ( I want to...

handle bounced email - ActionMailer

Hi, I have a rails app and I am using ActionMailer to send email but now I need to know if the email is delivered or what? Do anyone has an idea of how to handle sent emails status(e.g bounced, delivered) ? thanks. ...

How to generate bounce-back email notification, with some extra info included

I am just now beginning to research this, and so far haven't come up with much. So, I'm hoping you guys can help me, or point me in some sort of direction. I am in a situation in which I need to somehow be able to detect a failed email delivery and/or bounced-back email. Then, I need to be able to sent out a notification email describin...