retrieve retrieve domain url

I want to retrieve my domain url in for example, if my url =, I just want the part: can anyone help me out? ...

retrieve post or page title to iframed page

Hi, i'm iframing a php page into another php page on wordpress blog, and i need to retrieve post or page title from the main page to the iframed page as a post or page title. i mean embeding main page title to the iframed page title. Thank you... ...

Object does not retrieves from viewstate

I am about to gone mad why? why? why? protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AttachedPartnersViewState vs = ViewState[SessionVariables.Company_AttachedPartnersViewState] as AttachedPartnersViewState; protected override void OnUnload(EventArgs e) { ViewState[SessionVariables.Company_AttachedPartnersViewSt...

PHP-Retrieve content from page

I'd like to retrieve a page's content and reformat it to my liking... For example: Go to Get content within tags with class "x" Pass content to specific variables Spit out the content in some pretty form..array, csv, xml... Not too hard, right? I'm a PHP noob! :) ...

PHP Variable from extended class

I'm trying to retrieve a variable from an extended class. This is how my main class looks: class SS { public $NONE = NULL; public $NUMBERS = array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"); public $OPERATORS = array("=", "&&", ">", "<", "+", "-", "/", "*", "^"); public $DBLQUOTES = '"$1"'; public $SNGQUOTES = "'$1'"; publi...

how to get cell value in iphone?

Hi, In my iphone application i have 4 cell in uiTable,and each cell having Integers values(10,12,13,14).How to retrieve the integer value while i click on each cell? And how to put if condition to check whether the value of the cell is same or not? i.e.(if(cell value==condition){ } Please provide any code snippet or other solution. T...

Can you BLAST with BioPython? Anyone have experience with this?

Hi, I am going to BLAST several sequences and download the top 100 hits or so from each sequence. Then I will pool the downloaded sequences and remove duplicates. I was thinking of trying out BioPython for this since I am learning Python, but I don't know if this is feasible? Comments to this anyone? Thanks! Jon ...

cakephp retrieving multiple values in a column

I want to retrieve multiples values from a field. the code I am using this this $conditions = array(''=>$compare);//$compare = array('value1', 'value2',..); $values = $this->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions)); But It keeps coming out like this SELECT `Tag`.`id`, `Tag`.`name`, `Tag`.`count` FROM `tags` AS `Tag...

Java: Most efficient way to store/retrieve workout information from a file?

I'm working on a Java project for class that stores workout information in a flat file. Each file will have the information for one exercise ( that holds the time (milliseconds since epoch), weight and repetitions. Example: 1258355921365:245:12 1258355921365:245:10 1258355921365:245:8 What's the most efficient way t...

Retrieving dynamic text from a website in (VS2008)

Hey guys, i want to be able to retrieve dynamic data from a web page (share prices). I started out by retrieving the html code before i realised that as it is live data, the html code will be of little use. Although i am looking to capture specific data, all i wish to do is process a webpage that i specify which will return the text off ...

[PHP] Retrieving and writing a file to system

What's the simplest way for me, in PHP, to: Retrieve a file from an external URL ( If successful, delete local file /root/xml/test.xml Rename downloaded file to test.xml Write new file to /root/xml/ folder This will be a private script, so security or error handling are not important concerns. ...

retrieve & pass value using navigateUrl hyperlink

hi...i'm very new in need help for retrieve and pass value using navigateUrl to another page.... i've tried but in destination page the value doesn't appear.... i use request.querystring("") tengkyu b4... ...

Retrieve a lost subversion repository

I have a Rails application working on Passenger deployed using Capistrano from a subversion repository. The subversion repository is lost. We just have a folder named "cached-copy" which I believe has been made by svn. Is it possible to recreate a subversion repository from this "cached-copy"? ...

How do I find the column listing in UniVerse with RetrieVe or SQL?

I've got an issue where a table (file) is set up to return column foo on LIST table and SELECT * FROM table. I need to know the other possible columns in table. I'm pretty sure this was achieved by setting @ (behavoir definition of unqualified LIST), and @select (behavoir definition of * with very SELECT) but I don't know how to get the ...

UniVerse RetreiVe how do I query a file for all of its column's values?

Kind of a follow up to my self-answered question about finding the column names. In UniVerse you can't query a file for all of its columns unless the @ phrase in your file's dictionary is set to all of the tables columns. If it isn't how do you query a table for all of its column's values? So I can get the total column listing (column ...

Storing and retrieving images with MVC and Sql Server

I am designing an prototyping an app the needs to store images, similar to facebook. This will be a public facing site and I am not sure how many users I will end up with but what I am looking for is a way to efficiently retrieve them. So far I am thinking of storing them in SQL Server varbinary columns. Is this a good idea? I have the ...

Size of folder or file

How can I retrieve size of folder or file in java ? ...

Retrieve external page data with jquery

hello. i need to retrieve information regarding a ventrilo server's status. ventrilo's website offers a service to retrieve information about a server. for example, this is the game arena ventrilo server:;port=25000 i am trying to grab the part under "Channel and User info."...

iphone facebook user's friends status updates

I want to retrieve the status data posted/published by friends of a user. I wrote the following code, but only get the user's own status updates. Could someone please help to tell me what's wrong with my code? Thanks! NSString *fql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select uid,message from status where uid in (select uid2 from friend where ...

Retrieving server address from email

How can I retrieve mail's SMTP server from email (for example [email protected]) ? ...