
How to create a list inside the another list?

I would like to create a list inside another list. How can I do this? And how do I retrieve values from the list which is inside another list? ...

How to use OR Condition in Paginate function in Cakephp ??

Hi! I am facing a problem while fetching values using paginate function in cakephp. In the "to" field of message I have CSV fields of userid. To search messages for a single user. I am using the code below... $this->set('message', $this->paginate('Message', array( 'or'=> array( " LIKE" => "".$this->Session->read('...

retrieve SSH unique session ID

I wonder if there is any way to retrieve, for both a server and a client connected through ssh (OpenSSH), some unique session identifier (let this be USID). This would be used to restrict the execution of a specific (custom) software (let it be a.exe), so it can only be executed through a specific ssh session, even if other users (poten...

how to retrieve the elements in list without using foreach in C#?

i like to know how to retrieve the elements from the list without using foreach.Thanks ...

C# Wholesale Order form - textboxes in Gridviews in Repeater

I'm building a wholesale order form on a website. The current plan is to... -get an ArrayList of DepartmentUnits -a DepartmentUnit has various attributes like "deptId", "description" and its own ArrayList of StoreItems -The StoreItems have attached ArrayList of various SizeOptions -The SizeOptions have an inventory count integer alon...

display/retrieve image from sql database in

should be pretty simple for a pro. i have images in sql server database and i want to retrieve them in my aspx ( file. i have in aspx this image control - in i have started this code - Private Sub ImageDisplay() Dim SqlCnn As SqlConnection = Nothing, sql As String = "" ConnectDB(SqlCnn) Try sql = "SELE...

PHP SPL RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator retrieving the full tree

how can i retrieve the full directory tree using SPL ? ...

retrieving image from sd card in android

How can I retrieve the last image in the SDcard - Last one captured - plz, give me a sample code thanks ...

How do I use curl to display a table on a page?

I want to use curl to retrieve a table from an external page. So far my code retrieves all data from the page. I have read that using preg_match or preg_replace is the way to go about it. This is my code so far: <?php $ch = curl_init() or die(curl_error()); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,";w=631&a...

Search and get a line in Python

Is there a way to search, from a string, a line containing another string and retrieve the entire line? For example: string = qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm token qwerty asdfghjklñ retrieve_line("token") = "token qwerty" ...

How to avoid copying dependencies with Ivy

I'm looking into using Ivy to manage dependencies but wow - that thing really likes to make multiple copies of jars! It spreads like the ivy in my back yard and is just as undesirable! Is it possible to have Ivy simply define a classpath (for a specified profile) that references the resolved dependencies so my javac can reference them ...

Retrieve blob field from mySQL database with MATLAB

I'm accessing public mySQL database using JDBC and mySQL java connector. exonCount is int(10), exonStarts and exonEnds are longblob fields. javaaddpath('mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar') host = ''; user = 'genome'; password = ''; dbName = 'hg18'; jdbcString = sprintf('jdbc:mysql://%s/%s', host, dbName); jdb...

Retrieving a web page including embedded objects

I'd like to fetch a web page including images, flash animations and other embedded objects. What's a straightforward way of achieving this? ...

How to find out the username and password for mysql database

Hi, I ve forgot what i set as username and password for mysql database. How could I be able to find it out.I am using wamp server. I am a newbie in mysql and its time to get started for my first project.Please help. ...

Retrieve value of one column in a table

Here is my problem: I have 2 tables Accounts and Transaction Logs. in Accounts table, it has column "Amount" which is a base amount of an account. and in Trans Logs table, it also has column "Amount" which is additional (add or minus to the base amount) amount of the account. and I don't know how to retrieve that base amount to edit it,...

How to develop for iphone application about "retrieving database file on web"?

Hi...all experts! I'm a newbie to iphone developer. Well, currently, I'm developing iphone for Location Based Service. That application need to have these functions. 1. hierarchical tree-view on navigation bar. 2. list up page 3. detail page for example, Let's say. I have top category like "Restaurant, Hotel, Gift Shop" Second leve...

Handling Email Bouncebacks in Rails

Hi there, I've built a very basic CRM system for my rails app that allows me to send weekly user activity digests with custom text and create multi-part marketing messages which I can configure and send through a basic admin interface. I'm happy with what I've put together on the send-side of things (minus the fact that I haven't tried...

I Cannot retrieve ARPINSTALLLOCATION so we know where to install a new version

I am trying to retrieve the ARPINSTALLLOCATION during the installation of a Major Upgrade version of the software. Following this info I managed to set the ARPINSTALLLOCATION to the custom path. However, retrieving it again isn't working. I've tried many things over the past days but it keeps defaulting back to the default installation...

PHP Retrieving what has already been sent.

Ok I know I can do this via javascript but was wondering if I have say this <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Specifics of Bronica SQAi 150/4 PS </TITLE> <? include('producttopads.html'); and html processes php can I get the title... Any ideas. Thanks Richard ...

Need to get the uploaded file to my local PC

Hi, I have created a test form which will ask users to enter a name and upload the image file: <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Testing image upload</title> </head> <body> <form action="/services/upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> File Description: <input name='fdesc' type='text'><br> File name: <input ty...