
PostbackUrl vs NavigateUrl

Can someone tell me the different between LinkButton.PostBackUrl and HyperLink.NavigateUrl? I've got a 2.0 application that uses both methods throughout the application and everything works fine. However if I connect to the application over the company vpn all of the links that use LinkButton.PostBackUrl give me a (54) Connecti...

C# Change dynamically NavigateUrl HyperLinkField

Hi, In my code i create a HyperLinkField object. Depending on a database field value, i want to set the NavigateUrl property. This is my problem, i don't know how. With: objHF.DataNavigateUrlFields = new[] { "id", "Stype" }; i get my database field. Now i want to check the Stype value. Depeding on this value i want to set the page ...

How to deal with special characters in ASP.NET's HyperLink.NavigateUrl?

I am currently having troubles figuring out how to handle a filepath to be (dynamicly) passed out to a HyperLink control's NavigateUrl property. Let's say that I'm trying to refer to a file named jäynä.txt at the root of C:. Passing "file:///C:/jäynä.txt" result to a link to file:///C:/jäynä.txt, as does HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode("fil...

using hyperlink column in gridview and getting 'does not exist in the current context' error in page_load

HI, I have a HyperLink column in a gridview that when clicked should navigate the user to another page. I pass parameters to the page using a querystring. I am implemeting this action in the grid's onrowdatabound event. here is the code: HyperLink btnDetails = (HyperLink)ea.Row.FindControl("btnDetails"); btnDetai...

Why doesn't the webpage appear? What is missing in my code?

Hi, I'm trying to make my own webbrowser with C#, my wpf application seems to be correct. but it's still missing something. the webpage doesn't appear. :s Does someone have an idea? Here's my code in C# : public partial class Window1 : Window { public Window1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void textBox1_...

treeview problem

have a treeview control in ASP.NET and C#. Root node (This is fixed) ---Parent Node 1 ( Parent node and child are populated from the database directly. ) ----Child node1 ----Child node2 ---Parent node 2 Now When a value is added to a database it get added in the treeview. I cannot get a way to select the parent and ...

How to make a URL relative to a different virtual directory on the same server

I know about the notation that uses a tilde character ~ to represent the root of a website. The links below are part of a virtual directory called "MDWelcome" and while the code below "works", how can I eliminate the "hardcoded" domain name in HyperLink3 below such that it will link to the MDS virtual directory on the "current server" (...

retrieve & pass value using navigateUrl hyperlink

hi...i'm very new in need help for retrieve and pass value using navigateUrl to another page.... i've tried but in destination page the value doesn't appear.... i use request.querystring("") tengkyu b4... ...

prevent hyperlink control from reordering navigateurl attribute

I created a hyperlink control extended from HyperLink, but I do not know how to override the navigateurl property, the problem is: im using a jquery library that depends on the url to look like this #TB_inline?height=285&width=510&inlineId=contactUsContent problem with .net is that it reorders this into: ../controls/?height=2...

How to remove portion of url when using NavigateURL

I am using NavigateURL to dynamically pull in the url of products on a receipt page. Here is the exact code: <a class="blue13" href="<%#Eval("Product.NavigateUrl")%>"><%#Eval("Product.Name")%></a> It is placing "/checkout/~/" in each of the url. How can I remove or correct this? Thanks! ...

Why asp:HyperLink.NagigateUrl in user control, placed in sub-folder, contains this sub-folder?

~/Folder1/UserControl1.ascx: <%@ Control Language="C#" CodeBehind="WebUserControl1.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebUserControl1" %> <asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl="?foo=bar">HyperLink1</asp:HyperLink> ~/UserControl2.ascx: <%@ Control Language="C#"CodeBehind="WebUserControl2.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.WebUserC...

.NET C#: WebBrowser control Navigate() does not load targeted URL

Hey guys, I'm trying to programmatically load a web page via the WebBrowser control with the intent of testing the page & it's JavaScript functions. Basically, I want to compare the HTML & JavaScript run through this control against a known output to ascertain whether there is a problem. However, I'm having trouble simply creating and ...

Adding dynamic links using NavigateURL on ASP.NET (VB)

Hello, I Have this code in my page, and I want that every NavigateUrl display another page like : simple.aspx?id=1, simple.aspx?id=2, ... Where id = c Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim c As Integer = 0 While c < 5 Dim Label1 As New Label() Dim ltr As New Literal() Dim lin...

NavigateUrl is not working with SelectedNodeStyle

I'm trying to get SelectedNodeStyle to work with NavigateUrl without success. The style is not applied when clicking on nodes. <asp:TreeView ID="treeviewSIP" runat="server" ExpandDepth="0"> <SelectedNodeStyle BackColor="Red" ForeColor="WhiteSmoke" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" Bor...

NavigateUrl and EVAL

I am trying to Navigate URL in this way <asp:HyperLink runat="server" NavigateUrl='javascript:NavigateUrl("<%#Eval("TicketID")%>","<%=RedirectURL %>");'><%# Eval("TicketID") %></asp:HyperLink> but an error occurred in the javascript Error Console in Mozilla browser. Error: missing ) after argument list S...

How to collect information from navigate url and anchor link using jquey?

I am having links like: <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkTitle" runat="server" CssClass="itemTitle" > </asp:HyperLink> <a id="linkOwner" runat="server" class="authorName"></a> I am assigning the NavigateUrl from code behind at run time like: lnkTitle.NavigateUrl = "MyPage.aspx?id=" + userID; linkOwner.HRef= "M...