
Formatting text in WinForm Label

Is it possible to format certain text in a WinForm Label instead of breaking the text into multiple labels? Please disregard the HTML tags within the label's text; it's only used to get my point out. For example: Dim myLabel As New Label myLabel.Text = "This is <b>bold</b> text. This is <i>italicized</i> text." Which would produce ...

Java Coding standard / best practices - labeled break/continue

Sometimes a labeled break or continue can make code a lot more readable. OUTERLOOP: for ( ;/*stuff*/; ) { //...lots of code if ( isEnough() ) break OUTERLOOP; //...more code } I was wondering what the common convention for the labels was. All caps? first cap? ...

Refactoring away labeled loops.

After I was convinced that labeled breaks/continues are a total "nono" over here, I need help to remove the label out of my code. I have a square matrix and a vector that has the same length. The vector has already some values in it an depending on the values in the matrix the vector is changed in the loop. I hope, the code-fragment is...

How do I prevent TFS from overwriting a label?

If i make a label in TFS, and later make a new label with the same name... then the old label is replaced by the new one. How do I prevent TFS from overwriting a label? ...

In P4V, how do I create a branch from a label?

The company just imported our CVS repository into Perforce. I'm new to P4V and I can't work out how to create a branch from an existing label. Can anyone tell me how to do this? ...

Sending raw data to FedEx Label printer

I'm working on a .NET WinForms app that needs to print a FEDEX shipping label. As part of the FedEx api, I can get raw label data for the printer. I just don't know how to send that data to the printer through .NET (I'm using C#). To be clear, the data is already pre formatted into ZPL (Zebra printer language) I just need to send it...

Sharing labels in TFS?

If I've created a label in TFS, assigning it to several files, my coworkers cannot change the versions of files (nor add other files) to that label. We get this error: TF14077: The owner of a label cannot be changed. Researching the problem, I found this article, which states: It is possible that a user could be allowed to manip...

Why "The system cannot find the batch label specified" is thrown even if label exists?

While running a batch file in Windows XP I have found randomly occuring error message: The system cannot find the batch label specified name_of_label Of course label existed. What causes this error? ...

Wrapping a label element within a legend element

I've never had a reason to put a label element inside of a legend element (never really thought about it or seen it done). But with the design I'm implementing, it's tempting to do so. Here's what I'm tempted to do: <fieldset> <legend><label for="formInfo">I would like information on</label></legend> <select id="formInfo"> <option val...

SourceSafe Label Search

Is there a way to search Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0d for all files tagged with a specific label? ...

Multiple colors in a C# .NET label

Hi, I'm looking for a way to display multiple colors in a single C#/.NET label. E.g the label is displaying a series of csv separated values that each take on a color depending on a bucket they fall into. I would prefer not to use multiple labels, as the values are variable length and I don't want to play with dynamic layouts. Is the...

CruiseControl.NET Build Label & SourceGear Vault Practice Related Question

I use SourceGear Vault and applyLabel="true" for a project so when it builds it will create a label in SourceGear Vault for the corresponding project.My questions are I have a nightly builds so what if i don't have any changes made to that project for that day then how do I define my settings.... <sourcecontrol type="vault" autoGetSou...

Find html label associated with a given input

Let's say I have an html form. Each input/select/textarea will have a corresponding <label> with the for attribute set to the id of it's companion. Given an input element in javascript --via an onkeyup event, for example--, what's the best way to find it's associated label? ...

Latex: hyperref to individual longtable rows

Hi, I have a few longtables that stretch several pages and I want to use pageref and hyperref to link to these rows. But whatever I try, the links always refer to the start of the table. When I look into the aux file, the labels all seem to be re-defined into table.[number of table]. I tried putting invisible dummy figures into the tab...

Labeling Web Service endpoints

The web service endpoint usually is defined in an early stage of a project. Since it follows the "contract first" principle, it shouldn't be changed after communicated to client systems. Therefore, it is vital to label the web service in a good way. How would you label web services? e.g.

Network Drive label

Hello, I'm trying to get the label of some network resources mapped as drives. When I use DriveInfo.GetDrives(), local volumes have the VolumeLabel filled parameter as expected, but in network drives it is an empty string. How can I get those labels? ...

Shorten long text according to width in pixels

I would like to shorten very long descriptions to the available table column width. I have the column width information in pixels. Now I would like to convert this measure to the number of characters, so I can shorten the text to the specified number. I doesn't have to be 100% correct, a near assumption will also work. ...

OpenCv Blob/Contour labeling

Hi i have been working on this for a while and yet to have no good solution. I am reading a video frame by frame and am using background subtraction to ' identify the region where is there movement and use cvFindContours() to get the rectangle boundary of the moving objects. Assuming the program is kept simple there can be only 2 human...

<label> on checkboxes: is there a reason why more websites don't use it?

I always try to do the following: <label><input type="checkbox" /> Some text</label> or <label for="idOfField"><input type="checkbox" id="idOfField" /> Some text</label> My question is related to the label tag, specifically on a checkbox. Most websites (I would say >40%) don't use the <label> tag. Is there a reason for this? Is t...

Is it possible to exit a for before time in C++, if an ending condition is reached?

Hello, I want to know if it is possible to end a for loop in C++ when an ending condition (different from the reacheing right number of iterations) is verified. For instance: for (int i = 0; i < maxi; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < maxj; ++j) // But if i == 4 < maxi AND j == 3 < maxj, // then jump out of the two nested lo...