
Is there a label in Python ?

Is there a label or any equivalent implementation in Python? ...

Hide/clear input field with prototype

Hy everyone, I have the following script : if (Object.isUndefined(Axent)) { var Axent = { } } Axent.SelfLabeledInput = Class.create({ initialize: function() { var labelSelector = arguments[0] || 'label'; $$(labelSelector).findAll(function(l) {return (l.readAttribute('for') !== null)}).each(function(l){ l.hide(); $(l.readAttr...

Html label tag and ASP.NET

What is the best way to use the <label> tag within an ASP.NET application? I want it to be XHTML valid, accessible and usable. I understand the optimal way is this: <label for="Username">Username:</label> <input type="text" id="Username" runat="server" /> But if the above code is in an ASP.NET user control, the input ID will change, ...

Is there a way to check if a label is already defined in LaTeX?

I edited the question after David Hanak's answer (thanks btw!). He helped with the syntax, but it appears that I wasn't using the right function to begin with. Basically what I want is to let the compiler ignore multiple definitions of a certain label and just use the first. In order to do that, I thought I'd just do something like this...

Java Paint Method Doesn't Paint?

I'm working on a simple little swing component, and I'm tearing out my hair trying to figure out why my paint method isn't working. The idea behind this component is that it's a small JPanel with a label. The background (behind the label) is supposed to be white, with a colored rectangle on the left-hand side indicating the ratio of two...

How do I align textPosition for a label?

I wonder if it is possible to set textPosition() for a label that includes an image and a text part so that the text is both TOP and LEFT. The problem I have now is that I need the text to be TOP but when that is selected the text is centered over the image. My wish is that the text is over the image but to the left and not centered. I w...

How do I figure out which changeset a label in TFS was applied to?

We're using Team Foundation Server and we are using Labels to create points in our version history where specific versions (either internal or external) were produced. Right now we were wondering if a particular changeset was done before or after a specific label (and thus included in that version or not), but we must be looking in the ...

How do you set a Tkinter frame size?

This is the code that's giving me trouble. f = Frame(root, width=1000, bg="blue") f.pack(fill=X, expand=True) l = Label(f, text="hi", width=10, bg="red", fg="white") l.pack() If I comment out the lines with the Label, the Frame displays with the right width. However, adding the Label seems to shrink the Frame down to the Label's si...

How can I implement a gmail-style label chooser?

What's the easiest way to implement (something like) Gmail's interface for labeling messages? Does any javascript library have a widget like this? Behavior: Click a label in the dropdown to immediately label the message. Check multiple labels and then "Apply" to add multiple labels (not sure I like the "Apply" requirement...) Type i...

WPF Label FontSize problem.

I have create WPF application and set style of control using style. I have found problem on some control such as Label that I have set FontSize, FontWeight, FontFamily etc. All value is working as I expect except FontSize and FontFamily that seem don't working correctly at runtime. (At design time FontSize and FontFamily is seem to chang...

How to customize a mutiline label on iPhone?

How to let a label show multi-line strings? e.g. The given string is @"HelloA\nHelloB\nHelloC\n". How to show it like: @"HelloA" @"HelloB" @"HelloC" ...

C# have end of text priorities

I'm concatenating a string that sometimes is long enough for it not to fit in a label control. How can i make it autoscroll to the rightside so i always see the end of the string? ...

Using a System.Drawing.Font with a WPF Label

I have a WPF Label control which I'm trying to change the appearance of using a System.Drawing.Font object supplied by some legacy code. I have been able to set most of the properties, but am struggling with Strikeout and Underline. So far I have: System.Drawing.Font font = FontFromLegacyCode(); System.Windows.Controls.Label label = n...

CSS Control Inheritance - Inheriting Other Control Styles

Two parts to my question: 1) Is there a way to inherit another control's attributes and styles in CSS? Assume the controls have no parent/child hierarchy and can be completely different control types: IE: #MyFirstControl { width: 100px; } #MySecondControl { width: MyFirstControl.styles.width; /* This doesn't work */ } 2) Assume...

Form designs for displaying content in labels

I see a ton of designs for forms that include form fields, but I can't find good examples of displaying labels in a form. Does anyone have good layouts for forms that show information instead of gathering it? I've got a form that shows a user profile with several fields and I'd like to spread it across the horizontal area. ...

WPF label counterpart for HTML "for" attribute

Is there some attribute in WPF that I can add to element, so when I click it the target control get focus? The closest thing I have found is 'Target', but it works only with access keys and clicking it has no effect. ...

Setting a label's id in Zend_Form

Hey, guys, I'm trying to set an id for one of my form's labels so I can hide it with jquery later. Here's my element: $password = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('password'); $password->setLabel('Password:') ->setRequired(true) ->addFilter('StripTags') ->addFilter('StringTrim') ->addValidator('NotEmpty') ->setAttrib( ...

How to hide Label or TextBlock inside a WPF Grid

I am trying to hide the TextBlock and Label which are placed inside a grid like so: <TextBlock Grid.Column="3" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Visibility="Hidden">Text inside TextBlock</TextBlock> <Label Grid.Column="4" Grid.Row="2" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Visibility="Hidden">Text inside Label</...

Naming conventions for GoTo labels

How do you name your GoTo labels? I use rarely often so I'm having a hard time finding good names. Please refrain from the classical 'goto is evil and eat your code alive discussion' ...

Set Label width in an itemRenderer - FLEX

Hi, I am creating a Label in a Datagrid itemRenderer(extended from UIComponent) and right now I am setting the width of the label to some static value. I would like to create the label with 100% width. I do not want to use unScaledWidth because I am using link for the label so the link will be visible in the entire cell. Thanks for the...