
Python tkinter label won't change at beginning of function

I'm using tkinter with Python to create a user interface for a program that converts Excel files to CSV. I created a label to act as a status bar, and set statusBarText as a StringVar() as the textvariable. inputFileEntry and outputFileEntry are textvariables that contain the input and output file paths. def convertButtonClick(): s...

How do i make a checkbox fire a function ?

I have a checkbox inside a <label> and i want that checkbox, when checked or unchecked, to trigger a function. I attached a onchange trigger to the checkbox but in IE6 the trigger only fires after the focus is turned away from the checkbox, while in FF3 and Chrome it fires right away. I removed the onchange trigger and attached a onclic...

Code Curiosity

I was looking at the YUI Compressor and came across this piece of code in the ECMA.NET project (Continuation file if you are interested). protected internal override int FindPrototypeId (string s) { int id; #region Generated PrototypeId Switch L0: { id = 0; string X = null; if ...

How can I determine the top/left position of a label in WPF?

I have a WPF label contained in a FlowLayoutPanel and I want to determine the position of the label when clicked with the mouse. I am trying to position a pop-up control where near to the label and just need it's location. ...

How to set the text of a label inside a user control

Hi All, I have a user control that displays a list of categories. In that user control I have a Label control that I would like to write to from the code behind file. This is my Label I have tried this code: Label lblCount = (Label)this.Page.FindControl("Label1"); lblCount.text = "some text"; How can I get access to write to the l...

Flex/Actionscript truncateToFit on label component

I have a number of labels in my Flex application which have the "truncateToFit" property on them set to true. The problem is that, instead of displaying '...' at the end of any truncated text it displays null. I.e if my label's text was: "Hello Stackoverflow!" I might expect my label to look like this: "Hello Stackov..." Instead it...

tfs : branch moved folder based on label or date

I've moved a folder in tfs using the "move" command but now I cannot create branches off the moved folder based on date or label (label was created when source was in the old folder). I can however create a branch based on "latest version". I get an error message "no items match in if I try to branch of a label. I'm guessing the lab...

Adding new label in ASP.Net 2.0 using C#

I am implementing a website using ASP.NEt 2.0 and I want to add a new Label when I press an existing button Could some body help me on doing this ???? ...

Display a percentage in a label

I am working on a C# windows application. I have a label on my form that I want to display a calculation. Here is my code: this.lblPercent.Text = (Convert.ToString(totalPercent)); I have the variable totalPercent defined as a double, how do I round this number to 2 decimal places? When I run my program, 86.8245614 is being displayed...

Guess this goto label...

I was about to refactor this following VB6 code (written by someone else). Public Function GetValue(ID As Long) As Boolean On Error GoTo eh '' ... DAL Logic... eh_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Exit Function eh: Resume eh_Exit End Function What do you think the original author's intention was for the label eh? Probably Just "eh, som...

How to create a label inside an <input> element?

Hi! I would like to insert a descriptive text inside an input element that disappers when the user click on it. Example I know it is a very common trick, but I do not know how to do that.. What is the simplest/better solution? ...

Is Clearcase recursive labelling more efficient than element by element labelling?

I use Clearcase on a project with ~3700 files. While making a release, there are some directories that have to be labeled recursively. The file count here is ~2400. The files in other directories are selectively labelled. I currently label the files using a script to iterate through a list of files and label the files one by one. This ta...

How to adjust padding in xaml label

How can I make the top and bottom padding smaller in the following label? As I see it, the bounding box in much bigger than it needs to be, but the padding is set to 0, so it cannot be any smaller. <Label Background="AliceBlue" Content="1800" FontSize="170" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="Gray" Padding="0" /> ...

auto width of the error label

the error label displays till the width of the table. as this: how can i display it till the text of the label? this is the css: label.error { color: red; font-size:16px; font-family:Nyala; background-color: #FFFFCC; display:block; width:auto; } ...

Label text in datarepeater

I am trying to use a label in my datarepeater, when I am able to bind data and write to me html page. <asp:Label ID="lblID" runat="server"><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ID")%></asp:Label> which works fine. When I try to get text value I get "". Label lblcurrentID = ri.FindControl("lblID") as Label; result: lblcurrentID....

How do I dynamically change the text of a CMFCRibbonLabel

My CMDIFrameWndEx derived main frame window uses a CMFCRibbonStatusBar to which I add a CMFCRibbonLabel. I'd like to change the text of this label at runtime: m_pLabel->SetText(description); m_pLabel->Redraw(); It only updates the text but not the rectangle in which to draw it. So if the original text was too short, the new string won...

How to make slider labels clickable [Flex 3]

I have a simple slider, with only 3 options. It seems strange to force the user to drag the small thumbnail on the slider, when it would be a lot easier to click one of the 3 actual labels by the side of the slider. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? ...

How can I make multi-line, vertically and horizontally aligned labels for radio buttons in HTML Forms with CSS?

Assuming the following markup: <fieldset> <legend>Radio Buttons</legend> <ol> <li> <input type="radio" id="x"> <label for="x"><!-- Insert multi-line markup here --></label> </li> <li> <input type="radio" id="x"> <label for="x"><!-- Insert multi-line markup h...

How do I get URL label when parsing request URL?

URL can have a label, separated with a "#" sign, coming after the URL parameters. E.g. I would expect label to be part of request.getQueryString() and part of request.getRequestURL().toString(). But it doesn't seem to be there. Is there a way to retrieve the label value from HttpServletRe...

LinkLabel needing more space than TextRenderer.MeasureText says

If I give TextRenderer.MeasureText some text to measure and width to use it will return the height needed to display that text. private static int CalculateHeight(string text, Font font, int width) { Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font, new Size(width, Int32.MaxValue), TextFormatFlags.NoClipping | TextFormatFlags.WordBre...