
TextRenderer.DrawText in Bitmap vs OnPaintBackground

If I use TextRenderer.DrawText() using the Graphics object provided in the OnPaintBackground my text looks perfect. If I create my own Bitmap and use the Graphics object obtained from my Bitmap my text looks terrible. It looks like it is anti-aliasing the text using black, not the bitmap's background color. I can avoid this problem if I ...

LinkLabel needing more space than TextRenderer.MeasureText says

If I give TextRenderer.MeasureText some text to measure and width to use it will return the height needed to display that text. private static int CalculateHeight(string text, Font font, int width) { Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, font, new Size(width, Int32.MaxValue), TextFormatFlags.NoClipping | TextFormatFlags.WordBre...

Accuracy of TextRenderer.MeasureText results.

Calling TextRenderer.MeasureText as follows: TextRenderer.MeasureText(myControl.Text, myControl.Font); and comparing the result to the size of the control to check if text fits. The results are sometimes incorrect. Have observed the following two issues: Often when a Label is set to AutoSize, TextRenderer will report a width that is...

Format DataGridView Cell without changing underlying value?

I have an unbound DataGridView (in VS 2008), of which one column contains a file path. I'd like to format the string using the TextRenderer class on the ColumnWidthChanged event without actually modifying the underlying value. The problem is that the contents of the table are saved when the form is closed and I don't want to save the for...

Correlating Windows forms textbox text width to GDI width

I'm drawing the text from a textbox using GDI; however, I'm trying to create my textbox such that it reflects the same amount of space that I am drawing to in GDI. So, for some X amount of width in GDI, I would like for the length of the string in the textbox to not be able to exceed this width. To draw the string in GDI, I'm using the...

maximum height-based Graphics::MeasureString?

hi all how could one write a version of Graphics::MeasureString(String, Font, Int32) that takes a maximum height instead of width? the reason behind this question is that i have a label that i would like to resize to a specific height, and have the contained text automatically re-flow to take up as little horizontal space (there is a m...

Change UIWebView's color while loading content

I have a UIWebView in my app that shows some html-formatted text (loaded from a .plist file from my bundle). The UIWebView takes about 1 second to render the text on the screen and during that second the whole UIWebView is white. I have tried setting the backgronud color of the view to clear or black but that did not do anything. I also ...

TextRenderer.DrawText renders Arial differently on XP vs Vista

I have a c# application that does text rendering, something on par with a simple wysiwyg text editor. I'm using TextRenderer.DrawText to render the text to the screen and GetTextExtentPoint32 to measure text so I can position different font styles/sizes on the same line. In Vista this all works fine. In XP however, Arial renders diffe...

Text rendering still blurry : Best font for WPF application?

I know this is a very subjective question but as text rendering in WPF is still an issue I have to make the best out of it. In WPF Application text tend to become blurry that is no secret. Also there are countless website about this topic and how you get around this problem. But I wonder ... text blurriness seems to affect some fonts mo...

Why is UseCompatibleTextRendering needed here?

Hi, I think I'm missing something fundamental. Please tell me what it is, if you can. I have developed a little C++ WinForms app using VS2008. So it is built using .NET 3.5 SP1. My development box is Win7, if that matters. The default value of UseCompatibleTextRendering property in WinForms controls is false in this version of VStudi...

[JOGL] Rotating text using Textrenderer

Hey, I'd like to display text in a 2D szenario using JOGL. But I can't figure out, how to rotate text using com.sun.opengl.util.j2d.TextRenderer. It does not have any methods concerning the rotation. So I was expecting the modelview matrix to have an effect on the rotation. val renderer = new TextRenderer(new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD...

Possible bug with Graphics.DrawString and TextRenderingHint in .Net Winforms

Here's the OnPaint method of a control that simply inherits from control and provides a property to get/set the textrenderinghint: Private _mode as TextRenderingHint = SystemDefault. Public Property Mode as TextRenderingHint Get & Set _mode ... Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) ...