
IE7 and the statusbar

Hi, Is there a way to spawn a new window via javascript in IE7 that hides the statusbar? I've added the intranet app as a trusted site. Not sure what else I can use to try. This is my JS"http:/localhost/start.html", "MyApp", "left=0, top=0, width=" + screen.width + "," + "height=" + screen.height + ", scrollba...

VBA Status Bar

Hi, I am working on a Word VBA macro app for 80 or so users. The office has high staff turnover, so training suffers, and so one of the self imposed requirements for this project is comprehensive, friendly documentation. However, to supplement this, and to save newbies having to open up a 100 page document when they want to try somethin...

How to drag NSStatusItems

You all know the menu bar (or better said NSStatusBar) in Mac OS X. There are some items which I can move and other which not. I would like to be able to drag the NSStatusItem of my app. Any idea how to implement this? ...

I have to make a delegate such that when my statusbar gets updated then an event is triggered and the respective text gets displayed.

I have a project in which status bar gets updated many a times. Now i want to create a delegate such that whenever my status bar gets updated then an event is triggered inside the main form class and respective text gets displayed in the status bar, so that i dont have to create a different StatusLabel.Text for everytime my status bar ge...

Python tkinter label won't change at beginning of function

I'm using tkinter with Python to create a user interface for a program that converts Excel files to CSV. I created a label to act as a status bar, and set statusBarText as a StringVar() as the textvariable. inputFileEntry and outputFileEntry are textvariables that contain the input and output file paths. def convertButtonClick(): s...

Can I update WPF StatusBar text before making the user wait?

I've got a WPF application with a status bar. <StatusBar Grid.Row="1" Height="23" Name="StatusBar1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"> <TextBlock Name="TextBlockStatus" /> </StatusBar> I'd like to display text there and switch to the hourglass Wait cursor when I do a small amount of work. This code will ...

Is there no simple way to set WPF StatusBar text?

I want to set the Text of a TextBlock in my StatusBar before making the user wait for a short moment while my program does a little bit of work. Aparently, instead of doing a nice little function like this (which does not work): Function Load(ByVal Id As Guid) As Thing Cursor = Cursors.Wait TextBlockStatus.Text = "Loading..." ...

Updating the image of a NSStatusItem

I have a statusItem in the StatusBar. I've retained a reference to it in my class. Now, I want to update the image of the item. In order to this, I wrote a method similar to: -(void)updateStatusIcon:(NSString *)newImage { [statusItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:newImage]]; } The image is a valid icon and works when I set it initi...

How do I dynamically change the text of a CMFCRibbonLabel

My CMDIFrameWndEx derived main frame window uses a CMFCRibbonStatusBar to which I add a CMFCRibbonLabel. I'd like to change the text of this label at runtime: m_pLabel->SetText(description); m_pLabel->Redraw(); It only updates the text but not the rectangle in which to draw it. So if the original text was too short, the new string won...

Reliable cross browser way of setting Status bar text

I've heard of window.status and that it can be used to control the browser's status bar text, but I would like to know if there are better or newer methods that can do the same, with most modern browsers. Also, is it possible to change the status text multiple times after the page has loaded? ...

Why is the Status Bar STILL showing during Default.png?

I'm pretty sure that I've taken all steps to correctly set my status bar to hidden. I did this in both the info.plist file (setting a UIStatusBarHidden to a boolean TRUE) as well as in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method in the Application Delegate using: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES animated:NO]; An...

How do I detect a touch in the iPhone status bar?

I have a UITableview that I would like to scroll to the top when the status bar is touched. I expected to find a notification that I could listen to and then use tableview:scrollToRowAtIndexPath: for the scroll, but can find none. Is there a way to do this? [Update] Finding some more on the net, I am suspicious that this is the simu...

How to get a CView based Windows that do not contain title bar and status bar

I am writing MFC application, I choose CView based application other then Dialog based application. I don't know how to remove title bar and status bar, is there any method to do this? And made a CView based application just like dialog based application ? Many thanks! ...

how to hide status bar when splash screen appears in iphone?

is there a way to hide the status bar when showing splash screen in iphone? and show again in application ...

UIScrollView shifts below navigation and status bar

I have view which contains a scrollView. When the view shows up the image appears in full screen (320x480) hiding the status and navigation bar. When I tap the screens - status and navigation bar appears on the screen. But this thing shifts the UIScrollView below the the navigation bar. I want the status and nav bar to show over my scrol...

NSStatusItem to be always left?

Hi, I'm working on an app that displays certain information on the status menu, and I was wondering if there's any Cocoa API that can make my NSStatusItem always placed on the most-left, no matter when it's started or if other apps are started after it. NSStatusBar *bar = [NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]; barItem = [[bar statusItemWithLen...

Why false is displayed on status bar of safari browser?

I am using safari 3.2 and 4.0.3. On the status bar, false is displayed. Even when my site is loading, the same message is displayed: false. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be and the solution as well. Thanks in advance ...

How do I customize the WPF StatusBar layout?

Adding more than one child to a WPF StatusBar results in poor layout with little option to customize. For example, this code: <StatusBar> <StatusBarItem> <TextBlock>Ready</TextBlock> </StatusBarItem> <StatusBarItem> <TextBlock>Set</TextBlock> </StatusBarItem> </StatusBar> Results in: This is not the ...

iPhone add icon in status bar (a la Battery Indicator)

Hi all! I was wondering if it is possible to add an icon to the iPhone status bar, much like the battery and wifi indicator. How can I do this? Thanks. ...

How to achieve a hidden status bar using three20 framework

I'm using the TTThumbsViewController section of the three20 framework, and I have the status bar hidden throughout my application. When the user views the full size image, taps the screen(hiding the controls), when they tap again the controls reappear but the status bar is there too. I've searched through the whole library and been u...