
IE status bar. I need to add a clickable icon to the status bar.

My bho (Browser Helper Object) is a sidebar (right-sided iframe) that needs to be opened/closed by clicking the status bar icon in IE (IE8). I didn't find any informations for clickable icons. Anyone knows wich interface to use to do that. Thank you. (I'm using ATL: Active Template Library). If anyone need precisions, please ask. I'll be...

iPad status bar sticking after rotation during video play

I am having a terrible time getting this to work, and the Apple Developer forum has been of no help. I have an application that plays video and when the moviecontrols are displayed and the iPad is rotated, the status bar sticks to the orientation that the video was in before the orientation begins. Then there is a 20px gap at the top of...

iPad translucent status bar?

Is there no way to make the status bar translucent for the iPad. I get this error when trying to do this: UIStatusBarStyleBlackTranslucent is not available on this device. ...

Mac OS X Status Bar Application - Hiding it from Cmd/Alt menu?

I'm trying to whip up a simple little Status Bar Application in Obj-C/Cocoa. So I have done it pragmatically - declaring an NSStatusItem, adding it to the NSStatusBar and then giving it a NSMenu object. A bit like this... NSStatusBar *bar = [NSStatusBar systemStatusBar]; theItem = [bar statusItemWithLength:NSVariableStatusItemLength]...

About setStatusBarHidden

Today my app approved, but I got emails from users says it crash. I figured out that [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation: UIStatusBarAnimationSlide]; Is the problem, Because users have firmware 3.1.x this API is not working and app crash. So I have replace it with if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice...

How can I create a bar in the bottom of a Java app, like a status bar?

I am in the process of creating a Java app and would like to have a bar on the bottom of the app, in which I display a text bar and a status (progress) bar. Only I can't seem to find the control in NetBeans neither do I know the code to create in manually. Thank you so much for helping! Paintrick ...

OpenFeint + iPad + Hiding status bar

Hi ! My app runs fullscreen no status bar but when OF starts and asks for which account to use, a status bar appears... How can I disable this ? Note that when the OF connection window closes it leaves a white rectangle in place of the status bar. Thanks for your help. --G. ...

Updating ToolStripProgressBar and ToolStripStatusLabel along with with an action

In a Windows Form, I have a search box that fires an event to search a remote database and display some results. The query is pretty fast, usually just a fraction of a second, but in case the delay is noticeable there is a progress bar and label in the form's status bar. When the user clicks "Search" the status label should appear and th...

Android - status bar prevents full screen

My app correctly runs in full screen when it's started. However after minimizing and then returning to the app, the status bar pops up and pushes my views down a little. How can I keep the status bar from moving my views? Here is my layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="

Implementing an interactive notification in the status bar (Android)

Hi, I'd like to know how to disable the highlighting effect when the user clicks the notification in the status bar and furthermore, I'd like to allow the user to interact directly with the RemoteView I have placed in the notification by means of button pressing. I know this can be done as HTC's Sense has an ongoing notification while a...

Using Netbean's Desktop Application's status bar

Hello everyone, I would like to know a way to actually make the status bar that is provided by netbeans when you create a desktop application work, but I don't really understand how. I am including the code below so everyone can understand what I mean and where to find it in netbeans. // status bar initialization - message timeout,...

How to slide in/out statusBar and navigationBar simultaneously?

I'd like to show and hide the statusBar and the navigationBar simultaneously using a slide effect. This is how I tried: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:hide withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationSlide]; [self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:hide animated:animated]; However, the duration of both animation...

Hide status bar while playing video for iphone

Hi , I am trying to hide status bar for iphone application development.But when i am playing video at that that status bar come and after that when i come back to previous screen status bar showing . If i am not playing any video than whole application the status bar hiding. Can you please help me to hide status bar on video screen ,ev...

Why iPad can't hide Status Bar from splash?

Greetings everyone! I'm curious about what could solve this. I'm working on an universal app, on my iPod Touch and iPhone the status bar hides from the start of the splash image animation. However, on the iPad it only hides until the splash image is gone. This is what i have in my AppDelegate: - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UI...

Android fullscreen status bar flickers

My app runs in fullscreen fine, but when a alert dialog pops up the status bar flickers from under the fullscreen. Also when I try typing in the dialog popup it also makes the status bar flicker. The funny thing is it worked before, but I must have changed something and I don't remember what. To get fullscreen I am using this in the ma...

How do I detect an iPad's interfaceRotation at the start?

Hi, I'm having problems getting my iPad app to detect its interfaceOrientation in the first UIViewController I initialize (in code). In fact, if I trace for application.statusBarOrientation, that too returns 1 (UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) even if I launched in landscape. If I trace self.interfaceOrientation in my first UIViewContro...

Height of status bar in Android

What's the height of the status bar in Android? Is it always the same? From my measurements it seems that it's 25dp, but I'm not sure if it has the same height on all platforms. (I want to know this to properly implement a fade transition from an activity that doesn't have status bar to one that does) ...

How to show status bar on top of custom camera overlay ?

Hi friends, I have this critical issue with showing top statusbar on the custom camera overlay which seems impossible for me at the moment. I posted the same question to Apple dev forum but did not get any response for some time now. In my application, I have a custom overlay view set as the overlay to the UIImagePickerController. At th...

How do I detect a double-height status bar?

The HIG (p.47) says that I have to be able to handle the double-height status bar that appears during phone calls or voice recordings. How exactly do I handle this situation? I really only have 1 screen where a keyboard with toolbar over it underlaps a textfield when the double-height status bar shows - on other screens things are ju...

WPF, updating status bar in main window from within UserControl

I have a StatusBar in my main window, and I also have a copy of a UserControl in my main window. From within event handlers in my UserControl, I want to update the StatusBar in the main window. What would be the best way of doing this? Is there a way of getting access to the instance of my main window from object sender or RoutedEvent...