
How to change color of status bar item title in objective-C/Cocoa?

//Create the NSStatusBar and set its length statusItem = [[[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength] retain]; [statusItem setHighlightMode:YES]; [statusItem setTitle:@"myTitle"]; [statusItem setToolTip:@"myToolTip"]; [statusItem setMenu:statusMenu]; [statusItem setEnabled:YES]; How to change color of...

iOS SDK - How to get the status bar back when using UIImagePickerController?

As soon as I add a UIImagePickerController sub view to my view the status bar disappears and I can't get it back. Is there any way to keep the status bar visible? UIImagePickerController *imagePicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; [self.view addSubview:imageP...

iPhone - why the status bar is hiding when playing movie using MPMoviePlayerController

One good feature in iOS 4 is that we can resize the movie player. I'm using MPMoviePlayerController to play a video file. I'm resizing the view to show it in half screen only. When video is being played, the status bar is hiding and it shows white box in place of status bar. When video completes playing, its not showing status bar again....

Hide StatusBar from MPMoviePlayerController

Hi everyone, I've been struggling with a very annoying problem all day long and I hope I could find help on this board. I'm using an MPMoviePlayerController to play a fullscreen movie on iPad and I can't figure how to remove the status bar which is always displayed despite all my efforts to make it go to hell. Here is the code of the ...

How can I make a status-bar only Mac application?

I'm very new to developing for the Mac, and I'm trying to write a Cocoa application whose only presence is in the system menu bar, and does not appear in the Dock. Dropbox, Alfred, and Quicksilver do this (or can be configured to do this). Thank you. ...

Re-create "Call in Progress" Bar on the iPhone

Hi all, How would I go about re-creating this bar with the iPhone SDK? I don't really care if it's a private API, I'd just like to know how to do it. I also know it's possible to do programmatically, as the jailbreak applications MyWi 4.0 and Synchronicity use it with their own custom text and colors (in Synchronicity's case.) ...

setting ToolStripSplitButton.DropDownButtonWidth to 0

I want to use ToolStripSplitButton as a button only (no drop down menu) in my StatusStrip. For this reason i want to not display the little arrow, but i can't do this. Tried do this with setting ToolStripSplitButton.DropDownButtonWidth to 0, and it works successfull in windows 7 but not in windows xp. how to get rid of the little arro...

status bar and Navigation bar problem after dismissed modal view

the apps launched the mailcomposer modal view (MFMailComposeViewController) when the Contact Us button is pressed. but once the modal view is loaded, the status bar is hidden automatically. I setStatusBarHidden Status to NO after modal view controller is dismissed. [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES]; [[UIApplication...

[iPhone] hide status bar in landscape mode leave a blank space when rotating

Dear all, My application support to display some screen in landscape mode, and in landscape mode, I set to hide the status bar to get mode space to display data. The problem is while hiding the status bar and rotate screen, it leave a white pace at status bar position until the screen is rotated completely as below screenshot. I gue...

Intents to activity from notification status bar?

I am trying to start an activity from the notification bar but it needs to get an int. From activity to activity I would just put an int into the intent but I can't seem to figure out where to add the extra for the notification bar? Is this possible? If not is there a better way to do it? public void notifyMe() { int icon = andro...

How to change StatusBar font color in wxWidgets?

I want to display an error message in red on status bar if a user action results in error. I have tried setting the forground color to red but the it still displays the message in default black font. How do make the font color red on statusbar? I'm using wxWidgets 2.8 on red hat 5.5 Thanks! ...

How to toggle the Status Bar on/off?

I have a situation where I sometimes need a real fullscreen view that also covers the status bar completely. When this view is gone, I want the status bar to be visible again below it. Is there a way to do this? ...

Problem with hiding status bar on iphone app, screenshot included

Im getting this blue line when i try to hide the status bar, I'm using the following line in the touchesBegan method in my RootViewController [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade]; ...

How to toggle the Statusbar?

I'm looking for a way to show and hide the statusbar with an onClickListener, but only showing it works. WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = getWindow().getAttributes(); if (isStatusbarVisible) lp.flags = LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN; else lp.flags = LayoutParams.FLAG_FORCE_NOT_FULLSCREEN; getWindow().setAttributes(lp); isStatusbarV...

How to create a launch image or how to get an empty status bar

I want to create a launch image for my app. The HIG states: For iPhone and iPod touch create launch images that include the status bar region in the following sizes: 320 x 480 pixels 640 x 960 pixels (high resolution) I've tried to screenshot my app within the iPhone Simulator. But here the status bar is on the screen ...

UIView Touch event at the bottom of the screen not fired

Hello, I am encountering a strange problem. I created a UIView that takes place at the bottom of the screen (0,431,320,49) and then I want to deal with touch events. When I touch the upper side of the UIView, it works. But when I touch the bottom side (I mean, more than 20px in relative position), the touchBegan event is not fired. It...

WPF4 TabControl/Grid in a DockPanel is hiding StatusBar

I have a window filled with a DockPanel containing 3 elements, a MenuBar docked at the top, a StatusBar docked at the bottom and a TabControl filling the body. At least, I would like the TabControl to fill the body. In the visual designer, the TabControl and StatusBar are laid out side by side instead of top & bottom. When I run the...

How can i do a notification in the status bar without the expanded message in the "Notifications" window? (only want the icon)

Hi How can i do a notification in the status bar but without the expanded message in the "Notifications" window? i mean, i need just the icon, nothing more there is a way to do that? ...

Is it possible to cover UIStatusBar with a view while maintaining scrollsToTop functionality?

I want to display a message to the users of my app in the UIStatusBar, but I'd like to maintain the scrollsToTop functionality so a user can tap on the statusbar and scroll a tableView up to the top. I've looked into adding a UIWindow on top of the current status bar as in this question:

Is it possible to change the frame origins of an iPhone screen as is done when a statusBar is shown or hidden?

When a UIStatusBar is hidden in an app, the origin of all views is (0, 0), the upper left hand corner of the screen. However, when a statusBar is shown, the origin is still (0, 0) yet the views will move down as not to cover the statusBar. How is this working? Is it possible to duplicate this effect in code? Essentially, my end goal i...