
<ProjectName.ProjectUI sucks as a name for my Netbeans java OS X app.

What property in Netbeans to I need to change to set the name of my java swing app in the OS X menubar and dock? I found info.plist, but changing @PROJECTNAMEASIDENTIFIEER@ in multiple keys here had no effect. Thanks, hating netbeans. ...

Unable to change font in java.awt.MenuBar

I'm trying to change the font in an AWT menu bar using MenuBar.setFont(). The call works for the menu bar's child menus, but the menu bar itself doesn't change font (I'm trying to make the font larger). Does anyone know whether this is possible to do? I'm using JRE 1.6 on Windows XP. Update: Changing the font does seem to work so long...

What type of menu bar is this?

I'm going to be building a CSS menu bar into a site much like the one at I've heard of dropdown menus, but what is the type of menu at called? Oh, and more recently This is programming related. I have to build the menu... ...

How would I make a draggable Menubar icon for Mac OS X

Hey everyone. I am in the process of writing a menubar icon for an app i'm developing. However the NSStatusBar class does not have a method which would make the icon draggable, via cmd+left mouse drag. How do you make your menubar icon draggable with Objective-C code? Thank you :) ...

How to disable the default open menu effect in Flex?

By default in Flex 3.2, clicking on an item in a MenuBar navigator results in a menu rolling out over a small period of time. How would I disable this and make the menu pop out instantly? Thanks! ...

Flex menuBar event when clicking an item that is not a subMenu

is there a way to handle menuEvents like the ones used in submenus but in top level menus that doesent have sub menus? and use a function like: private function menuHandler(event:MenuEvent):void { if (event.item.@data != "top") {"Label: " + event.item.@label + "\n" + ...

Header above a YUI MenuBar, without scrolling issue?

The YUI MenuBar seems to have an issue with being below a header. HTML: <body class="yui-skin-sam"> <a id="headerStyle"><img href="/" src="/images/Header.jpg" alt="Home"/></a> <div id="menuPanel" style="padding:1px"> CSS: #headerStyle { position:relative; width:600px; height:100px; } Javascript: var oMenu = new YAHO...

Java: How can I add a JMenu to a JPanel or create a drop down button?

Hello, is there any way to add a JMenuItem to a JPanel so that I can create a button to show multiple options, like the latest news button in firefox, under the address bar? I can only add JMenu and JMenuItems to a JMenuBar, JPopupMenu and other JMenus and JMenuitems Is there any way to create in Java Swing a drop down Jbutton? (the on...

flash MenuBar component bug

When updating the data provider for a menu bar component, the state of the menu items fails to update until the user interacts with the menus (rolls the mouse over them, clicks them, etc). For example, a disabled item remains enabled until the user roll the mouse over it. Is there a way to force a menu 'refresh' after modifying the data...

Joomla 1.0 - need to add drop down menu into existing template

What is the best and easiest way to add a drop down menu to an existing template in Joomla 1.0 (can't upgrade it)? Thanks ...

ASP Menu bar, Static view

I am looking to create a menu bar with a specic type of "action" Similar to the bar on this website BBC Sport Its totally static and has no dynamic or "pop out" sections. When the top menu is clicked the page will re-load and display the lower level in a diffrent colour. Can this be achived with the Standard ASP:Menu control? I am ...

Qt menuBar() Error

I'm in the process of learning Qt4 and working through their tutorials. In this tutorial: they have the following code: fileMenu = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&File")); which causes the compiler to throw this error g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG ...

Menu bar not displayed on for Mozilla Firefox

When I run the JavaScript code below in Mozilla Firefox, the menu bar does not show: + "?print=print", "print-window", "toolbar=yes,location=no,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes"); What is going wrong here? Note that I'm opening the same file (in another w...

customize JMenuBar (e.g. BackgroundImage, highlighting color,...)

I'd like to adapt/customize the appearance of my JMenuBar, so i do a little research. Now i wondering why there are so little information about this issue?! I just found one good source here: thread.jspa?messageID=4457769#4457769 which allows me to use a BackgroundImage for the MenuBar. The drawback is that i have ...

How To Put a Menu Bar in an Application

I'm having some problems with eVB. How can I put a menu bar in an eVB project? I can't see any components to do that, and I don't know how to do this. Here is an example of a menu bar made in eVB, but it's not my program. I found this image in Google: ...

how to add effect to menubar items

Hi Greetings, I'm currently working on Menubar ,with dynamic xml in Flex 3.0.Here i want to provide an Zoom effect to each menubar item.But i'm finding difficult. Can anybody tell me how can i do this.Tell me how can i manipulate the menubar items. Thanks in advance, Do reply, With regards, Ashwin jiwane ...

flex3 menubar: bindings in "enabled" property

is this a bug or my fault? <mx:MenuBar width="100%" labelField="@label" itemClick="menuItemClickHandler(event)"> <mx:XMLList> <menuitem label="User" > <menuitem label="Log In" showDialog="LoginDialog" enabled="{model.FlowUserState == 0}" /> <menuitem label="Log Out" dispatchEvent="LogoutEvent" enabled="{model.FlowU...

C++ style menu bar in VB .Net?

Hello, Ive been looking a long time for this, but can't seem to find it. When I add a menu strip in vb .net, it looks like this: and I want it to look like the WinRar, Calculator, Notepad etc menus like this: From what I gathered, in vb 6 you could create a mainmenu and do it this way, but in vb .net it seems like all there is is...

Cannot move JMenu to JMenuBar

I'm trying to move the menu structure from a JMenu into a JMenuBar. The above code shows different menus depending on TEST. For TEST==1 i expect aa bb in the menu bar, but only aa is shown ? The code shows the problem, it is not my real code .... public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int TEST = 1; /...

Applescript access to app via application icon in menu bar

Hi, I want to create an Applescript to drive the player app. I'm trying to do this via application icon in the menu bar rather than using the main application menus, as this approach (I think) won't cause to switch to the foreground. The overall plan is to bind my script to a quicksilver trigger so I can stop|sta...