
How does one autohide a GWT MenuBar submenu?

We have recently attached a GWT MenuBar to a part of our application for, well, menu purposes. Basically I want the sub menus to open when you mouse over the top level menu, which is easy enough to do: menubar.setAutoOpen(true); I would also like to have the sub menu automatically hide when the user's mouse leaves the sub menu. Ideal...

YUI (JS): Putting a MenuBar in a Panel

If I put a YUI menu bar in the body it works perfectly. However if I use it inside of a Panel it shows up without the proper background. It is larger than it should be. Other than the default sam skin I'm using only the following css. .windowbody is the class of the panel. <style type="text/css"> body { margin: 0; } .windowbody { ...

How to hide Services item in QMenubar on Mac OS X?

In my Qt4 application I can't seem to hide certain options in the system Menu bar on OS X such as 'Services'. Any ideas? ...

Why is YUI MenuBar inconsistently displaying in IE?

I have a YUI MenuBar on my site that on rare occasion does not display in IE, I have not been able to repro on other browsers so far. Here is my code: HTML <body class="yui-skin-sam"> <div id="bodyPanel" style="background-color:Transparent;"> <div id="menuPanel"></div> Javascript aItems = [ { text: "Home", url: "/Home" },...

Windows-like Qt4 Menubar in Mac Os X.

I would like my application to look similar to that of the Windows version: instead of the menu being displaced to the top menu in Os X, I'd like my program to have the file menu right on top of the application itself. I've looked at the Qt documentation regarding this, but I can't seem to create an empty QMenuBar as the top level QMenu...

Delphi 2010 Action Manager & Main Menu Bar

I'm trying to use the Action Manager and Action Main Menu Bar in Delphi 2010 an I have no idea how to make this work. I've tried looking at the examples that come with Delphi 2010 and I can't seem to figure this out. I've tried playing around with the examples. I've been able to add an image to the Image List component and set that ite...

customizing flex MenuBar or removing the hover effect

Is there a way to disable the hover effects? I don't want flex to highlight the entire component for both link buttons and menu bar. On the menubar, I applied a backgroundSkin, so having flex highlight the whole menubar when the user hovers their mouse on top quitely destroys the design. ...

Why do my image background disappear on float: left?

I want to create a navbar with images on each end to make it purty. So, I created the HTML and CSS below and it worked great. My menu items are in a ul/li list. When I style the list to put the items all on one line, the images on the ends disappear. What's up with that? How do I fix it? The culprit is float: left; below. --- test...

Paradigms in menu bar layout/design

Doing some restructuring on the my applications menu bar. When looking at other applications, there seems to be two different ways of structure. Either the "old school" most common way, the verb/command followed by the subject. I.e. what do you want to do and what do you want to do that on. Like so: File New Foo Bar Open Foo Bar ...

PyQt MenuBar Mac 0SX Snow Leopard

I am attempting to add an item to the application menu-bar of a simple PyQt example. However, the following code does not seem to alter the menu-bar at all. The only item in the menu is "Python". Below is the bulk of the code, minus imports and instantiation. class MainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): QtGui.QM...

How to add menubar in my program with Visual Studio 2008 ?

I managed to create the menubar in the menu editor by clicking and writing text to each menu item i wanted. I cant see any button to get the code to include the menu in my program. How i can get this menu working? C++ ...

How to get the currently focused menu item ID?

I want to display info when my mouse cursor is on an item in my menu by using SendMessage() to my statusbar. How do i get the current menu item ID ? I suppose they use same ID's as my Visual Studio shows in the menu editor. I found these on msdn but none of them seems to serve my needs: WM_COMMAND WM_CONTEXTMENU WM_ENTERMENULOOP WM_EXI...

How to set the program title in python

Hi, I have been building a large python program for a while, and would like to know how I would go about setting the title of the program? On a mac the title of program, which has focus, is shown in the top left corner of the screen, next the the apple menu. Currently this only shows the word "Python", but I would of course like to my p...

CSS How to hide current child menu items when hovering over parent's sibling items without javascript

I'm trying to create a two-level horizontal navigation menu (or menubar) that displays the child submenu items when you hover over the parent menu item. If one of the child items is selected, the parent item has a visual indicator that the current page corresponds to one of its child items, and its child items remain displayed. Child2 i...

Flex: Menubar, menu click

I do not know why but I see that itemclick event on a menubar do not fired unless you click a sub item. What is the clean way to handle clicks on menuitems which are on the top level and do not have sub menu items. For example I want to fire an event whenever MenuItem B is clicked. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- menus/MenuBarControl.mxml ...

Writing Custom Menubar Extra

How can I make a Menu Extra like the Battery Meter in Cocoa? I can make a Status Item, but they are not movable. ...

[Flex] How to open a menu automatically with a shortcut ?

Hi there I have a MenuBar which contains general menu items like File, View, Tools ,Help. I have sub items in each of those menuitems. The problem is that i want to open the 'File' menu automatically when i press Alt+f key. I could capture the keyevents on the view. But how to open the File Menu of the MenuBar (what is the function t...

How to create dynamic menulets in OSX

I want to put a dynamically generated icon (not static image) + possibly a tiny bit of text in OSX menu bar. If possible I'd prefer to do it from Ruby or some other convenient scripting language, but I'll deal with Objective C if that's the only way. How do I do that? ...

Set a class for an element in a PHP include()

I have an identical horizontal menu at the top of all of my pages, which I add using a PHP include() statement. In my stylesheet I want to have a class where if the user is on a particular page, the menu item corresponding to that page will have a different color. So, more or less: #menu { background-color:blue; } #menu .active { back...

Cocoa Application with Menubar but no Dock Icon / switch menu

Hi, This is yet one more of those "how to switch from running with a dock icon to running without one" questions with a twist.. I don't want the dock icon but I do want a menu bar when the application is at the front. Is that possible? Running an application with LSUIElement set to 1 in the plist will launch the application without a d...