
What Could Cause Intermittent Issues with Images Loading in Internet Explorer 6?

I am having issues with a website that I am working on in which images and background-images fail to load in Internet Explorer 6. Here is an example of a page on which you might experience this issue: Example Page So far I have looked at the following possible issues and pretty much ruled them out: XML/Extraneous data in the image f...

How do I stretch a background image to cover the entire HTML element?

I'm trying to get a background image of a HTML element (body, div, etc.) to stretch its entire width and height. Not having much luck. Is it even possible or do I have to do it some other way besides it being a background image? My current css is: body { background-position: left top; background-image: url(_images/home.jpg); ...

How to create a background-image on titlepage with LaTeX?

I want to put a background-image on a titlepage of a document. Is it possible and dows it work? EDIT: The answer from Presidenten using the eso-pic-package and my answer found after some research using the wallpaper-package are both working. ...

Div background doesn't position with the Div.

I have a couple of Divs which I style using a class and an ID, he div's themselves are emtpy since they are only placeholders for their background. Example Div: <div id='ranImg1' class='ranImg'> </div> Then I style them using this css: .ranImg{ position:fixed; z-index:0; width:250px; height:250px; display:block; } #ranImg1{ lef...

When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image?

In what situations is it more appropriate to use an HTML IMG tag to display an image, as opposed to a CSS background-image, and vice-versa? Single-reason answers are welcome, but I'm hoping eventually to see a consolidated list of scenarios, rationales, etc. that can be used as a best-practice guide for making this kind of GUI design de...

delaying the loading of a certain css background image

in a CSS like this : ... #big-menu { background: #fff url(../images/big-menu.jpg) no-repeat; } #some-menu { background: #fff url(../images/some-menu.jpg) no-repeat; } #some-other-menu { background: #fff url(../images/some-other-menu.jpg) no-repeat; } ... is there a way to delay the loading of #big-menu's background image, ...

Setting background of WinForm ListBox

Does anyone know a method to insert a image in background into a ListBox in WinForms C#? Thanks for your attention. Nice Regards ...

IE6 background-position(?) issue

I apply to stackoverflow as my last resort. I got this ie6 bug while using the image at the background of the link. It seems that ie6 scrolls the background. How can I avoid it? At some width it shows like this: And at some other it shows like that: IE7 & FF show this just like I expect: The links are placed inside the div which i...

How Can You Use An Image As A Background For A Text Field In Cocoa?

Is it possible to use an image as a background for a Text Field in Cocoa? If so, how? ...

ie6 background image png AlphaImageLoader issue after load with mootools 1.11

hi, I'm trying to render a .png background image in ie6 after a mootools onclick event which changes the background image of a logo div. here is the relevant code as it is just now- if(!window.ie6){ $('logo').setStyle('background-image', imagePath); }else{ $('logo').setStyles({ filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Al...

Does having to many background-image in css affect perfomance?

Some users are reporting that my site is too slow And i think background images in css might be a possible culprit I have a site that uses a custom build system to concatenate all css, compress them ( yui compressor ) , make css sprites automatically ( smartsprites ) and I end up with a 9kb CSS for the whole page, this includes all cs...

How to periodically change background-image site-wide?

I am trying to set up an random alternating background that changes periodically across the whole site. E.g. at any given point the random background image would be the same on every page for a period of time. Currently I have background images that change every 30 mins with this javascript: (from here:

IFrame Background Image not show in IE6 and IE7

i need help . its work ok in firefox or Opera. the problem is in ie. i try to put it in style file , or inline style but not effect. ...

How can I apply a background image to a text input without losing the default border in Firefox and WebKit browsers?

For some reason most modern browsers will stop applying their default input border style to text boxes if you give them a background image. Instead you get that ugly inset style. From what I can tell there's no CSS way to apply the default browser style either. IE 8 doesn't have this problem. Chrome 2 and Firefox 3.5 do and I assume oth...

moving text while keeping background-image in CSS

hello, I have a 'main_menu' div which contains a background-image that is repeating on the y-axis. Above this div I have another div which is used for a header. The problem is that the header div has an image which is about 75px in height. I would like to start the text in main_div about 50 px higher from where main_div's background-imag...

IE6 - Background img missing, extra pixels in header, and most content off center...

Having major issues getting my wordpress website to display correctly in IE6. Link to screenshot below. My background image is missing, the nav is knocked down a few extra pixels, and most of my content is off center. FF screenshot (linked below...

How to shift a background image with css

I wanted to put a border around a table which has a background image. The border works fine, but when I do this (it is an 8px border) the background image gets cut off by the border. Am I able to shift the background image to start 8px to the right and 8px down? ...

Firefox redownloading background-image for each class?

If i have a page with 50 div elements, with 50 seperate css classes, and each css class has the line: background:#000 url(curve_red/circle.png) no-repeat 0 0; Then Firefox (3.5) will make 50 http requests for the same file (verified using firebug). However IE will see this repetition and not attempt to redownload the file after each ...

DOM element background images: load order

Dear all, I've been trying to understand how an html page loads with respect to background images. Firebug shows me that the background image for a wrapper div element is the last to load. I'm wondering if there's a way to coerce the background image to render before any of the contained images are loaded and displayed by a javascript....

How to correctly handle a centered MDI form background image

I have an MDI form with a centered background image. Each time the user changes the size or state of the form, the image isn't updated at all. It remains in the old place (not centered any more) and is even lost when the form is made too small. How can this situation correctly be handled? Do I really have to call "this.Refresh()" in all...