
Possible to do a glow/shadow using partial transparency in HTML/CSS?

Well I guess this is a two part question. Firstly how can I make an image have partial transparency (I think you can do this with PNGs but don't know how -- I have photoshop just need instructions?) Secondly how do I use that image in a layout using CSS? I think I need some kind of "PNG Hack" ...

IE6 - Alphaimageloader Link problem

Has anyone found a solution to the IE6 & 7 problem which kills links nested inside an element with the "alphaimageloader" filter attached to it. I've tried various "position" tricks, to no avail. I'm using the Unit Interactive PNG Fix but from what I can gather, it's a problem with alphaimageloader which means it should affect every P...

IE6 png bug; links don't work?

After many hours I figured out why the links within my pngs in IE6 do not work. It's because Im using within my CSS. Yet after many more hours I have not found a solution to fixing these links. Here is my code... HTML <div id="fullwidth-header-wrapper"> <div id="header"> <s...

ie6 background image png AlphaImageLoader issue after load with mootools 1.11

hi, I'm trying to render a .png background image in ie6 after a mootools onclick event which changes the background image of a logo div. here is the relevant code as it is just now- if(!window.ie6){ $('logo').setStyle('background-image', imagePath); }else{ $('logo').setStyles({ filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Al...

Does AlphaImageLoader png hack work on IE6 with SSL?

Does DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader work over SSL? I've been trying to no avail to get this to work, but it does work fine over an insecure connection. All of the PNG hacks I've found use this method, and search results haven't yielded anything for me. ...