
How to resume Windows 7 slideshow after restoring default wallpaper

I use SystemParametersInfo to remove the Desktop wallpaper. SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, _T(""), SPIF_SENDCHANGE) later I restore it with the same method. SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, NULL, SPIF_SENDCHANGE) That worked fine for all Windows versions including Vista. But with Windows 7 I found out that th...

How to use one background Image for a main div which have two div, one on left and one on right.

Hi, I want to make an HTML, CSS page where the layout is as: <div id="content"> <div id="left"> ..... </div> <div id="right"> ..... </div> </div> The content div has a background image which should be repeated in y-direction. Also the left and right div should be side by side over the same background image.I am able to accomplish it but...

Webkit browsers not fully rendering background-image

I've got a simple webpage with a centered background image around the main div. The background image renders fine in IE and Firefox, but on Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari), the background image only partially renders when the page is initially loaded. It's almost as if the browser just quits trying to render it. If I resize the br...

How to verify background (css) image was loaded?

I have the following CSS class .bg { background-image: url('bg.jpg'); display: none; } that I'm applying on a TD tag. My question is how can I tell with JavaScript/jQuery that the background image finished loading? Thank you. UPDATE: added display property. Since my main objective it toggle it into view. ...

inline div background not showing up

I'm trying to use two divs, one with a non repeating background in the left corner to serve as a 'curved border' image, and the second div, within that one, with a background that is offset by the width of the first div's image so that it seems to be one solid image, that fluidly stretches with the page width. I tried doing this the way...

repeat-y layout issue

update: at bottom I am trying to get a layout working where the body background image is also the background for the first 123px of the main content div. I then want to put a background on the main content div (starting at 123px) and then fill down. However repeat-y obviously fills both up and down and therefore repeats over the top of...

Why do my image background disappear on float: left?

I want to create a navbar with images on each end to make it purty. So, I created the HTML and CSS below and it worked great. My menu items are in a ul/li list. When I style the list to put the items all on one line, the images on the ends disappear. What's up with that? How do I fix it? The culprit is float: left; below. --- test...

Seamlessly use large background images on webpages

I want to have huge background images on my site but without giving the user a hard time downloading them and the site looking ugly as the background loads. They would be no bigger than 1920 X 1080 in size, however it's hard to say in terms of kilobytes/megabytes. What are my options here and which are most effective? I'm not too both...

CSS: background image does not fill when scrolling

Hi, working on a very small site which loads in one go, so there is a div which holds all the background images, and on top of that (i.e. higher z-index) there is a content div which holds everything. I can switch backgrounds easily based on what content is selected. Unfortunately, I noticed if you launch in a small window so that scro...

One background image must be displayed on the whole.

I am new to iphone development.When i tried to displayed a background image for my table view ,image appears for every cells.I want display single image thats fits the screen and not displayed in every cell.Please help me out.Thanks. ...

shrink background-image

I have a transparent PNG that is used as a picture frame, and I want to utilize the background-image declaration to place an image in the transparent center of the frame. The problem is that the images I'm using in the background need to be shrunk a bit to fit all of the image's content into the available frame area. I don't think ther...

CSS: are images requested if stated in CSS but later over-ridden?

I'm building a web site that uses a fair amount of drop shadows and gradients. I can accomplish a lot of this via CSS's box-shadow properties. Alas, we're still supporting IE, so we need to add background images in those situations. I could be lazy and just give everyone the background images, but I'm trying to streamline things for t...

iphone maps app background image

Hey guys, can I get the background image from the Maps app (when the map is curled up and the segmented control for map modes is visible) from somewhere? ...

background image problem with javascript

i have problem to fetch background url of a div HTML: <div id='test'></div> CSS: #test { position:absolute; height:55px; width:85px; top:554px; left:197px; background:url('images/1.jpg'); } when i try to get background image url by using below it displays blank. alert(document.getElementById("test").style.backgroundImage); b...

Scalable Background HTML CSS Javascript

Hi there, Does anyone know of a way to have a background image scale to the dimensions of the browser window it is in? I know CSS3 allows for background width, but I need something more compatible. Many thanks, Elliott ...

Question about using landscape mode with custom images on the iPhone/iPad

Hey I just had a simple question about implementing landscape mode for an app, particularly running on the iPad (but I am sure the concept holds true for the iPhone). I have a custom background image that I am wanting to use for my root view. I designed the image so that it fits the iPad screen size for portrait mode. Do I need to design...

Android can insetDrawable be inside a layerDrawable?

Hi im trying to get my background by having a white color background with a image. So far, i've searched through the web and resources pointed me to layerDrawable. However, i do not want my image to stretch across the parent view. Does insetDrawable in this case work inside a layerdrawable, and if yes, can anyone show me how to do it w...

How to access property in "style" attribute with jQuery?

Is there a possibility to access a i.e "background-image:url()" property inside an inline "style" attribute? In other words going layers "deeper" than attr('style') does. I want to manipulate the url inside style="background-image:url(something);" ...

How to stretch a header across a web page background with CSS Both of these websites have a background header stretched across the page while the content is centered and is covering like say 80% of the width, and that also perfectly aligns with the rest of the layout. I am particularly interested in these two sites, because the header has two back...

rails- Background image not showing up???

Hey guys, I'm having the weirdest problem. I created an app in .NET and everything worked fine style wise. Now that I have redone the app Rails i'm having an issue with the background image not showing up. My CSS file looks like this.. body{ background: url('/images/top-bkrnd.jpg') repeat x ; text-align:center; color:#fff; } B...