
JS: Setting background-image with .click event is lagging 1 click behind the carousel image.

Hi, I have got the following code which reads the element's image src attribute, writes it to a variable which then should set it as the (tiling) background image of another div container. All of this works well however when clicking on the and a.prev button to trigger the display:block & display:none states o...

how to solve the ie 8 table row background image bug

Hi, anyone can help me solve this problem? the solution doesent work on IE 8. in a nutshell - if you apply a background picture to a table row the background is applied to the inner cells. thanks! ...

css issue when display background image in a element

hi, i got a issue, let say i want to display a background image for a link | words | the bars mean the start/end of the link, it doesn`t actually exist and i want the background image display horizontally, but not start from the bar, and end at the bar, i want it start 13px away from the left bar and 13px awa...

Is there an ideal size for background images?

For example, would a 1x1 image load faster than a 2x2? The size would be smaller, but the browser would have to work twice as much, right? So, is there an ideal size and shape (square vs rectangle) for background images? I know it's probably not too important, but I'm interested to know. Thank you ...

Repeating website background image - size vs speed

I was wondering if anyone has done any tests with background images. We normally create a background that repeats at least in one direction (x or y or both). Example Let's say we have a gradient background that repeats in X direction. Gradient height is 400px. We have several possibilities. We can create as small image as possible (1 pi...

Load & show body background image first

Hello, I have the following problem: My landing page is composed of 2 images: a background image (top-banner) assigned to the body element and another image where I am presenting my content. My problem is that both images are quite large and always, I have to wait for the main image to show up first, and than the background image. Th...

UITabBarController moreNavigationController table cell background images

Wow, was that ever a mouthful. :) We've already seen a good thread on customizing the more menu (table view) in a tab bar. For our next trick … how might one add a background image to the table cells? I thought I could get away with overriding tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: in my More Table View's Data Source class (see earlier link...

Make a background image the height of the taller div with CSS

I have a layout with a variable-length menu on the left, and variable-length content on the right. In between the menu and content is a divider implemented using a repeating background image, which is part of the content div. This means that as the content expands or contracts, so does the divider. If the height of the content is less t...

How to implement navigation bars like here?

It's in fact a picture. See #navMain in this page Best in jQuery. ...

iPhone UITableView PlainStyle with custom background image - done "entirely" in code.

Hi I have been all over the place, seems the UITableView with a static background issue is well documented, but no one with a straight forward solution? Im building my TableViews entirely in code, like this: UIViewController *tableViewController = [[TableViewController alloc] init]; navigationController = [[UINavigationController a...

How to use Custom Background image on screen or custom Background colors?

I want to change the background screens of one of my Blackberry app and put something like a company logo. Any idea how to change the background of the screens. And yes can we also change the color of the title label fields or the buttons? Can I also change the font color? ...

Auto-stretch a multipart CSS background by content size

I am building a CSS site and fail solving this partial problem: On the left side there is a box which consists of three images. A top image, an (optional and stretched) middle image, and a bottom image. I want the box to the left automatically stretch if there is more content inside. This already works for the right side with my curren...

CSS background: set position then do a shift?

The background-position property can be set in a variety of ways such as "top right" or "16px 16px" or "50% 75%" etc. Question: is there a way to position a background image then offset that position? For example: set the background-position to "top right" then shift it left 16px and down 16px using "-16px 16px"? ...

Firefox background image horizontal centering oddity

I am building some basic HTML code for a CMS. One of the page-related options in the CMS is "background image" and "stretch page width / height to background image width / height." so that with large background images, the whole thing becomes visible. My current screen resolution is 1280 x 1024. If I do the following: Specify a backg...

giving a dataGridView cell a background image in C#

I want to give the row headers and column headers a custom background from an image using the .net component DataGridView. Is it possible to even do this? And if so, how? I use Visual Studio 2008, windows application, C#. ...

Div, Background Image, and Image Map

On a web page I'm creating, I have a div with a background image. I overlay some text over the image that I'll be changing frequently, so that's why I'm using a background image and real text instead of an img tag that contains the text. The background image contains some click-able areas, so I need an image map. I think the best way ...

CSS: make Row background span accross all columns?

I have a row <tr> that has a few columns <td> in it. I have a background image set to the <tr> but it restarts the background image for each <td> as if it were individually set for each <td>. I would like the one image to span across the background for all the columns in that row. Is there a way to do that? here is my code: <tr bgcolo...

How to changing my background-image css property using Mootools?

I am newbie。 How to changing my background-image css property using Mootools? ...

Center an background image Please have a look at the above screen shot, I would want to center an image with black background, but i'm getting some white space at the bottom. Please could any one help me to fix this. CSS .bgimg { background: url('../images/GBS-Chronicle-Background-1.png') black no-repeat...

how to programmatically change the background image on form c#

I need to change the background image of my form when i klick a button, and change it back to null again the second time it is clicked, how can i do this? ...