
Multiple rows with jcarousel

I'm trying to use jcarousel to build a container with multiple rows, I've tried a few things but have had no luck. Can anyone make any suggestions on how to create it? ...

jCarousel with unknown content width

Hi, I am trying to use jCarousel plugin for jQuery in order to provide my website users with scrollable (horizontal) content. The content I am mentioning is basically user defined <li> elements, styled so that they have a feel and look of a tab. so basically I am trying to achieve the same effect of the tabs in pageflakes.com. As you ma...

Using 'offset' in jcarousel - via class name

I'm trying to set up jcarousel so the thumbnails are offset via a class name. Example: A list of twelve thumbnails where the one thumbnail with class="active" is shown as the first visible thumbnail in the jcarousel container. ...

jCarousel, fetching data Just-In-Time

I want to use jCarousel and I want to be able to fetch the next batch of images Just-In-Time with an Ajax call, if they have not already been downloaded The Ajax examples on the jCarousel site seem to show the entire set of items being loaded using Ajax. I want to just load the next set if they are not yet present. It looks like I need...

Multiple rows with Jcarousel ?

Hi Guys, I am trying to get multiple rows with jcarousel - I was wondering if someone has had success with this and can post some code to help out ? FYI - http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/ Thanks ...

jCarousel not working

I have been banging my head for hours on this. I have jCarousel set up almost identically to their "simple" example, and I'm not getting any scrolling. If you set the width of the container higher, you can see that all the images are stacked on top of each other vertically rather than horizontally, but the UL is taking the proper "horizo...

I've got a trouble in css and jcarousel lite

I had this HTML code like that: <ul> <li> <div class="Items"> <div class="WrapImage"> <div class="caption-right"> <span class="icon1"></span> <a class="time" href="">4:03</a> </div> <div class="Images"> <img src="/images/images/rightColumnImg.gif" /> </div> </div> <div class="text"> <a href="">A good clips you should click to see</a> <p...

How to use jCarousel with PHP function?

I'm still learning both PHP and jQuery, and this seems to me to be a reasonably complex thing to try and do. What I'd like to be able to do is use jCarousel's textscroller capability to display a list of URLs generated by a PHP function rather than the XML feed and URLs that jCarousel is written for. (Demo: http://sorgalla.com/projects/...

Vertical jCarousel with Ajax and PHP

Can anyone please help me how to implement vertical jCarousel by using ajax. ...

jCarousel documentation?

Hi, Does anybody know more in depth documentation for jCarousel apart from the official site ("http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel")? I'm having problems just changing the images width of the "Vertical carousel" example, or just changing the default skin (tango) of the "Simple carousel" example (both under IE6). Thanks in advance, ...

Jcarousel lite not showing up on page load in safari and chrome

I have this plug-in in use on my home page which is running on WAMP. It works great in every browser except Safari and Google Chrome. In those browsers the carousel doesn’t show up when I first load the page, nor when I hit reload. When I navigate to the home page via the on page navigation link then it shows up. Any ideas what could be...

jCarousel Problem - Hover images opacity settings

Hi, So far I have got jCarousel to display, and load the images via a txt file, What I want to do is show 4 images at a time, then when the user puts the mouse over 1 of the images the other 3 images to fade opacity, to 30%. Then if they move the mouse to the image next to it I want that image to be 100% opacity and the other 3 images ...

jcarousel: vertical flexible carousel?

Hi, I'm just trying to convert the "Flexible carousel" example (http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/examples/special_flexible.html) into a vertical one. I have only changed "horizontal" for "vertical" and "width" for "height" in the <head> section of the original example (changes shown in bold): .jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarouse...

JQuery / JCarousel: Using WrapInner and nth selectors to only wrap every 8th item

I want to use JCarousel to display UL elements with LI containing only eight images (two rows of four), something that looks like this: <li><div>[image][image][image][image] [image][image][image][image]</div></li><li><div>[image][image][image][image] [image][image][image][image]</div></li> I thought a good way to do this would be to use...

Can't find my functions?

Hi! I've been trying to find out what's going on with my page for more than an hour.. What I'm trying to do here is to call a javascript function when the page loads, but for some reason it says "object required" then its pointing to my onload event in the body tag. This is what I have.. <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <!-- JAVAS...

jcarousel - one set of arrows to move two carousels.

Hi i have a jcarousel element on my page. The code is something like this: <div id="one"> <Arrow><jcarousel><Arrow> </div> <More content> <div id="two"> <Arrow><jcarousel><Arrow> </div> Whats i want it to do is when either of the two left or right arrows are pressed, both the carousels move. Any help is much appreciated. ...

jQuery - jCarousel - FadeIn

Hello, I am using the plugin jCarousel (http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/) and rather than the images slide in (like in the "Carousel with autoscrolling" demo) I would like the images to fade in. The usage is a jCarousel that auto scrolls and only shows one element at a time. But I looked at Cycle plugin but it didn't seem to wor...

jQuery content switch and fadein plugin?

Hello, For a project I would like to make a content banner that would switch between several "slides" (containing html, images etc). The "slides" are div elements. The slideIn effect used by jCarousel isn't what the guy wants, he wanst it to fadeIn/fadeOut the "slides" with each "slide" shown for 7 seconds. Anyone know of a plugin that...

jcarousel slideshow problems

This question has been discontinued. ...

jcarousel problems

Right now I'm building a website. Here's the link: http://theoew.uuuq.com/home/ This probably won't make much sense unless you look at the website so just scan the next paragraph and then go to the site and just watch the slideshow go through. I'm having a problem with the jcarousel slideshow. Let me first explain the basics of it. It ...