
Hide a jCarousel when page loads

I need to do something similar to this: jQuery('#ImgCarousel').jcarousel({}); jQuery('#ImgCarouselCon').hide(); ImgCarouselCon is the container div that is wrapped around the carousel. With this code the carousel is still being loaded when it is hidden and I get errors. I looked at jCarousels documentation but I can't find a callback ...

jCarousel, IE6 and Fixed Width

We are using jCarousel on our websites to display images. Simple enough. We have fairly flexible layouts so the carousels are not always the same width. FF, IE7+, Chrome, Safari etc work perfectly well taking up the space available. However IE6 ends up sending the jCarousel script into a loop and warns that a script is stopping the pag...

CSS display inline items briefly show up as list-items when loading page

Hello, I have a Carousel (jcarousel) which displays items inline. When loading, the items first show up vertically (list) and then switch to the normal inline position. I have this on several websites and find it annoying. Is there something that can be done about this ? Thanks ...

jQuery - jCarouselLite - Images are not showing up..

I have incorporated jCarouselLite with my already working site, however the PREV and NEXT buttons appear, but no IMAGES. The image links are correct. Any ideas? jQUERY: <script type="text/javascript"> //jCarouselLite $(function() { $(".slider").jCarouselLite({ btnNext: ".next", btnPrev: ".prev", ...

JCarousel animate on mouse over

Can the JQuery plugin "JCaousel" be configured to animate when the mouse is hovered over the next or prev buttons? I have tried using the event "hover" but this didn't animate at all. I have tried using the events "mouseover" and "mouseenter" but both of these only animate one time when the mouse is positioned over the button. The use...

Load pictures with PHP (from DB) dynamicly in JavaScript AJAX script (jCarousel)

Hello everyone, I am using a AJAX gallery called jCarousel, and I am having some difficulties about dynamicly loading my pictures from the data, I simply don’t know how to integrate PHP in the JavaScript code. The static JavaScript code for loading the pictures is: var mycarousel_itemList = [ {url: \"http://static.flickr.com/66/199...

Using Jquery Jcarousel, I need help modifying the pagination

First as a note I am using this plugin in a Rails app. Ok I need to do two things. The first is that the pagination that I have working through: jQuery('.jcarousel-control a').bind('click', function() { carousel.scroll(jQuery.jcarousel.intval(jQuery(this).text())); return false; }); needs to work without text. right now...

jQuery - Trying to create an 'endless slideshow' of images

I'm trying to create an endless slideshow of images that does as follows: Slides the images across a window When the last image is reached, it begins from the start of the images Here is my current code: var direction = '-'; function doScroll() { $('#products ul').animate({left: direction + '500'}, 5000, function() { if...

jQuery OEmbed callback

Hi, I am using the jQuery OEmbed plugin and jCarouselLite to display a scrollable list of videos. I am using a callback function to apply the carousel: <div class="carousel"> <ul> <% foreach (var video in (string[])ViewData["videos"]) { %> <li> <a href='<%=video %>' class="oembed"><...

Jquery, Jcarousel, first pagination item set to :active unless another is set

I have been able to get the clicked pagination item to respond to a css selector. But I can't get it to be :active if the user uses the next and back buttons vs the pagination. ul.jcarousel-control li a:focus {background-position:0 -11px} ul.jcarousel-control li a:active {background-position:0 -11px} That stuff makes it work if the i...

jCarousel Configuration - Autoscroll + navigation problem

Hey Guys, I'm having a little trouble setting up jCarousel - www.lovejungle.com/store Basically I want it to look like the slide show on www.ripcurl.com.au/?home I've got as far as implementing the jCarousel - But the configuration and navigation buttons arn't right. AS you will see jCarousel starts on the first image, but then s...

How do i fire a click continuously while something is hovered?

Im pretty sure this has a simple solution. I am using jCarousellite, and i want to change the behaviour of built in nav buttons to fire on hover over. $("#carousel").jCarouselLite({ vertical: true, btnNext: ".btn-down", btnPrev: ".btn-up", visible:6, circular: false }); $("#carousel .btn-down").hover(function() { $("#carouse...

jCarousel not showing next button correctly in Safari

Hi, Im having a little problem with jCarousel ( http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/ ). Everything works fine in Firefox and IE, however in Safari the carousel displays but the next button is inactive when there are actually more elements. Firefox and IE show the next button as active. Is there a common fix for this or a known bug ...

Jquery JCarousel, itemLastInCallback how to change out the controls

I am new to js and Jquery other than plug and play scripts and plugins. I have Jcarousel running great on a Ruby on Rails site and I need to use the itemLastInCallback method to change out the next and prev buttons. Basically if the end user clicks through to the last item in a carousel, the next button would become a link to the next ...

Jquery, Jcarousel smooth infinite scrolling

Hi all, I am using jcarousel to auto scroll some images. I would like to know how to make them scroll in one fluid scroll with no pauses or stops. Currently there is a pause and then it scrolls again. If I am not making myself clear then ask and I will try to explain a little better. This is the code: jQuery(document).ready(function()...

Jquery scrolling image top to bottom direction

Hi, I have the following code to scroll images in vertical direction (uses jCarouselLite) Code: $('#image').jCarouselLite({ speed: 1000, visible: 1, circular: true, auto: 5000, scroll: 1, vertical: true }); Needs: This code allows the image to scroll bottom to top direction. I want to scroll image ...

JQuery jCarouselLite plugin with fade effect

Hi, Greetings to all... I want to use fade effect with jCarouselLite qualities. Is it possible. Needs: The image transition time should be fast. Image has to stay for 10 seconds. Can anyone guid me for this please. Geetha. ...

JCarousellite not working in IE8

I have a user who's having issues running the JCarousellite plug-in in IE8. Not just on my own site, but also on the jcarousellite homepage. It runs fine on my own machine and all his IE Security settings/levels are the same as my own (Secruity is at "Medium-High" and Privacy at "Medium"). JQuery also seems to be working for him as other...

Cakephp, JQuery JCarousel Lite, Error

I am using the following code to make an unordered list into a carousel with jcarousel lite and jquery: <?php echo $this->Html->script(array('jquery-1.4.2.min','jquery.easing.1.1','jcarousellite_1.0.1.pack','jquery.mousewheel.min'), array('inline' => false)); ?> <?php echo $this->Html->scriptStart(array('inline' => false)); ?> ...

External arrows for jcarousel ?

Hi all. I'm creating a slideshow with jcarousel. So far, my slideshow uses most of the defaults for a horizontal slideshow with the tango theme. Can I add an extra "next" and "previous" arrows? I'd like to have them outside of the slideshow container. Is this possible ? ...