
Latex: hyperref to individual longtable rows

Hi, I have a few longtables that stretch several pages and I want to use pageref and hyperref to link to these rows. But whatever I try, the links always refer to the start of the table. When I look into the aux file, the labels all seem to be re-defined into table.[number of table]. I tried putting invisible dummy figures into the tab...

Incorrect hyperlinking in LaTeX

So far the hyperref package in LaTeX has automatically linked all the items in my report correctly. But there is one that did not get linked properly, possibly because I manually added it to the table of contents like this: \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography} How do I fix this? ...

Display the URL after the link?

I use LaTeX with the hyperref package and I have things like: hyperref is \href{http://www.tug.org/applications/hyperref/}{documented in detail}. It allows... In the PDF output, it shows: hyperref is documented in detail. It allows... The link works but the URL is not displayed which is a big problem when printing the file. I d...

LaTeX makeindex with gind.ist style combined with hyperref package

Hello *, I am currently having a problem with makeindex package and gind.ist style when combined with hyperref package with TeXnicCenter and LaTeX=>PDF conversion. Without using gind.ist everything is fine, but as soon as I use gind.ist style I get lots of errors. Did anybody face a similar problem and can suggest any solutions? Alte...

Bookmark level difference when using hyperref

When creating my output with miktex in texniccenter I get the following warning Difference (2) between bookmark levels is greater than one, level fixed on input line 3 Can someone explain this warning to me and perhaps give me a hint for a solution of the problem? ...

How to explicitly end a \part in LaTeX with hyperref

I have a LaTeX document which contains the following: \tableofcontents \chapter{Chapter One} \part{Part One} ... \part{Final Part} \chapter{Final Part Chapters} \chapter{Chapter not Part of Part} When I compile this to a PDF with hyperref, the last chapter is included as part of the final part in my bookmarks. (I'm including hyperref ...

LaTeX: disable or turn off hyperlinking for table of contents?

I want a table of contents, but I don't want each line to be a clickable hyperlink. How do I do this? Details: I am using the \anothertoc command from the shorttoc package to "import" the TOC from another document. Works fine, except that all the links for the imported TOC are broken (obviously)... so, I want to de-linkify them. Not...

Problem with LaTeX hyperref

i have an url with cyrilic characters: http://www.pravoslavie.bg/Възпитание/Духовно-и-светско-образование when i compile the document, i get following as url: http://www.pravoslavie.bg/%5CT2A%5CCYRV%20%5CT2A%5Ccyrhrdsn%20%5CT2A%5Ccyrz%20%5CT2A%5Ccyrp%20%5CT2A%5Ccyri%20%5CT2A%5Ccyrt%20%5CT2A%5Ccyra%20%5CT2A%5Ccyrn%20%5CT2A%5Ccyri%20%5...

Setting up author or address string variables in LaTeX

LaTeX is a wonderful language for writing documents. With the hyperref package and pdflatex, you easily generate documents with metadata, a nice feature to get your documents referenced right on the web. I often use templates like: \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[pdftex, pdfusetitle,colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperre...

LaTeX hyperref package: Opening a target PDF at a specific page

Does anyone know if it is possible to employ the LaTeX hyperref package to open a target PDf at a specific page? I have tried using the \href{FILENAME#page=XX}{LINK_TEXT} command, where XX is the target page number, but no dice. The file iteself opens, but it always starts out at the first page. The idea being that I have a large inde...

Inclusion of hash marks in a LaTeX \indexentry aliased with a \newcommand

This is a strange one. I've had to do some interesting workarounds to get it to function even a little bit, but we have another stumbling block. I've been struggling to create a separate document which employs a large .ind file (index created using makeindex from catenated, small individual .idx files), the idea being that I will event...

LaTeX hyperref link goes to wrong page

I am trying to create a reference to a float that doesn't use a caption. If I include \label{foo} within the float and reference it using \pageref{foo}, the correct page number is displayed in my pdf document but the hyperlink created by the hyperref package links to a different page (the first page of the section). If I include a capt...

Latex change color of intext citing with hyperref package and natbib

I am using the natbib and hyperref package in conjunction with my latex document. I would like to change to the color of my hyppereferenced citations (the box around the citation) from the ugly baseline green to a more muted (violet or navy blue). However, in using the suggested code to do this, I can not get the citation link colors to ...

Setting pdftitle and pdfauthor automatically in a LaTeX stylesheet

I use the code below to set the title and author in the pdf document properties. \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref} \hypersetup{ pdftitle = {The documents title}, pdfauthor = {me} } I would like to automate this by putting it in a stylesheet (.sty) Below is my attempt, but it is not working. The pdf is compiled (pdflatex) with erro...

How can I get page numbers to link to the table of contents in latex?

I've seen a pdf latex document where the page numbers at the bottom of the page are hyperref links, and clicking them causes you to jump to the contents table. I don't have the tex file and couldn't work out how it's done from the hyperref package. Can anyone help? ...

extra "file://" prefix generated by pdflatex using hyperref package in macro

The latex hyperref package confuses me in several ways. Here's my particular problem. In my document, the command \footnote{ \url{http://www.boston.com/news/science/articles/2010/04/25/new_atlas_shows_the_state_of_nature_as_well_as_the_nature_of_states/} } works just fine - pdflatex generates just the valid link. But the commands \...

LaTeX: How can I disable the linking for figures in LyX?

Hello. Complete LaTeX and LyX newbie here. I am currently writing a document in LyX and I'm using hyperref to have links in the ToC, citations etc. The problem is that I added a figure (with float) and when I make a cross-reference in the text, the reference itself becomes a link that leads to the page that contains the actual figure. F...

How to set title of TOC in Latex hyperref package.

The latex hyperref package makes a really nice, linked table of contents, named according to section name. However, the top level category is by default, the file name. It seems I should be able to change this to the actual title, but I'm not finding any information on how. ...

PDF forms with LaTeX: how to create \TextField of exactly 4in width?

I'm using PDFLaTeX to create forms and ran into a problem with the \TextField macro that defines input fields: \TextField[width=4in,name=sample]{} The resulting field is a little wider than 4 inches and I don't understand why. The following example illustrates the problem by resulting in an overfull hbox which gets highlighted because...