
Excluding a chapter from TOC

In my LaTeX document I've got a table of contents that is automatically generated by collecting everything that is of the form \chapter. However, I've got an acknowledgements chapter before the table of contents and I don't want it to be automatically labelled "Chapter 1" or captured in the table of contents. Should I be avoiding \chapt...

Remove boxes from hyperlinked ToC in LaTeX

How do I remove the red boxes from my hyperlinked table of contents created by using the hyperref package in LaTeX. ...

Annotated Table of Contents in LaTeX

I'd like to use LaTeX's \tableofcontents command (or some equivalent) to automatically generate a table of contents, but I'd also like to add a sentence or two to each line in the table of contents that describes what the referenced section is about. How can I do this? ...

Disable table of contents for documents

A long shot here... I am using DocBook 4.5 and wanted to customize whether or not the table of contents is generated. I was looking over the XSD but couldn't find a way to disable it. I found ways to customize it. Could someone point me in the right direction? ...

How to Create a MsWord TOC without automation?

I'm using Aspose.Words to construct a Word Document programmatically (C#) on a server. The dynamically generated documents can be imported by clients via a web interface. Everything is great except I'm unable to generate a TOC. I've already exhausted my options with Aspose. Updating TOC fields is simply not a feature that Aspose curr...

LaTeX: disable or turn off hyperlinking for table of contents?

I want a table of contents, but I don't want each line to be a clickable hyperlink. How do I do this? Details: I am using the \anothertoc command from the shorttoc package to "import" the TOC from another document. Works fine, except that all the links for the imported TOC are broken (obviously)... so, I want to de-linkify them. Not...

LaTeX adjusting space in toc items

I am struggling with custom toc items added via: \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Some text here} Actually my problem is that I need to add some items which contain chronological date periods like: 12/1/2005 - 3/3/2006 Some event.........................................1 10/10/2005 - 11/30/2005 Some other event............................

Status message in Oscar protocol

I am using toc to write a aim bot, but i don't seems to be able to find a function that set status text, I looked into libpurple and found oscar_status_text, but in toc, i only found toc_set_info, and nothing about set status, and they are obviously not the same thing, is there a set_status function for toc? ...

[LaTex]: Add in the TOC an included PDF

In my document I include a PDF using \includepdf[pages=-]{./mypdf.pdf} The problem I'm having is how to add a TOC entry for this pdf. It supposed to be an appendix. I tried adding a new section in the appendix but of course the section name can't be printed on the same page than the included pdf, so the resulting TOC line directs...

Latex: tableof contents only for a section

Hello, As it is a looong appendix, I would like to add a "tableofSECTION" on the first page of the section. However, tableofcontents always lists everything and the level is - as far as I can see - only defined as a "to" variable, but not "from". What I would like to see: SECTION TITLE x.1 subsection 122 x.2 subsection 144 etc. ...

Remove specific subsection from TOC in LaTeX

Appendix A Section 1 A.1 Subsection 1 A.2 Subsection 2 B Section 2 Is there a way to get rid of Subsection n, but still have the subsection numbered in the document (i.e. not using \subsection*)? I thought about limiting the TOC depth, but that does not seem to be possible for just the Appendix? ...

Parsing restructured text in django (and python)

I'm going to manage some documentation using Django (I come from Sphinx) in order to have more control on the output. The docs are in rst (restructured text) in a git archive, and it's trivial to display them in HTML using a filter. My problem is that they are quite long, and I'd like to have more control on how the pagination goes, so I...