
Markdown versus ReStructuredText

What are people's thoughts on the pros and cons of Markdown versus ReStructuredText. Both seem like very usable and well-developed markup languages -- when might one want to use one over the other? ...

Java: Easiest way to merge a release into one jar-file

Hi, I wonder if someone knows of a tool or script which easily merges a bunch of jar-files into one .jar. A bonus would be to easily set the main-file manifest and make it executable. The concrete case is a java restructured text tool: I would like to run it with someth...

Compare and contrast the lightweight markup languages (Textile, Markdown, and reStructuredText)

Please identify the most popular lightweight markup languages and compare their strengths and weaknesses. These languages should be general-purpose markup for technical prose, such as for documentation (for example, Haml doesn't count). See also: Markdown versus ReStructuredText ...

How can I change from docbook to restructuredText?

I have a 30-ish page manual in docbook. However, working with docbook is so painful that I don't really update it. I want to switch to restructedText instead. I can't find any direct translator (the best I could find is ezComponents, but it fails on the docbook sgml). Maybe there is an indirect route through RTF or some other format, bu...

How to write callouts using restructured text?

Asciidoc supports callouts. How can one write similar callouts using reStructuredText? ...

How do you get Python documentation in Texinfo Info format?

Since Python 2.6, it seems the documentation is in the new reStructuredText format, and it doesn't seem very easy to build a Texinfo Info file out of the box anymore. I'm an Emacs addict and prefer my documentation installed in Info. Does anyone have Python 2.6 or later docs in Texinfo format? How did you convert them? Or, is there a m...

How to convert reStructuredText to plain text

I plan to use reStructuredText to write documentation with the main purpose of generating some nice HTML pages. For this I use the docutils tool. However, I may also need to present the documentation in nice plain text format, that is without the reStructuredText markup, and where paragraph wrapping and similar nice formatti...

Substitutions inside links in reST / Sphinx

I am using Sphinx to document a webservice that will be deployed in different servers. The documentation is full of URL examples for the user to click and they should just work. My problem is that the host, port and deployment root will vary and the documentation will have to be re-generated for every deployment. I tried defining substi...

Is it possible to write in a two-columns style in restructuredtext?

I would like to write a research paper using restructuredtext, is it possible to have the two-column style inherent to this kind of document? I looked at the specifications but appart using a table wich will be a real pain I haven't be able to find an alternative. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! ...

Technical documentation with deeply nested enumerated lists

I'm stuck in a software documentation culture I can't change, and software documentation is expected to have deeply nested sections that look like this: Some section This paragraph has some text. Some other section This paragraph has more text. Higher-level section Blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I'd li...

Previewing RestructuredText with firefox while editing in vim on ms-windows

Hi I want to use VIM to edit reStuctured text documents in a number of operating systems. I found this posting Can you help me come up with the line to achieve the same effect when run on a MS-Windows operating system? Would it also be possible to to use an environment varia...

Is there a wysiwyg editor for restructured text?

Is there a wysiwyg editor for the web, like tinymce or wmd, which can produce restructured text? I'm looking for something which can be integrated with django. I would like to use rst instead of markdown because I need to convert the content entered to pdf and do some layout specific things which make rst look like a better choice. ...

editors for tables in Sphinx/reStructuredText?

I'm looking at using Sphinx / reStructuredText for documentation, and it looks very promising, except tables look like a pain to do. Is there an editor that can help? ...

How to convert a S5 presentation into PDF?

I am using reStructuredText & rst2s5 to create S5 slide presentations. It is great but I also want to have the presentation in PDF. How can I convert S5 to PDF? S5 are HTML based... one of S5 features is to create print-outs of your presentation. So when I try to use a PDF printer from the browser I just get print-outs. I want to a PDF ...

How to get restructuredText to add a class to every html <p> tag?

Hey all, I'm using Django's markup package to transform restructuredText into html. Is there a way to customize the HTML writer to add a class attribute to each <p> tag? I could use the class directive for each paragraph, but I'd like to automate this process. For example, I want this restructured text: hello ===== A paragraph of t...

symbols in restructuredText

I want to use some symbols in restructuredText; how can I do this? (e.g. &rarr; in Markdown yields the "" symbol as defined in the list of standard HTML character entities -- see also w3c reference) Note: I don't want to require math formula support as a dependency. ...

External documentation for PHP, no DocBook

I need a documentation system for a PHP project and I wanted it to be able to integrate external documentation (use cases, project scope etc.) with the documentation generated from code comments. It seems that phpDocumentor has exactly the right feature set, but external documentation must be written in DocBook which is too complex for o...

What markup language to store in a DB?

Related: I want to store comment formatting in some markup language in our DB. However, we want to allow multiple formatting languages (markdown, textile, restructuredText). It seems we should store a superset of their features, so...

How to add a class to a table cell (td) in reStructuredText

I am trying to figure out if there any syntax where a class can be applied to a td in reStructuredText (RST), rather than a span around the table cell contents. The closest I came was this: .. role:: custom .. csv-table:: Frozen Delights! :header: "Treat", "Quantity", "Description" :widths: 15, 10, 30 "Albatross", 2.99, "On ...

Sphinx - generate automatic references to Trac tickets and changesets

Is Sphinx, is there way to automatically link text like #112 or r1023 to the corresponding tickets/changesets in Trac? For eg: #112 -> http://mytracsite/tickets/112 r1023 -> http://mytracsite/changeset/1023 See TracLinks for more examples. ...