
Do you buy the reuse story for the presentation layer in MVP and its variations?

Besides the unit testing benefits, what I heard regarding MVP pattern was that the reusability of the presentation layer. So, you would design one presentation layer and use it for WinForms (rich) and Web. I am currently working on a windows forms application in .NET with possibility of creating a web UI in the future. However, when I...

How To Format A Block of Code Within a Presentation?

I am preparing a presentation using Google Docs Presentation though I can also work on the presenation within Open Office that will include code snippets. Is there any easy way to perform basic syntax highlighting on the code snippets with either Google Docs or Open Office Presenter? Edit: Since I believe that I can find a way to embe...

How to present your code to potential buyers?

I'll do a demo of my code to slightly non-technical audience, and I need to show them what I've got in my project (about 15K lines of code). I'm trying to convince them that I've spend time on the project and it's in a good state. These guys planning to invest money into this product. Therefore I should convince them that this app worth...

How to do a presentation for your co-workers containing lots of code?

I'm supposed to do a presentation for my co-workers on a web framework I evaluated. These people are developers and hate long and boring PowerPoint stuff, so I got lots of little code snippets. I also put together a small sample application. My question is, how do I present the code so people can follow? Some things I thought of: Put ...

how do you separate presentation(XHTML) and functionality (PHP code)?

What is better...make classes specially for rendering html, sth. like this: class IndexHTML { public $doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\"&gt;"; public $title = "<title>MICE</title>"; //title of document public $contentType = "<meta http-e...

Presentation, Business and Data Layer

I just started programming in C# and was reading about dividing your application / website into the three different layers was the best practice but I am having a hard time understanding exactly how. Im working on a pet project to lean more about C# but I dont want to start on any bad habits. Can you look at what I have and see if I am d...

Virtual DOM to Webpage

I'm working on a system that stores data in XML files. The data in the files can be converted into a generic DOM but not without some processing. I have been tasking with looking into how to do the web access story for this system. (FWIW, the existing code base is in .NET) The system can be thought of as an XML in XML database for hand...

Are there existing frameworks for data-based manipulation of information presentation?

My wife is about to embark on a mind-bogglingly long project. One of the things she'll need to do is present numbers to potential investors - income, spending, impact of spending, increase in profits, etc. The first thing that occurred to me was to use some rudimentary SVG, to build scalable models of stuff (fruits, buildings, etc.) tha...

Illustration for code presentation

I got an odd request, and I fear it will be closed as off-topic. So be it, but it's worth a shot. I'm creating a presentation about dependency injection and inversion of control, and I thought I'd make the point of interchangeable parts that serve a common purpose, but has different implementations, by showing an image I've seen before....

object served for communcation between business layer and presentation layer

Hi all, This is a general question about design. What's the best way to communicate between your business layer and presentation layer? We currently have a object that get pass into our business layer and the services reads the info from the object and sets the result into the object. When the service are finish, we'll have a object ...

Record presentation on my computer

Good day, I'd like to make a presentation on my computer that records sounds and shows all the necessary mouse-clicks, and any typing I do in a window or a form and record the results into some sort of file for playback later. It doesn't matter if the file is MPG or AVI as long as the file can be played back in Windows Media Player. W...

what kind of software do you use to draw diagram for your presentation and report?

What kind of software do you use to draw diagram for your presentation and report? Suppose you want to draw a diagram to illustrate the TCP hand shake. I use visio, but the outcome is too plain. Is there any free software out there can draw diagrams better? Which can also have some 3D shapes or shadows? ...

Using HTML to present stuctured data

I have a question about how to present some structured data using HTML. I have some tree-like data, which you might normally present using sections and subsections (i.e. <h1>, <h2>, etc.) and/or using nested lists (i.e. lists whose items contain lists of sub-items). An example of this data is a to-do list, which has tasks that include ...

WPF Databinding Calculated Value sometimes minutes sometimes hours

I have a WPF window with a textbox, using standard WPF Databinding to an object. This all works fine, the issue is this: The user is entering a time estimate, I would like to give the user the option to enter the data in hours or minutes (through a drop down list). I'd like to keep the data in minutes, and if the user selects hours, mul...

How can the CAPTCHA process be more user friendly or better implemented?

I have used CAPTCHA on my various web sites in the standard manner where I generated some obfuscated string of characters (odd pair of words, random number, etc.) in an image for the user to manually reproduce in a text box. I am also aware of which extends the basic functionality of screening bots from humans and as well ...

Interesting data for demos

For presentations/demo's of programming tools and languages, I find that the more interesting the data the better reception the presentation/demo gets. The reverse is proven by how boring the Northwind/Adventure Works demo's Microsoft insists on using are. The problem is where to get enough interesting data that is in the public domai...

Can I access a repository from presentation layer?

Hi, I am starting with DDD. I am a bit confused with the interaction between the several layers involved in a DDD application. Can I call my repositories from my presentation layer? If not do I have to replicate the CRUD functionality provided by the repositories in my service layer (which ofcourse will in turn use the repository for ...

How can I produce report quality tables from r ?

If I have the following dataframe called result > result Name CV LCB UCB 1 within 2.768443 1.869964 5.303702 2 between 4.733483 2.123816 18.551051 3 total 5.483625 3.590745 18.772389 > dput(result,"") structure(list(Name = structure(c("within", "between", "total" ), .rk.invalid.fields = list(), .Label = charac...

MVVM/Presentation Model With WinForms

Hi, I'm currently working on a brownfield application, it's written with winforms, as a preparation to use WPF in a later version, out team plans to at least use the MVVM/Presentation model, and bind it against winforms... I've explored the subject, including the posts in this site (which i love very much), when boiled down, the main a...

How to Remove Footers of LaTeX Beamer Templates?

I am using the "beamerthemesplit" template of the Beamer LaTeX package. This templates includes the author's name and the title of the presentation in the footer of all pages. Is anyone aware of any way to suppress this footer? ...