



My wife is about to embark on a mind-bogglingly long project. One of the things she'll need to do is present numbers to potential investors - income, spending, impact of spending, increase in profits, etc.

The first thing that occurred to me was to use some rudimentary SVG, to build scalable models of stuff (fruits, buildings, etc.) that get resized or otherwise transformed, depending on the data.

For example, if I wanted to illustrate the relative sizes of apple crops for various farmers, I'd provide it with a picture of an apple, and it would take a table like this:

Farmer Apples
------ ------
Abe    3
Bob    9
Carl   6

And draw something like this (using the apple image instead of the o):

Abe ooo

Bob ooo

Carl ooo

Or, maybe something that scaled the apples relatively, so that Abe's apple would be 20px, Bob's would be 60px (300%) and Carl's would be 40px (200%).

Does anyone know of an existing framework for such a thing?