
LaTeX Beamer package, change frame title in \againframe

Is it possible to change the frame title when using \againframe from the Beamer package, in LaTeX? I would like to have a previous frame displayed, at a specific slide inside the frame, but with a different title this time. Thanks. ...

Making LaTeX Beamer Black & White

Is there a way to make LaTeX Beamer output black & white? I need it for paper printing purposes. I'm using the default color theme, and for contrast reasons I need the title and everything to be black. If there is a black&white color scheme, I could use it, but otherwise I don't want other color schemes, with colored backgrounds. Maybe t...

Ignoring page numbers in backup slides

I am using the beamer document class in latex to make a presentation. I will have a number of back up slides which are there for offline viewing, reference etc. Beamer has a feature that shows the progress through the presentation as {page#}/{total pages} on each slide. I would really like it if {total pages} was equivalent to my tota...

Can I go to another frame during an itemization with LaTeX Beamer?

Basically I want to do something like this: \begin{frame}{Frame 1} \begin{itemize} \item A \pause \item B \pause \item C \pause \showsubframe % continue here \item D \pause \item E \pause \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{Subframe} % only show this during Frame 1, not also after % something to h...

How to split table of contents across multiple slides with Latex Beamer?

I currently am preparing some slides for a presentation and am using Latex with the Beamer package. Currently the sections and subsections of my presentation cause the presentation overview text in the table of contents slide to extend past the bottom of the page. Is there a way to split my table of contents up so they are displayed acr...

How to change an image on a slide in Latex?

In a frame I have two columns. In the first column I display some information using an itemize. When I display a new item I want to change in the second column the image which is displayed. I tried with onslide but it doesn't help me. Here is the code: \begin{columns} \begin{column}[l]{10cm} \begin{itemize}[<+->] \item first i...

How to Remove Footers of LaTeX Beamer Templates?

I am using the "beamerthemesplit" template of the Beamer LaTeX package. This templates includes the author's name and the title of the presentation in the footer of all pages. Is anyone aware of any way to suppress this footer? ...

Way to include text in beamer presentations that is shown at handouts but not at the slides

Hi, is there some nice way in Beamer presentations (Latex) to include text (own remarks) that wouldn't be shown at the slides but would be printed with the handouts (little bit like the comments with Powerpoint? br, Touko ...

How to draw borders around slides in latex beamer handouts

I am using the LaTeX beamer package. How do I draw a border around each slide when I use the handout format (eg. {4 on 1}). I would like to have something silmilar to the "-d" option available in Unix "psnup" which I used with my old seminar style slides and PostScript output. ...

Latex/Beamer, column environment. Horizontal alignment of overlays

I am trying to prepare a presentation using beamer. I want to have two columns that walkthrough some algebraic manipulations. On the left an explanation of the steps taken, on the right the results. \documentclass{beamer} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[t] Not in a column \begin{columns}[t] \begin{column}{0.5\textwidt...

Putting citation text on same slide with LaTeX Beamer

By default, using \cite in the Beamer class of LaTeX places the actual citation information at the end of the presentation on a separate slide containing the bibliography. How does one get the citation information, instead, on the same slide as the citation (the expected, courteous practice for most presentations)? ...

Semi-transparent figures in beamer (pdflatex)

I am attempting to use overlays with figures to save myself from creating a different image for each slide. The overlay works with any text I include, but not with the figures. For example: \setbeamercovered{dynamic} \begin{figure}\resizebox{10.0cm}{!}{ \includegraphics{problem-a.pdf} Test A \pause \includegraphics{problem-b.pd...

How to include a code snippet in a beamer presentation?

Hi folks, What's the best way to include some code snippets in a beamer presentation? I've already tried verbatim, and lstlisting environments - both destroyed my presentation. ...

beamer includegraphics with screenshots

Hi, I'm using the LaTeX-Beamer class for making presentations. Every once in a while I need to include screenshots. Those graphics are pixel-based, of course. I use includegraphics like this: \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width= \paperwidth]{img/analyzer.png} \end{figure} or usually something like this: \begin{figure} \incl...

Best font size for Latex Beamer

Hi Stackoverflow - I am preparing a presentation in latex using the beamer package. I am wondering what font size "pros" who give a lot of presentations use to make sure people in the back of the room can see. The default font size seems a bit small to me. Thanks, Setjmp ...

How do I create a new Beamer environment with a verbatim environment?

I'm creating a Beamer presentation that has a lot of example LaTeX in it, which has to go in a verbatim environment. I'm getting tired of typing \begin{example} \begin{verbatim} Verbatim Text \end{verbatim} \end{example} So I wanted to create a new command or environment that will shorthand this for me. I also need to do thi...

Using LaTeX Beamer to display code

I'm using the following LaTeX code in a Beamer presentation: \begin{frame} \begin{figure} \centering \tiny \lstset{language=python} \lstinputlisting{code/} \end{figure} \end{frame} Is it possible to select specific lines from my file rather than displaying it all? ...

How to have a fixed size number that depends on the slide in latex beamer / tikz ?

I have a tikz picture with a circle node which has a number inside. I want this number to change with the slides but to be of fixed size. (-> not mess up the circle). This one isn't working, the circle gets as big as if it has to hold all 3 numbers. \tikz[baseline] \node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle,anchor=base] (node1) { \only<1-3>{3...

Insert lecture number and page number of lecture in footline

I am dividing a semester's worth of lectures via the \lecture command. I'd like to have in the footline (among other things) the lecture number, date, and page number of the current lecture. I would also like to use the default style footline, with the black box on the left and the blue on the right. So I define a lecture with e.g. \l...

Max number of nested \input in LaTeX/Beamer

When using the beamer documentclass, it looks like the third level of nested input is ignored: \documentclass{beamer} \input{body} body.tex: \begin{document} \input{file1} \input{file2} \end{document} file2.tex: \input{file21} The content of file21.tex is ignored with documentclass beamer, but correctly inserted if I use a documentc...