
Resize matrix in LaTeX beamer

Hi I was wondering how to resize matrices in a beamer environment. Currently I am writing the following code: \begin{align*} \left( \begin{array}{ccccccc} 0 & 1 & & & & & \\ -1 & 0 & & & & & \\ & & 0 & 1 & & & \\ & & -1 & 0 & & & \\ & & & & \ddots & & \...

Latex: stretchable curly braces outside math

Hi, I am producing some latex beamer slides (but I think it is not a beamer specific question per se). I have the following: \begin{itemize} \item Issue1 \item Issue2 \item Issue3 \end{itemize} Now, I want to have a right curly brace (i.e. '}') behind the items spreading over issue1 and issue2. And of course I want to write somethi...

tikz: set appropriate x value for a node

This question resulted from the question here I want to produce a curly brace which spans some lines of text. The problem is that I have to align the x coordinate manually, which is not a clean solution. Currently I use \begin{frame}{Example} \begin{itemize} \item The long Issue 1 \tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate,yshift=0.7em...

What can you do to make your beamer presentation look great?

I just arrived at this page. It is both simple to implement and looks great. I'm looking for more such examples. ...

latex beamer: prevent showing the TOC at one occation

Normally I use \AtBeginSection[] { \begin{frame}<beamer>{Gliederung} \tableofcontents[currentsection] \end{frame} } in my preamble to reach that before a new sections starts the TOC is shown with the now starting section highlighted. In the talk I am actually preparing I have one special section for which I do not want this b...

How do you change the image of a bullet point in LaTeX Beamer

When I use the itemize environment, i.e. \begin{itemize} \item one \item two \item three \end{itemize} The bullet points are ugly bitmap graphics that have harsh (aliased) edges. I'd like it to be a nice, clean font character or vector graphic ...

Changing the colour of \textbullet in LaTeX Beamer

I don't want to use Beamer's standard blue colour theme. I want to use beaver, which is deep reds. Everything looks nice, except that if I use itemize the bullet points are still blue. Is there a nice way to have the bullets vary with what colour theme I was using? (If I were to opt for a yellowish colour theme, I'd expect the bullets to...

Beamer - make itemize (and space occupied) disappear

So I have two itemize's on one slide and a graphic underneath them both: \onslide<1>{ \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize} } \onslide<2>{ \begin{itemize} ... \end{itemize} } \includegraphics[width=5cm]{abc.eps} So what I want is for the first itemize to be visible on the first slide, and the second itemize t...

How can I apply a style to existing tikz node on specific slides

This is what I'm trying to do \begin{tikzpicture} [node distance = 1cm, auto,font=\footnotesize, % STYLES every node/.style={node distance=1.3cm}, comment/.style={rectangle, inner sep= 5pt, text width=4cm, node distance=0.25cm, font=}, module/.style={rectangle, drop shadow, draw, fill=black!10, inner sep=5pt, tex...

LaTex, Problem with Beamer and Listings

Hi, I'm trying to add some code in a presentation made with LaTex. I used beamer, added some frames without problems but once I add the listing, I can't compile the presentation anymore. \begin{frame}{Code} \begin{lstlisting} Sample Code \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} The error I pdflatex gave me is: Package Listings Warning: Text dro...

Changing the textwidth of the notes in Beamer (LaTeX)

I've been using the beamer class to create presentations in LaTeX and I love it. Recently I started using the \note command to add notes to my handout so that I have a printed version with some pointers to remind myself of things I want to say in the lecture. I have a problem with the longer lines in the notes environment as they seems t...

Hide presentation controls in LaTeX beamer presentation

Hi, I am currently building a presentation using LaTeX beamer. Is there a way to hide the presentation controls on the bottom of the slides? I don't use those controls an they sometimes collide with the slide's text. Thanks for fast answers! ...

How do I change the footer/footline of a single frame in Beamer?

So basically I've got something like this at the top of my tex file: \setbeamertemplate{footline}{Number \insertframenumber} This applies "Number <#>" to the footer/footline of all frames. Now what I want to do is change the footline for one single frame. Surprisingly, the following doesn't work: \begin{frame} \setbeamertemplat...

Having multiple slide templates in LaTeX Beamer

Hi all, I'd like to create a presentation using LaTeX beamer, that has two different sort of slide templates/layouts: one for slides with a background image and one layout/template for slides without a specified background image. Is there any trick to do this using beamer? Thanks in advance, Joost ...

Beamer latex question

How to remove the navigation bar of sections and subsections on the top of each slide generated from a beamer latex file? (The usepackage I use is beamerthemesplit} Thanks! ...

How to get rid of navigation bars in beamer

How to remove the navigation bar of sections and subsections on the top of each slide generated from a beamer latex file? By the way, in my preamble, I wrote: \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow} ...

How to set the font generated from a beamer latex file to Times New Roman?

How to set the font generated from a beamer latex file to Times New Roman in preamble? Thanks! ...

Latex: text should automatically fill the frame in Beamer slides

In beamer frames I want the contents to be spread out evenly across the frame. Using option \documentclass[slidestop]{beamer} I can easily specify the contents to be top/center aligned but when I have only few bullets on a slide they get clustered together at the top, I want beamer to decide the spacing between them automatically to spr...

beamer utility?

Hello! I want to make a presentation in Beamer. I have use Beamer for some time, still for this new feature I want to make in the presentation, I cannot find the solution with Beamer, as much as I would look for it. I hope that maybe you can help me with some idea. What I would want to do is the following: I want to have a slide with se...

Latex Beamer cuts text off

Hi all, The following simple Latex description does not result in the slide I want it to be. \begin{frame} \frametitle{Previous Work} \begin{itemize} \item [Hummer 1992] - First work in this area was conducted by Hummer \item [Goldreich et at. 2002] - Theoretical work that focused more on the power characteristics of embedded syste...