



Hi all,

The following simple Latex description does not result in the slide I want it to be.

\frametitle{Previous Work}
\item [Hummer 1992] - First work in this area was conducted by Hummer
\item [Goldreich et at. 2002] - Theoretical work that focused more on the power    characteristics of embedded systems

The problem is, that the text within the square brackets is cuts off. So it should look like this:

Hummer 1992           - First work in this area was conducted
                        by Hummer
Goldreich et al. 2002 - Theoretical work that focused more on
                        the power 

But it looks like this:

r 1992  - First work in this area was conducted by Hummer
l. 2002 - Theoretical work that focused more on the power 

Any idea how I can sort this out.


+1  A: 

The itemize environment is not meant to be used with long 'bullets'. Using the description environment does a better job (which also works in beamer as I checked), but it won't align the names and descriptions as you would like to sketch out.

There's always the tabular for doing exactly what you want.

+2  A: 

As progo said, the description environment fits better than itemize. Additionally, you could improve the alignment using the optional parameter of the description environment, specifying the width of the widest label:

\frametitle{Previous Work}
\begin{description}[Goldreich et at. 2002]
\item [Hummer 1992] First work in this area was conducted by Hummer
\item [Goldreich et at. 2002] Theoretical work that focused more
    on the power characteristics of embedded systems


alt text

Btw. if you would like to know how to get rid of the "default" beamer warnings have a look at this blog post regarding beamer warnings.
