



How to remove the navigation bar of sections and subsections on the top of each slide generated from a beamer latex file? (The usepackage I use is beamerthemesplit}



Beamer has different themes you can use, some of which include that navigation bar and some of which don't. The default theme, for example, doesn't include any navigation bar. All the themes available with Beamer are described in the user guide; just pick one that suits your requirements and use it:


for example.

If you want to alter an existing theme to remove the navigation bar, you can try setting


and see if that gives you a look you like. If not, you'll probably have to get into some theme-specific manipulations. The information needed to do this is in the user guide I linked to above.

David Zaslavsky
David, I tried that, but the navigation bar is still there. The preamble I wrote is: \usepackage{beamerthemesplit} \setbeamercovered{transparent} \useoutertheme{default} \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow}
That's because you are trying to use three different outer themes. Only the last one, in your case `shadow`, will actually be in effect. You should remove `\usepackage{beamerthemesplit}` and `\usepackage{beamerthemeshadow}` and only leave `\useoutertheme{default}`. (Also keep in mind that `\usepackage` is the wrong way to use a Beamer theme)
David Zaslavsky
David, thanks for your answer, but I want to keep the shadow effect and the color of the background. By removing \usepackage{beamerthemesplit} and \usepackage{beamerthemeshadow} and only leave \useoutertheme{default}, I don't have the shadow effect and the color of the background anymore, although the the navigation bar is removed. Do you have any other idea on this?
For that kind of fine-grained modification, you can use the theme but you'll have to override an individual Beamer template. I took a look at the source files that define the shadow template, and I _think_ you'll need to insert something like `\setbeamertemplate{headline}{}` after `\useoutertheme{shadow}` (and of course you should remove `\useoutertheme{default}`). But I'm not familiar with the process of modifying these templates, so you may need to examine the theme definitions yourself in connection with the Beamer user guide to figure out how to get the look you want.
David Zaslavsky

The stupid way to make sure the presentation structure does not show up, (independent of theme) comment out the \section and \subsection commands.

Niall Murphy