
getting an embedded resource in a single dll made up of multiple class libraries

my solution has multiple projects and in one of them I have the code to get the embedded resource (an xml file) from another project. All this works fine when all the projects are seperate. However when all the class libraries are embedded into a single dll, the code to get the resource file does not work i.e. it cannot get the emebedded...

Rails Single Table Inheritance - What is the best way to explicitly set type?

I am using single table inheritance in my rails application, and want to explicitly set the type of an instance. I have class Event < ActiveRecord::Base class SpecialEvent < Event Implemented through single table inheritance. works as expected, but I want to be able to do things like => 'SpecialEv...

LDAP Query Failure due to single quote

Hi, I'm trying to find an employee in Active Directory using the following c# code: "Select userPrincipalName, ADsPath, Department, Mail, HomeMDB, cn, ssn FROM 'LDAP://" + DomainName + "' WHERE objectCategory = 'person' and sAMAccountName = '" + UserName.Replace("'", "''") + "'"; When I run this for an employee with a single quote...

Can I use a single BIN folder for several ASP.NET applications?

Keep in mind that I don't want to use the GAC since my assemblies are frequently updated and I do not wish to register them after each update. ...

Single Table Inheritance And where to use it in Rails

I am stuck in a weird Design problem, I am working on a two type of profiles Models, User profile (belongs to User) others that are maintain in-site as "bots" (doesn't belong to anybody) The typical OO behaviour of these two types of Profiles is same but only the important attributes/properties are common ( the very important on...

How do I query only a single item from a database using LINQ?

I would like to get a LINQ-to-SQL query that returns only one item, not a collection of them? For example, I have a list of products with a particular name. There are no products with duplicate names in the database, so I want to be able to query and return just that instance of that product. Products product = from p in _productCon...

How to insert text with single quotation sql server 2005

I want to insert text with single quote Eg john's to table in sql server 2005 database ...

What's the difference between a single precision and double precision floating point operation?

Hi All, Just wondering what the difference between a signle precision floating point operation and double precision floating operation is. I'm especially interested in practical terms in relation to video game consoles, for example does the nintendo 64 have a 64 bit processor and if it does then would that mean it was capable of double...

Extract single element from list in F#

I want to extract a single item from a sequence in F#, or give an error if there is none or more than one. What is the best way to do this? I currently have let element = data |> (Seq.filter (function | RawXml.Property (x) -> false | _ -> true)) |> List.of_seq |> (function head :: [] -> head | head...

C# : how to - single instance application that accepts new parameters ?

I'm creating a (C#) program that downloads binaries using NZB files, there may only be one instance of my application running at any time. So when a user doubleclicks an .nzb-file and my program is not running, it should start and process it (easy, file registration). Now if my program is already running, I do NOT want to launch a secon...

Can we have a single portlet instance on multiple pages in liferay?

Can we have a single portlet instance on multiple pages in liferay? ...

(Ruby,Rails) CRUD nested models more than 4 levels deep on a single page...?

Hi All, As much amazing info as is out there, it often seems to fall just short of my demented requirements. That said, I'm looking for a mechanism by which to handle multiple nested models on a single page. Now, I've seen all the videos and posts (not really, but humor me) on nesting two models (Railscasts, etc.). However, I need to...

only update 1 column with linq

Hi, I'm using linq to retrieve a row from a table in the database. Now I only update 1 column. Then I update it back into the database. this goes well, except for the times any of the other fields is changed by another process/thread/user In that case I get an exception (optimistic concurrency), telling me to look out, values have been...

Escape Single Quote Characters when Importing to SQLite

Hi everyone. I have a records.txt file like this: INSERT INTO 'blogtitles' VALUES('Kelly's at house'); INSERT INTO 'blogtitles' VALUES('Nice catch!'); When i try to import records.txt into the db: sqlite3 my.db < records.txt It gives an error because of the first line. I have many lines like this in the records.txt file. I need a sed ...

can we set single file as external in subversion

can we set single file as external in subversion ...

C# passing Single as reference

I would like to have a method where the parameter could be Int32 or Single: void myMethod( ref object x ) { //...CodeHere } Since C# does not allow me to pass a specialization of object when using out or ref, the solution I found claimed that assigning the variable to a variable of the type object would be enough: Single s = 1.0...

SQL query to get duplicate record counts based on other factors

I have a table (participants) which has multiple columns that could all be distinct. Two columns that are of special interest in this query are the userID and the programID I have a two part inquery here. I want to be able to acquire the list of all userIDs that appear more than once in this table. How do I go about doing it? I want t...

Convert Single Line Comments To Block Comments

I need to convert single line comments (//...) to block comments (/*...*/). I have nearly accomplished this in the following code; however, I need the function to skip any single line comment is already in a block comment. Currently it matches any single line comment, even when the single line comment is in a block comment. That can't ha...

Access Running Instance Of Application

Hi, I found there are lots of posts showing how to detect if the application instance already running. But I cant find any one that shows how to access or use the same running application. I have created shell menu items and linked them an application. For ex. If you right click on any folder it shows "OS Monitor". If i clicked on that...

Multiple UITabbarComtroller in one iPhone App

Is it possible to have more than one UITabbarController in a single iPhone application? My application has more than one sections, each section needs to have its own UITabbarController to navigate with in that section. New section is to be loaded if a certain type of item is selected from previous section. Secondly the Back button in na...