
How can I extract all quotations in a text?

I'm looking for a SimpleGrepSedPerlOrPythonOneLiner that outputs all quotations in a text. Example 1: echo “HAL,” noted Frank, “said that everything was going extremely well.” | SimpleGrepSedPerlOrPythonOneLiner stdout: "HAL," "said that everything was going extremely well.” Example 2: cat MicrosoftWindowsXPEula.txt | SimpleG...

Strange behaviour XmlDocument.LoadXML and GetElementByID, how to delcare string with quotation mark

Here's some c# code string webPageStr = @"<html><body><div id=""content"">good content</div><div id=""badcontent"">bad content</div></body></html>"; XmlDocument webPage = new XmlDocument(); webPage.LoadXml(webPageStr); XmlElement divElement = webPage.GetElementById("content"); and divElement is equal null and i don't know why I ha...

What is the best way to markup a testimonial in XHTML?

I used to just use p and span elements for this... but I'm always pushing to use the right elements, and this is something I haven't really thought about before with regard to testimonials. This is what I had in mind <div class="testimonial"> <blockquote>i love your products</blockquote> <span>Jim Testimonial-giver</span> </div> Do...

How to insert text with single quotation sql server 2005

I want to insert text with single quote Eg john's to table in sql server 2005 database ...

how to display custom quotation marks with sifr?

I have some text and quotation marks around it, but I want each of them to be a different font to be replaced by sifr. The problem is that the quotes need to go exactly around the text, but the text once turned into an tag becomes a block and the text isn't shaped necessarily like a rectangle. I thought about having the quotes be backgr...

Evaluate Quoted Expression in F#

I hope I haven't missed something obvious, but I've been playing with F# expressions and I want to evaluate quoted expressions on the fly. For example, I want write something like this: let x = <@ 2 * 5 @> let y = transform x // replaces op_Multiply with op_Addition, or <@ 2 + 5 @> let z = eval y // dynamically evaluates y, returns 7 ...

How to use escape character in replace function when replacing quotations in VB

Here is my code snippet: Public Function convert(ByVal robert As String) Try robert = Replace(robert, "U", "A") robert = Replace(robert, "\"", "A") I want to actually replace the "quotations" with the A but the program doesn't seem to recognize the fact that I'm using an escape character in VB. Does a...

How to extract citations from a text (PHP)?

Hello! I would like to extract all citations from a text. Additionally, the name of the cited person should be extracted. DayLife does this very well. Example: “They think it’s ‘game over,’ ” one senior administration official said. The phrase They think it's 'game over' and the cited person one senior administration official sho...

Regexes for quotations

Hello! I've already got help here for creating a quotation extraction function. Thanks alot, soulmerge! Now I'm looking for regular expressions (PHP) which extract the cited text and the cited person. The person should be in one index (substring), the text in another index (substring). For English texts, soulmerge proposed these regex...

Is there any built-in function for human-readable F# quotations?

When quoting <@ 1 + 1 @> I want "1 + 1" instead of "Call (None, Int32 op_Addition[Int32,Int32,Int32](Int32, Int32), [Value (1), Value (1)])" ...

Looking for reference/quote/source on code maintenance

I have a vague recollection from way back in college of one my professors saying something to the effect that after only 3 weeks (on average) of not looking at the code for a program, studies showed the original author of the program had no benefit working with/maintaining that code vs a developer who had never seen the code. Going ba...

Why are quotation marks showing up on certain text only in Safari?

See this page: http://www.humanperformanceadvisors.com/Prairie/Oklahoma/Postcards/1.html and the pages following. Why am I seeing quotation marks surrounding the product descriptions? These do not appear in Internet Explorer, only in Safari. Any help? Thank you! ...

Extract string from between quotations

I want to extract information from user-inputted text. Imagine I input the following: SetVariables "a" "b" "c" How would I extract information between the first set of quotations? Then the second? Then the third? ...

F# quotation evaluation issue

I'm getting an issue with the F# powerpack quotation evaluation. open Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QuotationEvaluation let print x = System.Console.WriteLine(sprintf "%A" x) type record = { x:int; y:int } let val1 = { x = 1; y = 1; } let val2 = { x = 1; y = 1; } let result = val1 = val2 print result let quote = <@ let value1 = { x = 1; y = ...

random quote generator in php using mysql

i coded a random quote generator in php using mysql but also jquery. however when i try to integrate it with facebook, since i opted to use fbml, i could not use jquery. how do i get the quote to display randomly in php at say, 30 mins, without using jquery or javascript? ...

Converting F# Quotations into LINQ Expressions

Hi, I can convert a quotation of type Expr<'a -> 'b> to a Linq expression via the following snippet: /// Converts a F# Expression to a LINQ Lambda let toLambda (exp:Expr) = let linq = exp.ToLinqExpression() :?> MethodCallExpression linq.Arguments.[0] :?> LambdaExpression /// Converts a Lambda quotation into a Linq Lamba Expres...

How to get a name of a variable coming into a function as a parameter using F#?

Is there any way in F# how to get a name of a variable passed into a function? Example: let velocity = 5 let fn v = v.ParentName let name = fn velocity // this would return "velocity" as a string Thank you in advance EDIT: Why this code does not work? It is matched as value, so I can not retrieve the "variable" name. type Test() =...

using an alternative string quotation syntax in python

Just wondering... I find using escape characters too distracting. I'd rather do something like this: >>> print ^'Let's begin and end with sets of unlikely 2 chars and bingo!'^ Let's begin and end with sets of unlikely 2 chars and bingo! Note the ' inside the string, and how this syntax would have no issue with it, or whatever else i...

How I can put " within an HTML attribute value

I wish to have the following: <span title="This is a "good" title.">Catch me in the rice.</span> It is obvious that this is not rendered well by the browsers. Please provide me with information of what escape sequence or encoding like " I must use? ...

Elaboration of A quotation on 'Simple Design'

An excerpt from Programming Perls: A Simple Design : Antonie de Saint-Exupery, the Fresh writer and aircraft designer, said that, *"A designer knows he has arrived at perfection not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away."* More programmers should judge their work by this criteria. ...