
android image inside single select

I want to display images inside single select when it appears inside dialog. How can I do it? ...

LINQ to DataSet and xml help

I created a strongly-typed dataset in the dataset designer. The DataSet has a Table called FocusOffsetsTable and that table has four colums; SerialNumber, Filter, Wheel and Offset. I use the ReadXml() method of the DataSet class to load the strongly typed data from the xml file into the dataset. That seems to be working just fine. I am ...

How do i read single character input from keyboard using nasm (assembly) under ubuntu?

Hi, I'm using nasm under ubuntu. By the way i need to get single input character from user's keyboard (like when a program ask you for y/n ?) so as key pressed and without pressing enter i need to read the entered character. I googled it a lot but all what i found was somehow related to this line (int 21h) which result in "Segmentation F...

Single click and double click on the same Image control(wpf)

I am trying to have different behaviours when single clicking and double clicking the wpf Image control. Unfortunately the single click is fired first, so the double click is ignored. ...

How to use single quotes inside single quotes?

Hello. Can anyone explain how to make this code work? echo '<div id="panel1-under">Welcome <?php echo "$_SESSION['username']"; ?></div>'; I've tried removing the single quotes so it's like this: - "$_SESSION[username]" but it doesn't work. Appreciate any help. Thanks! ...

Force C# application to use a single core in a PC with a multicore processor

Hi guys this question might seem weird, but I'm using the Haptek People Putty player for my C# application and I've seen people say in the forums that it doesn't work well with a multicore processor. My application runs well on my Core 2 Duo laptop but it lags a lot when I try running it on a Quad Core desktop. I was thinking of investig...

How to read file from Makefile?

I am using GNU Make to build a multiple-directory project. My question is how can I use single makefile to build multiple devices? e.g. My application has to run on various X,Y,Z mobile devices each having different properties like screensize, keyboard type, platform version etc. I have to pass make -f <makefilename> <targetname>. Here...

Java - only allow once instance of application

Possible Duplicates: How to implement a single instance Java application? How do I make sure only one instance of my program can be executed? What is a good and easy way to achieve this? I've read methods involving binding to a port. Will this interfere with other applications using the same method? ...

Underlining Text in an <input> Box

I've gotten a request from a client to underline text in a text field. Both single and double lines. Is this even possible? I assume with some obscure plugin but I haven't found it yet. :P I've thought about there being 2 possibilities, if this is possible. 1) Underlining the text in the actual field. 2) Doing some crazy hack with tex...

disaply child category in single post (wordpresss)

hi i am trying to create a blog and a portfolio (both in one) wordpress theme im using categories for my posts (as many other blogs). i am using one category named portfolio, so that i can distinguish all my portfolio post from the blog posts. when use click on one of the portfolio post they go to a page, where they get some picture...

How can I update a single field from an entity with Entity Framework?

I need to load an object from the database, modify some of its fields and relations, and then I want to store a new value for only one field, without modifying the rest. It would look something like this: var thing = db.Things.First(); thing.Field1 = "asdas"; thing.Field2 = 23; thing.OtherThings.Add(new OtherThing()); thing.FieldToUpd...

Single Pages loading with index.php instead of single.php in wordpress

My single pages and posts are not being loaded by single.php, instead they are being loaded in index.php I'm not able to figure out the reason for this. My is a template which I have made myself and the loop in index.php is almost the same in the default theme of wordpress 3. This is creating lots of troubles for me. What could be the ...

Quick Question: C# Linq "Single" statement vs "for" loop

I need some clarification. Are these two methods the same or different? I get a little bit confused about when the reference to an object passed in a parameter by value is updated and when a new one is created. I know if that assignment creates a new reference, but what about changing a property? Will both of these methods update the...

how to receive UDP packets one by one from the port which is sending infinite UDP packets??

Hi I want to receive UDP packets one by one from the port which is sending infinite UDP packets. For that I have used recvfrom(). But after that call, packet is not getting stored in a buffer. So could you please tell me how to receive one by one????Thanks in advance....Following is my code... int cnt =10; while(recv) { result = recv...

Parallel Processes Results Written To Single File

I am new to Linux and was introduced to the "&" recently. I have to run several traceroutes and store them in a single file, and I am curious if I am able to kick off these traceroutes in parallel? I tried the following but the results in the generated file, are not kept apart? Well, that is what it seems to me. traceroute -n -z 10...

can't encode single quote (&#39;) using django's render_to_string

hello, i have a problem with django's render_to_string and encoding single quotes. ... = render_to_string('dummy.txt', {'request':request, 'text':text,}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))) why are only these quotes translated to '#39;' and all other special characters not? ...

Alternate layout views in single aspx page.

I want to make my ASPX page to look different based on some Object property. Assuming Customer is the object, I want to make Customer.aspx file layout different for both CustomerType.Regular and CustomerType.Vip values of the Customer.Type property. Theoretically it is possible for me to have two asp:Repeater controls with different Id'...

Item in listview to be displayed in single line each

Hi there, I have created a simple listview and added a few items in it. I am trying to add really long text in each item. I want this text to be displayed in single line only. the text that does not fit should fade in the corners. I have seen this kind of list in samsung galaxy s but somehow I am not able to achieve this. Can anyone hel...

Regular Expression to escape double quotes inside single quotes

Hi people. I would need a regular expression that escapes or captures (if not already escaped) ALL the double quote characters INSIDE a single quoted string and then convert the opening single quotes to double quotes! We are refactoring files that have a lot (and i mean a lot!) of single quoted strings in either PHP and also JS files. ...