
asp: Radiobutton List inside a repeater

I am trying to bind a radiobutton list inside a repeater. So for example my output will be : Group1 Group1 Group1 Group2 Group2 Group2 Group3 Group3 Group3 I need the user to be able to select only 1 item from Each group, so in total 3 items should be selected. <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate...

c# LINQ XML how to add function inside select query

select new FeedResource { Title = (string)details.Element("title"), Host = (string)details.Element("link"), Description = (string)details.Element("description"), PublishedOn = (DateTime?)details.Element("pubDate"), Generator = (string)details.Element("generator"), Language = (string)details.Element("language") ...

using gridview inside update pannel and generatring alert

hi friends , i'm using an gridview inside the update in that grid i have 3 columns when the values are entered in col 1 and 2 the values must be calculated and the result will display in col 3. now what i want is when the value in col 2 is entered i want an alert msg of showing that u r exceeding the value limit,say if only upt...

Event handler of Dropdownlist inside Gridview

I've added Dropdownlist in Gridview at RowDataBound event. The code is: if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { DropDownList ddlSeason = new DropDownList(); ddlSeason.DataSourceID = "odsRoomSeason"; ddlSeason.DataTextField = "SeasonTittle"; ddlSeason.DataValueField = "SeasonID"; ddlSeason.AutoPostBack = true; ddlSeason.Selec...

Javacript in html - Using single quote inside another single quote

document.getElementById("img").innerHTML="< img src='/sitepath/"+imgg+".jpg' width='72' height='44' onclick='alert('hello');' />"; The above code is my javascript. Problem is printing hello or any other string. If I just type 123 in place of hello, it does give alert. But am not able to use a string like hello there. Normally a string ...

inner DIV not accessible using document.getElementById

Hi, see below html <Div id="one"> <Div id="two"> </Div> </Div> when i am accessing div "two" with "document.getElementById("two") getting null. ...

How to assig a PHP variable a value inside a JavaScript block?

if ($page_title->exists()) { //the rest of the code is in i insert a javascript for the confirm box. echo'<script type= "text/javascript" > var b=confirm("This page already exists.would you want to edit"); if(b == true) //here i want to assign a php variable , say for eg. $a to 1 so that i can use that value of $a...

jQuery, access div inside a div

<div id="pic"> <div id="left"> <img src="images/left.png" /> </div> <div id="right"> <img src="images/right.png" /> </div> </div> I want to hide the div with id "right" when I click on the div with id "left" Code I am using: $("#left").click(function(){$("#right").hide();}); This is not working, what is the reason? A...

How do I run JUnit tests from inside my java application?

Is it possible to run JUnit tests from inside my java application? Are there test frameworks I can use (such as JUnit.jar?), or am I force to find the test files, invoke the methods and track the exceptions myself? The reason why I am asking is my application requires a lot of work to start launch (lots of dependencies and configuratio...

Image button inside search field?

Hey guys. I'm a CSS newbie and I was wondering how websites like or create their search buttons inside of of the text field? If you go to each website, you can see clearly what I mean. ...

Validation error while putting <h> tag inside <a> tag(document type does not allow element "h2")

when using this code: <div class="menu"> <ul id="mainnav"> <li><h2><a href="dir1/" >AAAAA</a></h2> <ul> <li><a href="dir1/xxx.php"><h3>xxx</h3></a></li> <li><a href="dir1/xxx2.php"><h3>xxx2</h3></a></li> <li><a href="d...

Gallery(Horizontal ListView) inside a ListView problem android

Ok i wasted 1 day of my life i think now is the time to ask for help :D I have a listview that has an image text ..etc (custom view) and one of its elements is a Gallery. (Aka horizontal listview) Gallery also is a custom view. SO.. here is the problem: I call the adaptor to set the custom view in the listview.Ok for now. Inside the list...

Python 2.6: Class inside a Class?

Hey everyone, my problem is that im trying to figure out how to get a class INSIDE another class. What I am doing is I have a class for an Airplane with all its statistics as to how fast it can fly, how far it can go, fuel consumption, and so on. Then I have a Flight Class which is all the details about the flight: Distance, starting lo...

How to obtain the current location inside a building using an iphone?

I played for a while with the maps framework from the iphone os sdk and the routemap api from cloudmade and it was fairly easy to display the current location and other information on a map by using the data provided by the GPS. I have the map of a building(airport, mall etc) transformed in tiles of some sort, my question is what would ...

How to use single quotes inside single quotes?

Hello. Can anyone explain how to make this code work? echo '<div id="panel1-under">Welcome <?php echo "$_SESSION['username']"; ?></div>'; I've tried removing the single quotes so it's like this: - "$_SESSION[username]" but it doesn't work. Appreciate any help. Thanks! ...

Lucene search - score higher if word or similar are in a Field

Hi, I need to know when a word or words are inside a field in my index, and have that document swith greater score. My problem is that if i search for "Sherton Hotel" I get this as greatest results Petit Hotel Crzy cow Simmonss And i would like this ones to have the greatest results Maui Sheraton Hotel near the moon A fantastic ho...

uiwebview can not open link

In the sdk sample code UICatalog, if i build in iPhone 3.2 or iPad, it can not open some link in, but it work in ios4. Is there someone know why and how to fix it? ...

XHTML: Placing DIVs in A tags

Hello! Is it alright to place div tags inside anchor tags? Will contents of the div redirect the page to the href of the anchor tag? Thank you. ...

How to use if condition inside string in php

Hi, I want to know if there is a way to use something like this: $t1=1; $t2=2; $t3="$t1>$t2"; if($t3) echo "Greater"; else echo "Smaller"; This will evaluate to true as $t3 is a string, but that's wrong!!! So is there a way to include the if condition inside string. I heard that we can use eval for this: http://stackoverflow....

How can i write an HTML parts code using C# language inside a specific part

<td runut="server" id="sa"> </td> i have a dynamic ASP button and i want to insert a HTML code inside that "TD" (above). just by pressing the button. please help me. ...