


document.getElementById("img").innerHTML="< img src='/sitepath/"+imgg+".jpg' width='72' height='44' onclick='alert('hello');' />";

The above code is my javascript. Problem is printing hello or any other string. If I just type 123 in place of hello, it does give alert. But am not able to use a string like hello there. Normally a string in an alert function is kept inside quotes ' ' but the entire content is inside double quotes and I have already used single quote at the beginning of onclick function. I tried using Escape character ("\") but it didnt help. Any suggestions?

+6  A: 

Try this:

document.getElementById("img").innerHTML = '<img src="/sitepath/' + imgg + '.jpg" width="72" height="44" onclick="alert(\'hello\');" />';
Darin Dimitrov

You will need to use the double quotes and escape it in the onclick attribute

document.getElementById("img").innerHTML="<img src='/sitepath/"+imgg+".jpg' width='72' height='44' onclick=\"alert('hello');\" />";

Masood Ahmad

It doesn't matter if your outer quotes are single or double. You can escape a character within an outer string with a backslash... \' becomes ' within the string itself. Either Darin's or Masood's example will work. But Masood is ignorant in reference to a need to use double-quotes as the outside enclosure.


If you use apostrophes as delimiter for the HTML attributes, you have to HTML encode the apostrophes that you put inside the attribute:

document.getElementById("img").innerHTML="< img src='/sitepath/"+imgg+".jpg' width='72' height='44' onclick='alert(&#39;hello&#39;);' />";

I prefer using apostrophes as string delimited in Javascript and quotation marks as delimiters for HTML attributes. Then you just escape the apostrophes that you have inside the Javascript string:

document.getElementById("img").innerHTML='< img src="/sitepath/'+imgg+'.jpg" width="72" height="44" onclick="alert(\'hello\');" />';

To put any string inside a Javascript, inside an HTML attribute, inside a string in Javascript, you do:

  • escape any string delimiters in the string
  • HTML encode the Javascript code
  • escape any string delimiters in the HTML string
They aren't apostrophes: they're single quotes. Apostrophes are the same character, but serve quite a different grammatical function.
@TRiG: Yes, they are apostrophes. To be specific, it's a "typewriter apostrophe". A quote is not a character at all, it's the text that you put between quotation marks, so to be correct you should call it "single quotation mark" which is a bit cumbersome, and still not really correct as that is a different character. The real quotation marks (single, double and all the others) are typographic characters, and not what's used in Javascript.
+1  A: 

You have JavaScript inside HTML inside JavaScript. That's naturally confusing. Better to avoid the string-slinging problems of quoting and escaping (which, got wrong, can easily lead to security holes when user-submitted data is used), and do it the DOM way:

var img= new Image();
img.src= '/sitepath/'+imgg+'.jpg';
img.width= 72;
img.height= 44;
img.onclick= function() {