I need some clarification. Are these two methods the same or different? I get a little bit confused about when the reference to an object passed in a parameter by value is updated and when a new one is created. I know if that assignment creates a new reference, but what about changing a property? Will both of these methods update the field "_someObjectList" the same way?
public class SomeObject{
public Guid UniqueKey { get; set; }
public object SomeProperty{ get; set; }
public class SomeObjectListWrapper{
public SomeObjectListWrapper(List<SomeObject> someObjectList){
_someObjectList = someObjectList;
private readonly List<SomeObject> _someObjectList;
public void ReplaceItemPropertyValue1(Guid itemUniqueKey, object propertyValue)
List<int> resultIndices = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < _someObjectList.Count(); i++)
if (_someObjectList[i].UniqueKey == itemUniqueKey)
if (resultIndices.Count != 1)
throw new Exception(
"just pretend this is the same exception as Single() throws when it can't find anything");
_someObjectList[resultIndices[0]].SomeProperty = propertyValue;
public void ReplaceItemPropertyValue2(Guid itemUniqueKey, object propertyValue)