
Getting a full list of the URLS in a rails application

How do I get a a complete list of all the urls that my rails application could generate? I don't want the routes that I get get form rake routes, instead I want to get the actul URLs corrosponding to all the dynmically generated pages in my application... Is this even possible? (Background: I'm doing this because I want a complete li...

Listings in Latex with UTF-8 (or at least german umlauts)

Trying to include a source-file into my latex document using the listings package, i got problems with german umlauts inside of the comments in the code. Using \lstset{ extendedchars=\true, inputencoding=utf8x } Umlauts in the source files (encoded in UTF-8 without BOM) are processed, but they are somehow moved to the beginning of the...

Highlighting a Chunk of Code within a lstlisting

I have a bunch of code in a lstlisting environment. How can I highlight (color background) just a particular chunk of code within the environment? ...

How to list variables declared in script in bash?

In my script in bash, there are lot of variables, and I have to make something to save them to file. My question is how to list all variables declared in my script and get list like this: VARIABLE1=abc VARIABLE2=def VARIABLE3=ghi Is there some EASY way for this? ...

Latex: How to make listings subfloats use listing counters, TOC, etc.

I have a macro that do side-by-side figures, below. It uses subfloats, and so it goes in a figure. \newcommand{\listbylist}[6][showlines=true]{ \begin{figure} \subfloat[ ]{ \lstinputlisting[showlines=true,#1]{#2} \label{#4:A} } \hfill{} \subfloat[ ]{ ...

verb/lstinline text flows out of the line margins without line break in Latex

The listings package supports line breaks inside lstlisting environment. But it doesn't produce automatic line breaks for lstinline environment. For example, in the following paragraph the first line flows out of the margins: The parameters \lstinline|base_rmr_brain|, \lstinline|base_rmr_fat|, and \lstinline|baseline_basal_rmr_of_lean_t...

Listing all SVN repositories

In subversion is there a command to list all the available repositories registered on a particular host? For eg., In clearcase, a "cleartool lsvob" would give me the listing of all the versioned databases in a given region. I have not been able to find anything akin to this in subversion. Thanks ...

Formatting source listings with listings & framed packages

Hello *, I currently have a problem, that listings package cannot spread source files across multiple pages. In the doc is written, that the "framed" package should be used for various formatting option. Unfortunately I did not find any docs for the "framed" package. My current source formatting looks like this for C# sources: My for...

LaTeX: Line breaking of long lines, how to mark these?

Hi everyone I have a Latex code similar to the following: \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ breaklines = true, numbers = left, stepnumber = 5, } \begin{lstlisting} for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 1; i <= 10, j < foo; i++, j *= factor, k--) { // a comment here % something code here ... } \end{lstlisting} The lon...

<UL> <LI> tag issue in firefox

Hi, When I am aligning items vertically using <ul> & <li> tag, the following issue occurs My code is as follows : < ul> < li> yahoo < /li> < li> google < /li> < ul> I'm getting yahoo google listed horizontally in Firefox...but in IE am able to get it vertically. Plz help :) ...

Latex: reset font style

Is there a way I can reset the style of a certain character sequence? I'm using the listings package to display source code and the prebreak property to display a escape character \ to indicate that the current lines was broken. The problem is that sometimes the backslash is colored because of the syntax highlighting used. So I need bas...

Latex listings-package format option for uppercase keywords

I use the listings package to insert source code. I would like to print all keywords uppercase in the output, regardless of the case in the input. The manual states that keywordstyle=[number][*]style produces just what I want. However the following (almost) minimal example does not work. if I set keywordstyle to "[1][]{\bfseries}" I...

linenumbering with listings package in latex

Hi, I am trying to insert a code snippet with the listingspackage, and want the lines numbered. However I would like only every 5th line and the first to be numbered (numbers beeing(1,5,10,15,...)) according to the manual: stepnumber=5 should do the trick, however using my minimal example (see bottom), I get the line numbers 1,6,11,1...

Latex listings package ignores last blank line in listing

Hi: I use LaTeX listing package with \lstinputlisting to display text from an external file. The file contains a data format description with a blank line at the end. The package ignores the blank line. How can I show the blank line in a listing? What it displays: 1 lorem ipsum... 2 more lorem ipsum 3 lorem lorem ipsum What I want: ...

Formatting Objective C code using listing in LaTeX

I am wondering how one is supposed to format Objective C code using the listings package of LaTeX? I know that the language supports C (Objective) , so how do i set this in the \lstset language option? Thanks ...

How do I emphasize parts of an lstlisting?

How can I set certain parts of an lstlisting in boldface? \begin{lstlisting}[escapechar=@] fun(foo, bar, @\textbf{baz}@ ); \end{lstlisting} This compiles, but baz isn't set in boldface :( What am I missing? ...

[LaTeX] Change "List of Listings" text

I tried to change the "List of Listings" text with the command \renewcommand*{\lstlistlistingname}{List of XYZ} before my \begin{document}. What's wrong with this? By the way \renewcommand*{\lstlistingname}{NewListing} worked like a charm. Edit: No error occurred, just no change in the text. It's still "List of Listings". By the...

Latex Listing: Define Font

How do I define a font to a listing? I would like one font on the line numbers (Sans 6pt) and another (Monospace (8pt) on the code. ...

Latex: center text within listing

How do I center text within a listing in Latex? Or another way not using listing. (Need a box with monospace font) ...

List of hackathons

Since I cannot find my answer in the almighty Google I decided to try Stackoverflow. I would like to know if there is such a thing as a list of hackathons or projects supporting them. The wikipedia article mostly talks about OpenBSD but I am quite sure that other projects have done such thing (I believe KDE and GNOME have done so) ...