
How to create a new figure in Matlab?

Usually when I plot in Matlab it always draws on the same figure. How to make it draw in a new figure? I know it is pretty elementary, but I'm not finding it on Google. ...

constructing the contour of a 2d figure(in particular a triangulation)

Hi, How would I go about constructing the contour of 2d figure which is formed of only triangles and it can have holes and the external contour can be concave/convex and the holes can also be concave/convex. From what I'm reading over here it seems that It's exactly the inverse of the triangulation problem. Do you know any articles tre...

both a top and a bottom axis in pylab (e.g. w/ different units) (or left and right)

I'm trying to make a plot with pylab/matplotlib, and I have two different sets of units for the x axis. So what I would like the plot to have is two axis with different ticks, one on the top and one on the bottom. (E.g. one with miles and one with km or so.) A picture says more than a thousand words. Something like the graph below (but ...

Custom margin settings for figure in LaTeX

I have a fairly large figure in a LaTeX document. This figure is too large for the left and right margin of the document. This results in the figure being placed flush with the left margin, and way beyond the right margin. What I want is to do, is center the figure on the page. Can I do this, e.g. by setting a different left margin for t...

Subfigs of a figure on multiple pages

Dear All I am facing problem of stacking many figures The problem is the stack figure is overriding the page dimension vertically and placing all the figure in one page and not changing the page as the limitation of page is reached. How can page be changed while stacking all the figures. \usepackage{subfig} \usepackage{float} \begin{...

To have names for figures in LaTeX

I need to have labels for figures. However, I am not sure where is the bug, since the following figure -command should be correct: \begin{figure}\label{ERD figure} \includegraphics[width=13.0cm]{/Users/cs/pictures/user-cases.png} \end{figure} I removed already some commands from my main document. It solves the bug with the ge...

latex, multicol, figure*

I am using the multicol package, with two columns, and need a figure to span both columns. I am aware of \begin{figure*}, but I do not want the figure to float. I have been googling for about an hour, to no avail. Any help would be great. ...

Latex: How to make listings subfloats use listing counters, TOC, etc.

I have a macro that do side-by-side figures, below. It uses subfloats, and so it goes in a figure. \newcommand{\listbylist}[6][showlines=true]{ \begin{figure} \subfloat[ ]{ \lstinputlisting[showlines=true,#1]{#2} \label{#4:A} } \hfill{} \subfloat[ ]{ ...

Quality degradation in figures in latex

Possible Duplicate: LaTeX images Images in documents created by latex look worse than their originals. Why is that? ...

Latex: Page number suppressing when a figure covers the whole page

I want to suppress page number in a page where a figure covers the whole page. \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{figure}[H] \centering \fbox{\includegraphics[height=0.95\textheight]{853}} \caption{Whole Model Part 1} \label{fig:wholemodel} \end{figure} I use the command \thispagestyle{empty} as suggested. But this command d...

Plot Overlay MATLAB

How do you take one plot and place it in the corner (or anywhere for that matter) of another plot in MATLAB? I have logarithmic data that has a large white space in the upper right-hand side of the plot. In the white space I would like to overlay a smaller plot containing a zoomed in version of the log plot in that white space (sort ...

How to force two figures to stay on the same page in LaTeX?

I have two images that I want to display on a page as figures. Each eats up little less than half of the space available so there's not much room for any other stuff on that page, but I know there is enough space for both of the figures. I tried to place the figures with [ht] and [hb], both [h] and both [ht] but still I can't get those t...

Adding full page figures in Latex, how?

I have a full-page figure that LaTeX keeps putting at the end because of its size. I would like it to be integrated on a separate page in the flow of text. How can I do it? ...

Merging two figures in Matlab

I am currently running a Matlab script (below) which produces four seperate graphs. I want to combine two of these graphs so that the are displayed simultaneously. The graphs I wish to combine i referred to as FIGURE 2 and FIGURE 4 in the below script. The only input to the script is a txt file with 6 columns: x coordinates, y-coordinat...

Margin Figures in Latex

Hi, I would like to put some figures in margin in my latex documents. I want them to be non-float. Is there any package for it. thanks ...

Inline figures with equation-like numbering in LaTeX

For some reason I thought it would be nice to have inline figures (i.e. no floats) just like the equation environment. They would have to be numbered, as I want to be able to refer to them later on. I've come up with two attempts, but both have their shortcomings. I'm hoping for some feedback that can sort me out. The first attempt uses...

Compilation of latex file

Hi, I am compiling a latex file on a server and download from there the generated dvi, ps and pdf files to view them. The latex file by \includegraphics includes some figure files which are not on my local machine. I found that dvi file generated by latex command does not show the figures after dowloaded to my local, but ps file genera...

Figures occurring after ^ and _ macros (was: LaTeX limitation?)

Hi, I've hit an annoying problem in LaTeX. I've got a tex file of about 1000 lines. I've already got a few figures, but when I try to add another figure, It barfs with: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> ... \sf@size \z@ \selectfont \@currbox l.937 \begin{figure}[t] If I move the figure to other parts of the file, I can get s...

Problem with empty line in FlowDocument with Figure in WPF

I put this content as Document in FlowDocumentReader. FlowDocument flDoc = new FlowDocument(); flDoc.ColumnGap = 10; flDoc.ColumnWidth = 130; flDoc.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Justify; flDoc.IsOptimalParagraphEnabled = true; flDoc.IsHyphenationEnabled = true; flDoc.IsColumnWidthFlexible = true; Paragraph par = new Paragraph(); par....

How to center Label vertical and horizontal in draw2d Figure ?

I have the following situation: Label label = new Label(); label.setText("bla"); RoundedRectangle fig = new RoundedRectangle(); fig.add(label); FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout(); layout.setStretchMinorAxis(true); fig.setLayoutManager(layout); fig.setOpaque(true); That works only to center the label vertical or horizontal by using l...