
Creating Redundancy for a Subversion Repository?

What is the best way to create redundant subversion repositories? I have a subversion repository (linked through apache2 and WebDAV) and would like to create a mirror repository on a different server in the event of outages, but I am not certain of the best way to proceed. I am thinking that post-commit scripts could be used to propaga...

LINQ, entity that implements Interface and exception in mapping

I'm using repository pattern with LINQ, have IRepository.DeleteOnSubmit(T Entity). It works fine, but when my entity class has interface, like this: public interface IEntity { int ID {get;set;} } public partial class MyEntity: IEntity { public int ID { get { return this.IDfield; } set { this.IDfield=value; } ...

Bug Repository

Hello, Is there any opensource or public domain repository of bugs where one can see the various bugs, symptoms of those bugs, and their fixes. The bugs could be from any part of the code, OS, GUI, device drivers etc. I guess if at there is anything like this, it might be from some open source development initiative like Linux Kernel D...

Subversion revision number across multiple projects

When using Subversion (svn) for source control with multiple projects I've noticed that the revision number increases across all of my projects' directories. To illustrate my svn layout (using fictitious project names): /NinjaProg/branches /tags /trunk /StealthApp/branches /tags ...

How Do I Find a File in a Subversion Repository History?

Is it possible to look back through the history of a subversion repository for files of a certain name (even better would be for them to have a wildcard search). I want to see if a .bat file has been committed to the repository at some point in the past but has since been removed in later updates. Even a dump of the file history at each...

What open source hosting service should I use?

The story so far: sourceforge google code assembla cvs dude launchpad github gitorious codeplex freehg bzr what else is out there? which ones do you use? what are their pros and cons? how's your experience with them? which would you recommend for a new project? etc... ...

Setting up replicated repositories in Plastic SCM

So we're trying to set up replicated repositories using PlasticSCM, one in the US, and one in Australia and running into a bit of a snag. The US configuration is Active Directory, the AU configuration is User/Password. This in itself is not a big deal, I've already set up the SID translation table. The problem is with plasticscm's r...

Where do you go when you need an open-source library or module?

For applications, I usually head off to SourceForge, GoogleCode, and FreshMeat. But is there anywhere that deals exclusively in free libraries? A similar discussion is ongoing for Java, but I'm curious about all languages - Java, PHP, .NET, Ruby, C/C++, etc. It doesn't even have to be OO. ...

How do I figure out what I need to know?

I am a novice programmer who is trying to teach myself to code, specifically in C#. I've taken on a project from a friend of mine and I am not sure what I need to know to get the project done. I suppose the issue is I don't know what I need to know to even get the project started. I do have many of the basics of object oriented programm...

How to keep Stored Procedures and other scripts in SVN/Other repository?

Can anyone provide some real examples as to how best to keep script files for views, stored procedures and functions in a SVN (or other) repository. Obviously one solution is to have the script files for all the different components in a directory or more somewhere and simply using TortoiseSVN or the like to keep them in SVN, Then whene...

Should I store all projects in one repository or mulitiple?

I am currently using TortoiseSVN to manage a couple of the projects that I have on the go at the moment. When I first moved everything into source control I wasn't really sure how everything should be laid out so I ended up putting each project into its own repository. I was wondering would it be a good idea for me just to move them a...

How do you structure your SVN repository?

What is better? A: server:1080/repo/projectA/trunk/... branches/branch1 branches/branch2 branches/branch3 tags/tag1/... tags/tag2/... server:1080/repo/projectB/trunk/... branches/br...

What's the point of testing fake repositories?

I've been trying to push my mentallity when developing at home to be geared more towards TDD and a bit DDD. One thing I don't understand though is why you would create a fake repository to test against? I haven't really looked into it much but surely the idea of testing is to help decouple your code (giving you more flexability), trim ...

How do you organize your git repositories?

"Traditional" version control systems follow a "Cathedral" model -- all the code is stored in one main repository. Distributed Version Control Systems like git allow a lot more flexibility in organizing your multiple repositories. You can "push" changes, "pull" changes, and "clone" repositories. Have you organized your repositories al...

Alternative Data Access pattern to Repository

I have certain objects in my domain which are not aggregate roots/entities, yet I still need to retrieve them from a database. I don't want to confuse things by creating repositories for these things. So, what are alternative data access patterns? Would you simply create a DAO for them, while still of course separating the interface? E...

DDD / Repository

Hello, I am very new to DDD. My SQL table contains a list of styles, every style has colors and sizes. Now, I am working on an application, where the user will see three dropdownlists, one for style, one for the color and one for the size. Now initially these dropdownlists are loaded with the distinct values. The user is then able to se...

What would be a good VCS repository to read/help?

I've been writing code, mostly proprietary, for a long time; spaghetti code and the like. I took a few years out of the industry though and feel like I missed something enormous. I've spent some time studying books but I want to get my hands a little dirty - so I ask, what would be a good VCS repository to read/involve myself with? ...

Where does this functionality go?

Context: The structure of the code is that a WCF service (server-size) talks to a domain model, which talks to the data layer. I have a need that work assignments (for real people) need to be created when certain values change in an entity. Currently, I have placed that logic in the WCF service, but it makes me feel kind of icky. I ...

How do you mock UnitOfWork from Rhino.Commons?

My application is using Rhino.Commons - NHRepository and UnitOfWork. I like the With.Transaction() syntax for transactions and have been using it for some time. But I ran into a problem - how do I mock a UnitOfWork for testing? Especially this is causing trouble for me: With.Transaction(() => Repositories.TwinfieldSpooler.Update(spool...

How much logic should i put my repository methods when using repository pattern?

Hi, i'm struggling a bit with repositories. I'm using C# and NHibernate. The question i have is : how much should my repository do before it calls a save or a get? For example i have a user class which is an aggregate root. I want to call a method called "register" which will add the user and set some default values based on business ...