Hi everyone
I have a Latex code similar to the following:
breaklines = true,
numbers = left,
stepnumber = 5,
for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 1; i <= 10, j < foo; i++, j *= factor, k--) { // a comment here
% something code here ...
The long line with the for-loop gets automatically broken somewhere in the middle because the paper is too narrow. That's just what I want, otherwise the line would disappear at the end of the paper. But now my question is whether there is a way to mark or indicate that this line was broken. Otherwise it looks like a new line was created.
Something like that is what I want (with line numbers, notice the arrow):
10 for (int i = 0, j = 0, k = 1; i <= 10, j < foo;
↳ i++, j *= factor, k--) { // a comment here
11 % something code here ...
Thanks & hope for an answer soon :)